Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2022: Sage old man

"Why, think of that woman again?" The Golden Horn Mavericks saw the look of the king of darkness and said: "Actually, you should have let go, you know that you can't have a result!"

The king of darkness is angry: "Our things, you know a fart!"

The Golden Horn Mavericks smiled: "Yes, I know a fart. In my eyes, your thing is just a fart. When you broke into the magic road, you were beaten by hundreds of masters of the ancient Heavenly Emperor." When is she, where is it? If you are not your older brother, you don’t know how many times you died!"

The king of darkness was originally angry, but he couldn’t help but hear the golden horned calf mentioning his eldest brother.

The big brother in the mouth of the Golden Horn is the Lord of Hell.

At that time, he fell to the magic road, cultivated magic power, was abandoned by the Wanjie, only his older brother firmly guarded him, blocking him for a wave of chasing.

For him, his eldest brother did not hesitate to be an enemy of Wanjie.

"Big Brother!" The cold face of the King of Darkness was a little bit sad and his eyes were red.

In his view, since Huang Xiaolong got his brother's heritage and got the heart of hell, I am afraid that his older brother is fierce.

Golden Horn Mavericks: "Maybe, your eldest brother is still not dead."

A glimpse of the king of darkness.

Golden Horn Maverick Road: "Your big brother's body of hell, invincible, immortal, even if there is no hell, this world, can kill your big brother, no more than two people."

The king of darkness said coldly: "What if these two people?"

A golden horn calf.

This, she really did not think about it.

However, is it possible?

"The two men, one is the city of the heavens, the king of the world, the other?" Huang Xiaolong could not help but ask.

The Golden Horn Mavericks and the King of Darkness looked at each other and meditated.

After a few breaths, the Golden Horn Mavericks said: "He is called the old man."

"Is the old man?" Huang Xiaolong was puzzled.

The king of darkness is dignified: "The old man is the master of the Buddha in the Buddha world. He was the first master of the Buddha world. However, he has disappeared for hundreds of millions of years. Some people say that he died early, but some people say that he has not Death is just a matter of reincarnation."

"Sui Mi, the master of Buddha!" ​​Huang Xiaolong was shocked, and what happened to the reincarnation?

At this time, the Golden Horn Mavericks said: "Yes, the old man must be, in fact, the Mishen Mountain is the treasure of his refining."

Huang Xiaolong was shocked again. The sacred mountain of the sacred mountain, known as the defensive first, was actually the refining of the old man?

Must be old?

Huang Xiaolong couldn't help but think of the imitation of the Shoushan Mountain in the lower bound. When he found the old man he met when he wanted to go to the mountain, wouldn't it be the old man?

"What is the matter of the old man entering the reincarnation?" Huang Xiaolong could not help but ask.

The Golden Horn Maverick explained: "The rumor that the old man got a no-one method in the past, called the reincarnation of Dafa. After practicing this reincarnation, he can enter the reincarnation and rebuild the world. In the same year, the old man could not break through the high-ranking. Then, I entered the reincarnation and repaired the world. If the old man is to be repaired again, it is very sure to break through to dominate the high-ranking!"

Huang Xiaolong is so stunned.

The king of darkness said: "However, although the old man only dominated the sixth-order peak of the late stage, he cultivated a secret law, and he could raise the realm to the high-ranking stage in a short time. He and the eternal master had handed over the whole body. Retired, he is the only person in the world who has handed over the world and can retreat."

Huang Xiaolong nodded, and could not help but carefully recall some details of the old man he met when he found the mountain.

"In fact, the old man can retreat in the hands of the adults of the world, and it depends on the mountain." The Golden Horn Maverick said: "But even so, this is the strength of the elderly, and there is no doubt."

Huang Xiaolong asked the two people about some things about the old man.

Unconsciously, the three came to the virgin forest of the Palace of the Nine-Colored Phoenix.

However, Huang Xiaolong was an accident. I saw that this piece of virgin forest was plowed out by a man with a supreme power. This road leads directly to the Palace of the Nine-Colored Phoenix!

Huang Xiaolong and the Golden Horn Mavericks look at each other.

"Go!" Huang Xiaolong flew directly over the virgin forest on the golden horned calf. Looking down from the virgin forest, you can clearly see the amazing deep ditch left by the underlying plow from the ground.

"This person is definitely the dominant power." The Golden Horn Mavericks said: "With the power of one hand, it will break the entire flame furnace!"

Huang Xiaolong did not open his mouth and his eyes flickered. Did other masters of the rule also discover the palace of the nine-colored gods and phoenixes?

After a dozen breaths, the three men fell in front of the Palace of the Golden God.

I saw the nine-color Shenhuang Palace, which used to be built in various fires and woods. It burned half of the palace and the other half, and it was also used as a piece of wood.

Huang Xiaolong’s figure flashed and he came to the main hall where the original nine-color Shenhuang was asleep. The main hall was also broken by people without any power. As for the nine-colored Shenhuang, who had previously slept here, disappeared. .

"There should be a master of the strong hand here, but the two sides have not stayed here for a long time." The king of darkness began.

Huang Xiaolong frowned.

I didn't expect it to be like this. What about the nine-color phoenix? Was it found by his enemies? Then take it away?

Or did the nine-color **** phoenix escape?

Huang Xiaolong and the Golden Horn Mavericks wandered around in a circle, and found no clues. They could only give up. After ten minutes, the three men broke away.

"The nine-color Shenhuang should be the master of the gods and phoenixes." On the way, the Golden Horn Mavericks said.

The gods and phoenixes are the big circles alongside the dragons.

The king of darkness: "The gods of the phoenix and the devil are enemies."

The Golden Horn Mavericks shook his head: "The shot should not be the master of the devil world. If it is the master of the demon world, the smell of the devil, I will know it when I hear it."

"Little dragon, then what are we now?" asked the king of darkness.

"Go to the Devil's Yuan." Huang Xiaolong said that the whereabouts of Jiu Cai Shen Huang is unknown, and there is no way to pursue it. He can only go to the Magic Yuan to find the first treasure of the ancient heaven.

"Go to the demon!" The king of darkness was shocked.

No matter who mentions the magic, there is no fear.

"What are you going to do with the demon?" The king of darkness couldn't help but ask again.

The Golden Horn calf blinked: "Go to the baby."

The king of darkness is cold: "The young cow ancestor chick, there are a lot of treasures in the depths of the magic, but there are not many who can live out."

"Actually, it is my idea to go to the Magic Yuan." Huang Xiaolong explained: "I got the ancient moon goddess of the ancient emperor, and after refining, I got the memory of the ancient Heavenly Emperor, and the ancient heavenly court was left in the deep magic. At!"

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