Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1973: Moon God City

Huang Xiaolong did intend to go to the Moon College in two days. Now the situation is getting more and more urgent. He has to get the things left by the Guangming ancestors as soon as possible.

Later, Huang Xiaolong called the two 14-wings tomorrow and asked Elan if he knew if there was any way for them to break through the dominance.

Elan sinks and says: "There is a place where you can let them break through the dominance!"

"Oh, what place?!" Huang Xiaolong's eyes were bright, and he didn't have any hope. He didn't expect it to be true.

Elan replied: "I heard that there is a bright flame mountain in the Temple of the Moon. This bright flame mountain is the result of the worship of the predecessors. It is a treasure that cannot be ruined. If the Emperor's tenth-order late peaks can enter this light, The bottom of the Flame Mountain cultivation can increase the chance of breaking the dominance!"

Huang Xiaolong was taken aback.

He knows that the three flowers can be, can this bright flame mountain be able to? But there is only one flower in the three flowers, only one person can swallow, but listening to Elan means that this bright flame mountain can be used infinitely?

"As long as the Emperor's tenth-order peaks in the late stage, entering the bottom of this bright flame mountain cultivation, can increase the chance of breaking the dominance?" Huang Xiaolong asked with surprise.

Elan nodded: "Yes, but there is still a condition, that is, it must be a light godhead. If it is another godhead, it is not very useful to enter this bright flame fire cultivation. Moreover, this bright flame mountain can improve. Breaking the chance of dominance, but this probability is also different because of human talent."

"With their talent, if they enter into it, how much do you think the probability of breaking the dominance can be improved?" Huang Xiaolong pointed to the four heads behind him.

"The twelve wings are 20%." Elan said indulge: "As for the fourteen wings, I don't know, and they are the ultimate peak of the tenth stage of the Great Emperor, so according to my estimation, it should be no less than 40%!"

Four percent!

Huang Xiaolong was pleasantly surprised.

Although 40% is still less than half, it is already extremely amazing.

"Just, this bright flame mountain is in the worship of the moon, but it is in the depths of the forbidden land of the Moon College, no one can go in." Elan shook his head: "Even if the vice president of the Moon College is not qualified to enter. If the landlord wants to go in, unless he can get the approval of the predecessors!"

However, the elderly who worship the moon have not been born for many hundred million years. Therefore, it is impossible for Huang Xiaolong to enter.

Even if Huang Xiaolong really sees the old man, the old man will not necessarily let Huang Xiaolong enter.

"Deep in the depths of the Forbidden College?" Huang Xiaolong frowned.

Elan saw Huang Xiaolong's expression and said: "The depth of the forbidden land is banned by the seniors of the moon. Even if it is me, I can't force it in."

Huang Xiaolong is bored.

He did have a plan just now, and if he really can't, he sneaked in and sneaked in.

For Elan's strength, Huang Xiaolong already knows that it is the peak of the second stage of the first stage. Even Elan can't force him in, so he can only dispel the thought of sneaking into it.

It was two days passed.

Huang Xiaolong began to leave for the moon **** city.

Before leaving, Huang Xiaolong confessed to Elan a lot of things, let him prepare for the war at any time, and when he came back, he sent troops to the bright city.

Huang Xiaolong is driving away from heaven.

After the integration of the upper and lower halves, the speed of flight has been much faster than the Pluto.

Because Huang Xiaolong went to the Moon College, only Elan knew, so Huang Xiaolong left, and did not alarm other people.

In the full flight of heaven, two months later, Huang Xiaolong came to worship the moon **** city.

Visiting the Moon City, standing in the most central area of ​​the Guangming Gods, stands in the vast starry sky of the bright gods, like a medium-sized **** plane.

By the moon **** city, the whole body is built with the moonlight tide stone of the bright **** world. The light is shining and shining through the ancient times. It is beyond the billions of miles away, and you can also see the eye-catching light of the moon **** city.

From a distance, the city of the moon is dazzling, but it is close, and the light of the moon **** city is soft and gentle, making people feel like bathing in a very comfortable moonlight.

It’s not a visual shock, but a kind of shock to the soul and a sense of soul. The tenth-order late peaks and strong people feel that they are so small.

A great emperor in the late tenth stage can be a strong man, can punch a super continent, can punch a super giant city into a powder, but this moon **** city gives people an immortal, even stronger power It is also impossible to shake the feeling of it.

Huang Xiaolong entered the moon **** city with a ten-winged unicorn.

The gods of the moon are full of excitement, and the disciples and powerful people of the various sects of the gods of the gods are in constant stream. Huang Xiaolong also saw disciples from many former imperial palaces in the realm of the gods, as well as some Buddhist buddies in the Buddha world, even his hell. Some great teachers have come.

"I heard that even the fire industry has come a few days ago, but still lost to the son of the light, and was convinced by the son of light, and the son of Guangming is the elder brother!"

"Not only the fire industry, but also the dragon world, and the Buddha of Yelu, and the Emperor Qinhuangzhong of the city of Fengdu, the city of Heilongjiang. "The arguments of some of the strongmen passing by the road continue to pass into the ears of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong was amazed. He did not expect even Qin Qinzhong, He Jingyi came.

It seems that this time the son of this bright family has set up a ring, and it is really "stunned" by countless talents from all walks of life.

Because Huang Xiaolong is riding a ten-winged unicorn, it has also attracted a lot of attention.

"It turned out to be a ten-winged unicorn. Who is this kid?!"

"I recognize him. In the past few years, he shot and killed the Pope in the Sea of ​​Light. Later, he took a photo of Lu Zhaojun, the bishop of the Guangming Knights. Later, Lu Zhaoyu offered a reward of 200,000. I heard that this kid went to Wanling City a few days ago, but I didn’t expect to escape from Wanling City?"

"It turned out to be this kid!"

Because Elan blocked the news, Huang Xiaolong killed Lu Zhaoxuan in Wanling City, and Abra’s incident did not leak out.

However, due to the bright sea Huang Xiaolong hits the Pope, he is now a small and well-known figure in the bright world.

"This kid killed the Pope. I didn't expect to appear in the city of the moon. I heard that many of the masters of the Holy See have come to worship the moon!"

Huang Xiaolong ignored the opinions and eyes of the people. He rode the ten-winged unicorn trail and went straight to the Moon College.

However, it was not long before Huang Xiaolong entered the city. He came to a group of people on the head and stopped Huang Xiaolong.

Judging from the pattern of the bright robes on the other side, most of these people are masters of the Holy See. Others should be the masters who are not invited by the Holy See.

"Is there something?" Huang Xiaolong looked calm.

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