Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 1980: Who was betting?


The two fists collided together.

Just like the two chaotic giant mountains colliding, the space around the billion miles is violent, the power of destruction is sweeping, destroying, and the peaks of the mountains are shining.

And Bunys and others who came with Kaili saw that under the collision of two fists, Kaili’s fist, no, the whole right arm was split and burst into a **** fog, and Huang Xiaolong’s fist was unrelenting. Bounced on Carey’s head.

At the head of Kaili, the whole person was blasted and flew out, and flew out at a slanting angle. It was like a rocket launcher that was shot off and shot directly into a distant mountain.

The mountain peaks and the gravel splashes innumerable.

The whole person of Kaili was inserted into the mountainside of the mountainside, and a giant pit appeared around the mountainside.

"What?! This!"

Some of the students who watched the imperial court were shocked, and looked at Kaili, who was tilted into the middle of the mountain, and was stunned.

Even the three Tunisians who came with Kaili were shocked and the whole face changed.

Originally, just out of the palace, I was about to watch how Huang Xiaolong had dealt with the sons of Kaili’s dragons. He had just come out and saw the scene of Kaili’s inversion.

The son of the dragon king, Zhang Ping’s brain, has some stuck, but it’s not a reaction.

Just when everyone was shocked and stunned, Kaili, who was inserted into the mountainside, moved a little. After another move, the whole body was shining, and it was hard to break free from the mountainside. Everyone looked and took a breath. I saw that the entire head of Kaili was like a top-grade product, and it was completely concave.

As for the face, it was swollen like a pig, an eyeball, and it was violently beaten by Huang Xiaolong.

Kaili's whole body was full of light, and the sunken head slowly emerged. The swollen face like a pig began to recover slowly.

Huang Xiaolong did not take another shot, but let him recover.

"Oli, you are a small beast, you are despicable and shameless, and dare to use the next three rotten means to attack me!" Kaili roared, the whole body suddenly rose, and instantly became a giant, and there appeared a bright rune, these bright charms A bright defensive hood is formed around the body, just like the ancient gods.

"I want to kill you!" He glanced, his eyes were red, and a huge axe appeared in his hand, and an axe came to Huang Xiaolong.

Watching Kaili become a giant, the son of the Dragon World, Ping Ping was shocked: "Giant Spirit!"

Giant Spirit is one of the most powerful ancient gods in the realm of the gods. His father said that he once saw a master who has exhibited this giant spirit, and his avatars are tens of thousands, and one palm can easily put a god. The plane took a huge hole.

Under this giant spirit, the power and defense of the exhibitor will be greatly improved.

Like Kerry can become a thousand feet, enough to double the power and defense.

"It turned out to be a giant spirit! Kerry exhibited this giant spirit, and the momentum is not weaker than the fourth-order peak of many emperors!"

Some imperial students also saw that Kaili's exhibition was a giant spirit, and he was exclaimed. This giant spirit can make the students of the imperial court react so much, which shows that the power of this giant spirit is strong.

Just when everyone exclaimed, Huang Xiaolong was slap in the face of Kerry's giant axe.

"What! This Ori is crazy, even blank to meet the Kerry axe! That giant axe is the next product, the spirit of the spirit, under the perfusion of Kaili, I am afraid not weaker than the general Zhonghong Hongmeng!"

"This Ori is somewhat smug, he really thought he was strong? He just sneaked, and Kaili was not prepared, so he could attack Kaili!" Many students smiled coldly.

The son of the light, Dunhuang, has supreme authority in the imperial court and even in the entire Guangming gods. These emperor students naturally hope that Kaili, who is on behalf of Dunhuang, can win.

It is best to take this Ori to live without taking care of yourself.

Huang Xiaolong and the son of the Dragon World gambled, saying that the ten strokes defeated the bright son of Dunhuang, which made many students in the Imperial Academy unable to use Huang Xiaolong, and felt that this new student was too arrogant.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong's palm and Kaili's giant axe hit together, and at the moment of impact, Huang Xiaolong's palm flashed an extremely secretive glare, and Kerry's giant axe hit the palm of his hand.

Kaili only felt a horrible force from the huge axe. The power was great, and it broke his palm. The giant axe could not hold it and flew out from the palm of his hand.

Then, Huang Xiaolong's palm continued to pull in. Kaili's eyes were black and his head was loud and loud, like a split, and the whole person was pumped back again.

Carey was once again inserted in the hillside of the previous mountain.

Everyone looked at it and saw the giant axe. There were tooth marks and cracks on it. Everyone was madly pumping, but it was the next product, and it couldn’t bear Huang Xiaolong’s palm!

Even the lower products of the Hongmeng spirits have a crack in the road between the impacts, as if they are going to be cracked at any time. Isn’t Huang Xiaolong’s body more horrible than the next product? !

They have never heard of a great emperor's first-class powerhouse who is so strong that it is so strong that I am afraid that the ordinary tenth-order powerhouse is not so horrible?

The son of the dragon king, Ping Ping, is also twitching at the corner of his mouth.

Now, he finally understands why this Ori dare to gamble with him. This Ori is crazy, but it does have mad capital!

Huang Xiaolong volleyed and came to Kay. At this time, Kyri's body was inserted into the mountain, and the waist was exposed outside.

Huang Xiaolong kicked his foot to the cross of the other leg.

A screaming scream, everyone is not clamped by the legs.

Huang Xiaolong kicked it down and kicked eighteen feet.

"18 sticks." Huang Xiaolong's indifferent voice sounded, and then, it was a foot, directly kicking Kaili into the mountain.

Nineteen sticks!

Huang Xiaolong turned his head and carried his hand, and walked slowly to the Tunisian in the distance.

The two men who came with Kelly changed their faces.

Although Bunis is the third-grade peak of the Emperor, it is stronger than Kaili, but it is not strong enough.

"Oli, do you know what you are doing?" Bunishy sneered and said: "I and Kelly are both the right arm of the brothers. You are now seriously injured by Kyrie, and you have offended Brother Dun, you know you are offended. The consequences of the brothers? After the bright world, there will be no place for you! You are now dedicated to the ten-winged unicorn and the baby on the body, I can ask you for your brother!

However, when he had just finished speaking, he was directly smashed by Huang Xiaolong and the whole head was pumped for a few laps.

"Noisy!" Huang Xiaolong kicked it off again, and then, one foot, kicked the other two students from the emperor to the ground.

Huang Xiaolong glanced around the Emperor’s student who was watching: “Who was bet that Kerry would interrupt my legs and hands?”

The faces of the students in the emperor's court were not changed, and they all shook their heads in a panic, and then they made birds and beasts, how fast and how fast. (To be continued.)

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