Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1908: Who killed it?

Looking at the millions of miles in front of me, I don’t know how many great canyons, and the three ancestors and others all took a breath.

Even Huang Xiaolong was shocked. Just now, he just tweeted a little, and even half of the power was not used, causing such damage?

What if it is full? !

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong was happy in his heart.

Unexpectedly, the power of the chaos axe that his great emperor will unite is so strong!

"However, I wonder if it can be transformed into invisible?" Huang Xiaolong suddenly thought.

The emperor's will of other great powers is invisible, and his should also be transformed into invisible?

Thinking of this, Huang Xiaolong tried to let the chaotic axe dissipate. Sure enough, under his feelings, the chaotic axe began to dissipate and became invisible.

Then, Huang Xiaolong made his great emperor cohesive and formed into a chaotic axe.

So many times, Huang Xiaolong gradually reached the heart.

Moreover, Huang Xiaolong also had a general understanding of his will to the Emperor. For example, when it is tangible, it can only be condensed into a chaotic axe. When it is invisible, it can be transformed into any form attack. For example, it can be turned into an invisible big hand, an invisible big foot, an invisible mountain. Invisible blade.

However, when it is transformed into an invisible shape, the attack power is much weaker.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong began to look inside his own chest of hell, this time after breaking into the emperor, the heart of **** became the most amazing.

At this point, the heart of **** is like a miniature version of the three prisons and three realms!

The Shura world, the undead world, the ghost world, the most primitive power of the Three Realms, condensed after hundreds of billions of times, and then flowed continuously in the heart of hell.

The power of the three realms is in harmony with each other, and the power of darkness is vast.

In the past, there was no breakthrough. The heart of **** was like a huge ocean. It contained the most intrinsic power of hell, but the ground of breakthrough, the space of **** was completely free from the **** and expanded by tens of thousands of times.

It is no exaggeration to say how big the three prisons are now, and how big is the inner space of the **** heart of Huang Xiaolong's chest!

How many sources of power in the Hell's Three Realms, then his Hell's heart has many sources of power.

Just when Huang Xiaolong carefully felt the vast and infinite power of the chest and the heart of hell, suddenly, in the distance, there was chaos.

Everyone has a glimpse.

this is?

Huang Xiaolong laughed, it was Lu Xiaoqing!

Previously, he gave Lu Xiaoqing two kinds of spiritual ginseng. Now it seems that Lu Xiaoqing has to break through to the realm of the great emperor.

Lv Xiaoqing can break through, Huang Xiaolong has long expected, but did not expect that Lu Xiaoqing will break through so soon.

Of course, Lv Xiaoqing can break through so quickly, and it also benefits from the bright future that Guangming has given him. This bright array can make Lv Xiaoqing speed up the refining and tempering.

Seeing that Lu Xiaoqing is about to break through, Huang Xiaolong will stay and stay.

Lv Xiaoqing wants to truly break through to the realm of the great emperor, I am afraid that it will take some days. Therefore, after Lu Xiaoqing successfully broke through, they will leave.

Moreover, he has just broken through to the realm of the great emperor, just to consolidate it.

Huang Xiaolong sat down in the semi-empty disk and reached for a trick. The glass magic monument came to him.

At this point, he has refining the glass magic monument, he can control the glass magic monument at will.

Just when Huang Xiaolong stayed in the ancient battlefield of Hungry Demon to consolidate the great emperor, due to the disappearance of the sound of Hell's heart, the ancient ghost of the ancient battlefield of Hunger finally stopped panic.

Outside the entrance and exit of the passage, everyone saw that the ancient ghost no longer escaped.

"Stop?!" Cui Huajie, the leader of the black-browed demon, has a happy face. He said to You: "You are in the big man, then let's go in now?"

Chiyou blinked and nodded: "Go in!" Immediately came to the entrance to the Hungry Magic Passage and jumped in.

He is also extremely confused about the reason why the ancient ghosts of the ancient battlefield of the hungry are so panicked and fleeing.

Immediately after Chiyou, the maddening demon esteem also entered the hungry magic channel, the black sorcerer teaches Cui Huajie, the eternal emperor ancestor Chen Xie and others have also entered.

"The 蚩 魔 魔 尊 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"Is there maybe a peerless baby!"

"I think it is a peerless creature, or how the ancient ghosts will be so frightened and panic!"

Other strong powers see Chiyou, mad Thunder and other people enter, but also flocked into the hungry magic channel, but some guess that the peers are born, still outside the channel.

Chiyou, mad thunder and other people came to the ancient battlefield of the hungry magic, found that the ancient battlefield of the hungry magical and deadly atmosphere is much stronger than before, and the entire ancient battlefield, like a dead city, extremely silent.

They have been to the ancient battlefield of Hunger. In the past, although the ancient battlefield of Hunger was quiet, but from time to time, there were ancient ghosts and screams, but now, even the ghosts of the ancient ghosts are gone, it seems that there is any existence in this ancient battlefield. Let these ancient ghosts dare not speak out.

Chiu brows, this ancient battlefield gives him a dull feeling, and at the same time, there is some uneasiness.

This kind of uneasiness, although somewhat remote, is so real.

He looked at the depths of the ancient battlefield of Hunger.

"Second brother, we, or do you want to go back?" The mad thunder demon doubted, and said.

He was particularly upset, he was equally upset, and his uneasiness was stronger.

Listening to the maddening Thunder demon to retreat, hey a glimpse, looked at the mad thunder demon statue, Shen Yan said: "We first look at it." Just retired, he is not reconciled.

The maddening demon respected the strength of Chiyou and finally nodded.

Thus, Chiyou, the maddening demon esteem, hundreds of people continue to go deep into the depths of the ancient battlefield.

Many of the influential family powers are scattered and search for so-called "treasures."

Ten days passed quickly.

Chiyou, the mad thunder demon and others are already close to the depths of the ancient battlefield of the hungry, and after two days of travel, they can reach the depths of the ancient battlefield of the hungry.

However, as Chiyou and others are getting closer, Chiyou, the maddening demon is more and more uneasy.

Cui Huajie, the master of the black-browed demon, is also the same as the ancestors of the eternal emperor.

Another day.

Suddenly, Chiyou and others stopped and saw the ground in front of them. A huge rift was staggered, and one mountain after another collapsed, and another piece of forest was destroyed.

In these huge rift valleys, these collapsed peaks, in the destroyed forest, they found a corpse of ancient ghosts.

Seeing the scene in front of you, Chiyou, the maddening demon and other people are not changing.

They can see that these ancient ghost bodies are not lacking in the tenth order of the emperor or even the tenth stage of the emperor.

"Who killed so many ancient ghosts?!" Cui Huajie, the black-browed demon teacher, was dumb.

Everyone looked to the front.

I saw the front, shrouded the heavy cold and cold, these cold and cold air, frozen and not scattered, people can not see the front. (To be continued.)


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