Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1968: His Majesty

"What the **** is going on?" Elan asked the bishop Mosifa.

Now, her brain is a little bit mushy.

Moshifa said: "It was the man who got the ten-winged unicorn in the Sea of ​​Light a few years ago. When he seriously injured Bishop Lu Zhaoyu, he later fled. Bishop Lu Zhaojun ordered 200,000 down-selling spirits to enjoy the reward. He didn't expect this person to come to our city today!"

"Bishop Lu Zhaoyu informed the Archbishop of Abra when he arrived at the City of All Souls. When Archbishop Abra led the men to take this person, he did not expect Archbishop Abra to be killed by the other side!"

The rushing voice of Mosesfa echoed in the hall.

Elan and the coming bishops, the bishop, understood what was going on.

Alan knew a few years ago about the unicorn of the Sea of ​​Light, but it was only a trivial matter, so she didn't mind it at the time. I didn't expect it to evolve today.

"In addition to the Archbishop of Abra, the bishop of Barnett was also killed. In addition, the other party also killed dozens of captains, captains, soldiers!" Bishop Mosifa said again.

The bishop of the Great, the bishop is not surprised and angry.

"It’s too arrogant, even come to our All Spirits City to kill our Archbishop of the Bright Knights, Bishop!” In the temple, Archbishop Hilli angered: "Even if the bright landlord is not so arrogant, I will lead people first. This dog is taken down! You must not let him escape!"

"Yes, no matter who he is, he will die today, and he can't let him die. We will take him down and push it to the wall of the city of Wanling, and let the light gods know to kill me. The consequences of the Legion's people!" Another Archbishop Ans also angered.

Hillary, Ans are both late tenth-level masters.

In the bishops of the Guangming Knights, the two men ranked in the top ten.

Elan's charm blue eyes flashed blue, and to Hillary, Ans and others said: "Things are not so simple, let people start a big battle, block the city of Wanling!" Then ordered to block the city of Wanling, then turn First asked Bishop Mosifa: "You said that Archbishop Abra was killed by the other master? Do you know the strength of the other side? How many masters are there?"

Bishop Mosifa quickly said the situation at the time.

"You mean, the Archbishop of Abra was killed by the master of the other side?!" Elan listened to the report and was taken aback. Even Hilli, Ans and others were shocked.

Abra is the mid-ninth stage of the Emperor, can kill Abra in one stroke, the other side is afraid of the tenth-order mid-term or even late strength of the Great Emperor?

"Yes, one shot killed. At that time, everyone saw only a white figure flashing, and Archbishop Abra was killed. Then the white figure disappeared." Bishop Mosifa replied: "The other side There are still no other secrets hidden, but I don’t know yet."

Elan's pale white eyebrows wrinkled.

"The head of the army, we asked to take this person down!" At this time, Hillary, Ans both stood up at the same time.

Elan shook his head: "No, I will go there."



Everyone has a glimpse.

Their army chiefs have not played out for hundreds of millions of years.

Just then, a voice sounded: "No, I have already come."

Everyone was shocked, and Horan looked out of the hall and saw the outside of the temple. A young black-haired man was riding in with a 10-wing unicorn.

"It is him, he killed the Archbishop of Abra!" Bishop Mosifa was shocked and pointed to Huang Xiaolong.

Suddenly, all the people in the temple rushed up and shattered, and surrounded Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong did not seem to see hundreds of archbishops of the Bright Knights who were surrounded by the surrounding, the bishop, still leisurely riding the ten-winged unicorn to Elan, specifically to the bright throne above the main hall. .

The bright knights of the Legion were seen and looked at each other for a while.

Is this kid's brain really a problem? After killing the Archbishop Abra and others, they even dared to run over them to the temple of the gods, and when they came in, they rode the ten-winged unicorns slowly and slowly like a street.

Elan is also a wrinkle.

Because Elan did not make an order, everyone just surrounded Huang Xiaolong.

"Who are you?" Elland looked at Huang Xiaolong coldly.

Huang Xiaolong did not answer. He came to the top of the main hall and stood in the middle of the Great Knights of the Guangming Knights. When the bishop was angry, he was behind Huang Xiaolong and the 16 wings suddenly opened.

First two wings, four wings, six wings, eight wings, ten wings!

At first, Elan and others did not feel anything, but when Huang Xiaolong was behind the twelve wings, they were all shocked. After all, now, the entire Guangming Knights, Elan has 12 talents.

And Elan is beyond the great emperor.

When Elan, Hillary and others were shocked, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong opened his wings again!

"Ten, fourteen wings!" The bishop of Hilli, the bishop was shocked, and his face was unbelievable. Even Elan was beautiful.

However, this is not over yet, and Huang Xiaolong opened his wings again.

"Ten, sixteen wings!" Hillry, Ans did not tremble.


Sixteen wings!

When the 16 wings of Huang Xiaolong opened, the sacred light was released, and the endless light of the power blew up. Even the defensive of the sacred sacred temple could not stop this light. The sacred light was like a huge tsunami, rising from the sky, sweeping the whole In the City of All Souls, almost all of the planes of the gods have seen this, full of infinite light, full of infinite warmth, full of infinite sacred, infinite power of light.

"You are?!" Elan’s mind slammed, thinking of the deeds of Huang Xiaolong’s half-birth in the hell.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong’s eyebrows showed a bright and imprinted mark. When this bright mark appeared, everyone in the field felt the pressure of terror, and the pressure from the depths of their souls forced them to endure. Living is going to crouch, even if it breaks through to Elan, who dominates the land.

"The main seal of the bright world!" Elan lost his voice.

In Hillary, Ans was violently trembled.

The main seal of the bright world!

Isn't that? !

"Elan has seen the landlord!" In the extreme shock, Elan suddenly turned to Huang Xiaolong, respectfully said.

"I will wait to see the landlord!" Hillry, Ans hundreds of people did not dare to hesitate, and quickly bowed to Huang Xiaolong.

On the main hall, worshipped.

"Get up." Huang Xiaolong glanced at everyone.

"Thanks to the Lord!"

The crowd just got up and got up.

However, due to the pressure of Huang Xiaolong's eyebrows and bright seals, the people did not dare to look directly at Huang Xiaolong.

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