Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1906: Really wake up

In the speculative speculations of Yan Sanzu and others, the vibration of the underground continued to increase. At first, only a hundred miles were shaking, but only after three days, the vibration has spread to a radius of a million miles!

A month later, even a few miles away, there was a strong shock.

Three months, a billion miles!

With Huang Xiaolong as the center, the area is about 100 million miles away, everything is shaking, and the dust on the ground even flies up one meter high.

Recently, Huang Xiaolong’s ancestors and other ancestors stood on the ground, shaking, and it was difficult to stand still and had to fly in the air.

Everyone was shocked.

"This, is it really necessary to break through the realm of the Emperor?"

"However, when we broke through the great emperor at the same time, did we not have such a big shock?" Liu Zisen was shocked.

As early as two years ago, there was no ancient ghost to attack again, so everyone was paying close attention to the underground changes.

Soon, the ground began to crack.

The cracks continued to extend. At the beginning, the crack was only one meter and half a meter, but soon, the crack expanded to ten meters, tens of meters, one hundred meters, and kilometers!

As these cracks continue to expand, chaotic aerosols continue to leak out of the ground.

These chaotic aerosols have chaotic innate thunder, the power of ancient dragons, the power of the Golden Buddha, the power of the magic, and the power of hell.

A glaze of glaze is also constantly transmitted from these cracks.

When the rift is getting bigger and bigger, the brilliance of the glaze is getting stronger and stronger, just like the tens of thousands of glazed sun shining in the ground.

Suddenly, a slow and powerful pulsation came from the depths of the ground.

This pulsating voice, such as the scream of death, is like the ancient drums, and like the **** of millions of races.

The sound is not big, but the three ancestors and other people can hear it clearly.

This voice, as if it can penetrate the soul of human beings, can be branded into the heart of people, and people are deeply shocked, deeply feared, and fearless.

"What is this sound?!" The three ancestors of the three ancestors were all terrified.

Frightened from the bottom of my heart.

Frightened by the difficulty of suppression.

This voice, though not big, gives them a strong oppression and uneasiness.

"This is the heart of **** is waking up!" The four with a dragon tail did not suddenly open.

The four heads and fours did not open as much as they did. They almost did not open their mouths. At this time, they suddenly opened their mouths and let the three ancestors of the three ancestors squat.

However, when he heard that the head of the four did not say that the heart of **** was waking up, the three ancestors were shocked.

"Heart of Heart!"


"Yes, it's waking up, really waking up!" The four of the whole body full of phoenix feathers are not like the interface.

Really wake up!

When Huang Xiaolong broke through to the great emperor, the heart of **** really awakened, and Huang Xiaolong, the Pluto, really awakened! At that time, Huang Xiaolong, the prince of Pluto, can be said to be justified!

At that time, the heart of **** really awakens, and integrates with the three circles of hell. With the power of the three worlds of hell, Huang Xiaolong can get the constant support from the three circles of hell.

At that time, even if it was eclipsed, it could not destroy the heart of hell, and it would kill Huang Xiaolong.

In fact, not only the three ancestors, the entire ancient battlefield of the hungry, all the billions of ancient ghosts have heard the voice of the heart of hell, all the ancient ghosts are caught in a kind of fear, a kind of fear, a kind of terror oppression from the darkest source of the darkness makes them Crazy panic.

However, the whole battlefield of the hungry monsters is the voice of the heart of hell. No matter where these ancient ghosts fled to the ancient battlefield of the hungry, they could not get rid of this voice.

Some ancient ghosts rushed out of the passage of the ancient battlefield of the hungry, and came to the swallow empire.

Soon, the news of the ancient ghosts of the ancient battlefield of Hungry Demon from the Hungry Magic Passage spread, and the powerful players of World of Warcraft could not help but be surprised.

"What, there are many ancient ghosts who escaped from the hungry magic channel?!"

"It’s just a lot, I’m afraid there are hundreds of thousands, millions!”

Everyone was shocked and unbelievable.

This is something that has never happened before.

The magic and death of the ancient battlefields of the hungry are the things that these ancient ghosts depend on for survival. Therefore, in the past, there were very few ancient ghosts who left the ancient battlefield of the hungry, like there are, and occasionally one or two.

Now, there are hundreds of thousands of millions of ancient ghosts to escape!

"What happened to the ancient battlefield of Hungry, how come so many ancient ghosts to escape!"

More and more powerful people continue to come to the entrance and exit of the Hungry Magic Passage.

Although everyone suspected that something must have happened in the ancient battlefield of Hungry, it made these ancient ghosts escape, but no one dared to rush into the passage.

At this time, hundreds of thousands of ancient ghosts rushed out of the passage, even if many great tenth-order powerhouses did not dare to go in easily.

Chiyou, the mad thunder demon, the black-browed demon teacher Cui Huajie and others also came to the vicinity of the entrance to the hungry magic channel.

"You are an adult, this, will it be related to the glass magic monument?" Cui Huajie, the leader of the black-browed demon, boldly guessed that he was on the road.

In the past few years, the powerful parties gathered in the swallow empire, and almost all the kingdoms of the swallow empire have been searched all over, but they still can't find Tan Zhihui, and they have not seen the shadow of the glass magic monument.

The only place that has not been searched is this ancient battlefield of starvation, and now the ancient battlefield of the hungry magic is so different, it is indeed doubtful.

"Yes, Chiyou adults, these ancient ghosts have escaped from all over the place, too embarrassed." The change of the ancestors of the ancestors Chen Xie also attached to the channel.

Chiyou and the mad Lei Mozun looked at each other and they all shook their heads.

"The power of the six great magic monuments, we both know clearly, this must have nothing to do with the glass magic monument, I am afraid that there is something horrible to wake up or resurrect, so that these ancient ghosts are so flustered."

The mad thunder demon nodded.

"Then what are we?" asked Chen Xie, the ancestors of the ever-changing Mozong.

"Let's take a look and say, wait for these ancient ghosts to stop, and we will go into the ancient battlefield of Hunger," said Youyou.

The black-browed demon, the ever-changing Mozong was the first to look at the Yu, and he heard that Cui Huajie, Chen Xie and so on can only wait for the ancient ghost to stop entering the ancient battlefield of Hunger.

At this time, within the ancient battlefield of Hungry, the glory of the dragon wrapped in Huang Xiaolong is even more glorious, the heart of **** in the chest of Huang Xiaolong, the darkness of the light, the world, the dark light through the heavy space, everything Can't stop this light.

I don't know how much time and space, and the three circles of hell, which are far away from the billions of miles, are slowly showing a ray of light. These rays are like the light of Ruixiang, one by one hanging above the void of the three circles of hell.

All the strong in the three circles of Hell looked at the sudden changes in the void, and they were all shocked.

Then, there are countless races in the Three Realms of Hell, countless families, and countless sects of the door to the Hell's Three Realms seem to have something to wake up.


A loud noise blew in the hearts of all the disciples of all the powerful people in Hell.


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