Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1962: Reward

For a time, the strong men of the parties were silent, and even the three emperors did not dare to scream.

Huang Xiaolong turned over and landed on the back of the ten-winged unicorn. When he was about to leave the ten-winged unicorn, suddenly, a voice sounded: "Slow!"

Everyone saw it, and saw that the people of the Guangming Knights’ Legion flew from a distance. The middle-aged man who was headed was the head of the middle-aged man, with a beard and a beard. His eyes were like the sun, and the light was shining. Move, people can't look straight.

"It is the bishop of the Bright Knights Corps, Lu Zhaojun! There is Lu Fenggong!"

"Luke Zhaozhao, long before the third stage of the Emperor, is the pro-disciple of the Archbishop of the Bright Knights, Abra!"

There was a commotion in the strong.

Even the remaining three Emperors of the Great also flew to Lu Zhaoyu.

"I have seen Lu Zhaohao adults!" The three respected.

Lu Zhaoqi nodded, and the Guangming Knights all flew over to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong did not leave, Lu Zhaozhen, who was interested in watching it, Lu Feng and others.

"Hello, this ten-winged unicorn is our bright knight legion, so you can't take this ten-winged unicorn away." After coming to Huang Xiaolong, Lu Zhaoyu opened the door.

Huang Xiaolong suddenly smiled, this ten-winged unicorn, anyone can see that it is the owner of nothing, this road Zhaozhen actually said that it is the Guangming Knights Corps, obviously blink of an eye.

"You said that the ten-winged unicorn is your light knight's corps, is it yours?" Huang Xiaolong pointed to the other god's bright god, half jokingly said: "Your body is still my own, you take it off now. It’s going to be stripped off.”

The people around couldn't help but smile.

Lu Zhaoyi stunned, and then his eyes were angry, his eyes were shining, and the light was like a flame.

"Bold! This is the Lu Xunyi, the bishop of our Guangming Knights. Do you know that you just made a joke, is it a death sin?" Lu Zhaolong, a knight captain, angered Huang Xiaolong: "Don't think that you are a great emperor." Our Bright Knights will not kill you!"

At this moment, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong reached out and shot, and saw that the captain of the Guangming Knights’ army suddenly fell from his mount and flew out, and then turned into a flame, screaming and disappearing between heaven and earth.


Everyone was shocked.

No one expected Huang Xiaolong to dare to kill the captain of the Guangming Knights, this is the captain of the Guangming Knights!

Once killed, it means that it will be rewarded by the entire Guangming Knights' Legion, and will be hunted by half of the bright world.

"You!" Lu Zhaoyi did not expect Huang Xiaolong to dare to face his own face, and he shot and killed his own captain.

This is simply!

Lu Zhaoxiao sneered: If you just leave your mind, you can still be safe. Now, you will die! You are too crazy! You think that if you kill a great evangelist, you dare not put our Bright Knights in your eyes. ”

Although Huang Xiaolong just shot and killed the Pope, it was really shocking. However, he did not believe it anyway. With his third stage, he could not deal with a younger who had just broken through the Great.

After Lu Zhaoxuan finished, the bright battle in his hand appeared: "The kid, let him die!" After that, the bright battle in his hand gave a dazzling cold.

However, he just finished, suddenly, a giant palm crashed out of thin air, this giant palm, with a devastating dark light, like a huge dark sun.

Lu Zhaoxuan did not respond, and was immediately shot by this giant palm. The whole person turned down to the sea of ​​light, and his seat was photographed as a **** rain.


Lu Zhaoyu entered the seabed of the bright sea, and the sea surface set off a huge wave.

The Guangming Knights’ Legion Lu Feng and others, everyone looked at the sea in amazement.

Huang Xiaolong retracted his palm and looked at the sea that Lu Zhaowei went down indifferently: "You have too much nonsense! Look at what you are the bishop of the Guangming Knights. This time you will spare you once again, and then next time, directly Pinched to death."

After he inherits the inheritance of the other half of the Guangjie ancestors, then he will lead the Guangzhi Knights. Therefore, this road is also the man under his men. In this case, Huang Xiaolong did not kill him.

"Some people say that this ten-winged unicorn is his." Huang Xiaolong once again scanned the crowd, his eyes fell on Lu Feng and the captains of several bright knights.

Lu Feng and the captains of the bright Knights of the Knights were frightened and turned back.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he did not pay attention to everyone. He rode the ten-winged unicorn and left.

The Ten-Winged Unicorn is extremely fast, with one wing and one wing, and it is already tens of thousands of miles away.

Lu Feng and the Guangming Knights’ Regiment saw Huang Xiaolong go, and then they quickly flew into the seabed and saved Lu Zhaoyu. Although Huang Xiaolong did not kill him with a palm, but he was not polite, he took the road. Zhao’s head was flat, and it became sixty degrees.

After Lu Feng and others treated it, Lu Zhaoyu was too angry, and his eyes were shocked and angry. He said: "The order is passed down, and the reward of 200,000 pieces of chaotic Lingshi is taken. Take it! Go, go! I must Kill this chop!"

Soon, Lu Zhaoyu’s reward order was passed down.

For these, Huang Xiaolong did not know, but even if he knew it, Huang Xiaolong did not pay attention to it. Now, for him, the most important thing is to get the other half of the Guangming ancestors.

Riding a ten-winged unicorn, Huang Xiaolong flew south.

A small island falls behind Huang Xiaolong.

Perhaps the powerful atmosphere of the ten-winged unicorn, along the way, did not encounter the light beast attack.

"That is a ten-winged unicorn! On the back, that is the bishop of Lu Zhaojun who ordered the reward to be captured!"

"Catch! Fast, surround him!"

Although there was no light beast attack, when passing a large island, Huang Xiaolong and the 10-wing unicorn caused the attention of a group of strong people on the island, and they rushed to attack the Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes were cold, and the Emperor’s will spurred him into a chaotic axe.

The Chaos Axe smashed against the abbots of this group of besieged.

I don’t know how many thousands of miles of axe passed by. Suddenly, the tens of thousands of strong people who had been attacked were like locusts falling, blood spattered, and the axe drawn a tens of millions of gullies on the sea. The big island is open.

The chaotic little axe retracted.

This is the first time that Huang Xiaolong has applied the tangible killing of the Great will.

Nearly 50,000 strong, only one person left, Huang Xiaolong deliberately stayed.

The rest of the people, the first stage of a great emperor, stood there, lonely, shaking all over the body, eyes do not know where to look.

Just the four major church masters, nearly 50,000 strong, breathing between, all killed by an axe? !

When Huang Xiaolong took a photo, he took the photo of the strongman in the late stage of the great emperor.

"Lu Zhaozhen ordered the reward to take me?" Huang Xiaolong asked coldly. (To be continued.)

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