Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1970: Old man

Huang Xiaolong let Elan leak out the news of his complete inheritance of the Guangjie ancestors, and naturally he has his intentions.

There is no need to hide this thing. He is now fully enshrined in the ancestors of the Guangming dynasty. He is recognized by the power of the light gods. He wants to let the Holy Sees of the Guangming gods know that he is now the leader of the light.

When the news leaked out, some of the former super-government forces should be able to come to him.

Even if those are still neutral, but close to you, you have to consider the consequences.

Elan also understood the intention of Huang Xiaolong to let her leak the news, but when she heard that Huang Xiaolong was going to worship the Moon College, she was surprised: "The Lord, you, are you going to worship the Moon?"

Huang Xiaolong saw Elan's expression and smiled: "Do not worry, I am going to worship the Moon Academy just to find something, and then I will leave after I find it."

Ellenson breathed a sigh of relief: "I thought that the Lord of the Lord was because of the establishment of the collapse of the bright son."

The worship of the moon is in the worship of the **** city, and the son of the light set up a platform in the worship of the gods in the moon, challenging the genius of the younger generation of the heavens, and it is full of wind and rain. Elan knows, just now Huang Xiaolong said that he would go to the moon school. She also thought that Huang Xiaolong was going to the son of light.

Recently, the Guangming gods have been very powerful. They said that Huang Xiaolong had become a tortoise and did not dare to come to worship the gods in the moon. He said that even if Huang Xiaolong came, it would be difficult to block the enemy of the brightest son.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "The son of the light is also a student of the Moon College?"

Elan nodded: "Yes, he is a student of the Imperial College of the Moon, and he is the most talented student since the founding of the Moon College. He is highly valued by several deputy deans of the Moon College. She praised it for a long time.” When she said this, she hesitated: “So, if the Lord’s Majesty goes to the Temple of the Moon, it is best not to conflict with the Son of Light.”

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Do not worry, my temper is always good."

Elan turned over her eyelids.

good temper?

The temper is good, so when the **** is in the sea, kill hundreds of great emperors? Good temper, so destroyed the evil **** palace? In the ancient battlefield of the Devil's Hungry Demon, it is killing hundreds of masters such as Cui Huajie, the leader of the black-browed demon!

"As long as he doesn't come to provoke me, I won't kill him, at least he won't kill him before attacking the city of Guangming." Huang Xiaolong said that Huang Xiaolong's eyes are cold and cold: "If he takes the initiative to provoke me, then it can't Blame me."

Elan smiled bitterly, and she said: "The son of light, his talent is not weaker than the ancestors, even more than the ancestors of the year. This time, he set up a ring, I think it should be the meaning of Dunhuang, Dun is thinking By the hand of the Son of Light, the Lord will lead you out, and if the Lord is on the stage, the Son of Light can kill you right and wrong."

Huang Xiaolong smiled: "It seems that Dunhuang is quite confident about this bright child. You also think that I am not the opponent of this bright child?"

Elan did not know how to answer, organized a wording, said: "The son of light, although his talent is enchanting, but it is definitely not comparable to the landlord, but he has cultivated for nearly 30,000 years, and the landlord has left you now. The cultivation time is less than a thousand years."

Huang Xiaolong understood Elan's meaning: "So, do you think that I am not the opponent of this bright child now?"

Elan said: "A few years ago, when the son of the light did not break through the fourth order of the Emperor, he killed the fifth-order light beast of the Emperor, and this is only the strength of his surface."

Seeing that Elan is still not confident about himself, Huang Xiaolong smiles and does not discuss this issue again. He said: "I have heard that the elderly have not appeared for many hundred million years."

Elan nodded: "Since the ancestors disappeared, the predecessors of the month have never been able to hide, but the seniors of the moon should have been worshipping the academy." When I mentioned this senior, Elan’s eyes were deeply jealous. And awe.

Later, Huang Xiaolong and Elan learned about the status quo of some bright knights. After more than two hours, Elan retired.

Looking at the figure that Elan retired, Huang Xiaolong fell into meditation.

When he went to worship the Moon College, he really wanted to get something. After receiving the complete inheritance of the Guangming ancestors, he got some scattered memories of the Guangming ancestors. In the past, the Guangjie ancestors left something in the worship temple.

The things left by the Guangjie ancestors are naturally shocking treasures, otherwise Huang Xiaolong will not have to go through the past.

With the things left by the Guangming ancestors, the battle of the Guangming Knights will be doubled!

Therefore, he decided to go to the Moon College to take the things of the Guangjie ancestors and then attack the Guangming City.

In fact, before coming to the realm of the gods, he learned more about the bright world from the mouth of his master, the king of Hongmeng.

The bright gods, on the surface, are ruled by the bright knights of the Elan and the bright gods of the city of God, in fact, not only, in addition to the bright knights and the bright **** city, there are dozens of super-government forces are not subject to the light knights and the bright **** city rule.

Dozens of Super Holy See forces have formed a strong force to compete with the Bright Knights and the Bright God City.

However, in addition to the Guangming Knights, Guangming Shencheng, dozens of super Holy See, there is a special super existence in the bright world, that is, the Moon Temple!

Before he came, his master, the king of Hongmeng, had been jealous of him, and he should be careful to worship the moon academy!

To be exact, it is necessary to be careful to worship the elderly!

There is a legend that the original worship school was actually created by the elderly and the Guangjie ancestors.

At that time, the ancient Emperor of Heaven joined hands with the Buddhas of Buddhism, fighting for the ancestors of the Guangming dynasty. Later, the Guangming ancestors disappeared. The gods and the Buddhist circles joined forces to suppress and suppress the bright world, forcing the Guangming gods to withdraw from the six worlds, but even the gods and the Buddha. The world has not broken the light gods or unified the light gods.

Because of one person! This person is the old man who worships the moon!

Referring to the elderly who worship the moon, his master, the king of Hongmeng, is dignified and only said one sentence, unfathomable!

Even in those days, the old man of the moon was only weaker than the ancestors of the Guangming.

It is precisely because of the old man worshipping the moon, the existence of the moon school, so the Guangming **** world has been able to stand in the heavens and the world. In that year, the nine yin corpse attacked the gods, but did not dare to enter the light **** world. One reason is to worship. Old man.

Therefore, mentioning the elderly who worship the moon, even Elan, who is the head of the Guangming Knights, is deeply jealous and fearful even if he breaks through the dominant position of Elan.

"Worship the old man." Huang Xiaolong tapped the chair.

Soon, a month passed.

This month, in addition to staying in the Wanling Shenfu House every day, Huang Xiaolong swallowed the Yaotian Shendan cultivation, which was to study the formation and alchemy.

In these years, as soon as he was free, he studied the formation and alchemy.

Some archbishops who guarded the other gods, the bishops also recalled the temples of the gods and met with Huang Xiaolong. However, some of them rebelled with the former Chiri, Ans, and then the Guangming God City. Dunhuang. (To be continued.)

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