Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2052: Even killing the landlord

Huang Xiaolong top heaven and bright gods, behind the three big demon gods, and the dark lotus, the more killing and the more prosperous, the bright **** city one after another strong ambushes around, far away, Huang Xiaolong is simply from the dark Killing the **** out of hell.

As for dozens of times, he has been scared from the hands of Huang Xiaolong. He has been scared to face his fear. He has been scared to death. At the beginning, he still has the courage to attack Huang Xiaolong or hide in the crowd. But in the end, there is no courage to even take the shot.

He hid in the crowd, how far he was hiding, for fear of being seen by Huang Xiaolong.

However, no matter where he hides, Huang Xiaolong can always find him, and he always kills him.

And with Qin Fan and Yan Han, several people who joined forces to kill Huang Xiaolong’s angels, Yang Lan, yelled at the same time: “Give me a shot, who can seriously hurt Huang Xiaolong, help me to win Huang Xiaolong, then I will report to the world.” There are many rewards for the adults of the world, and the cities of the heavens are rewarding!"

I have to say that the effect of Yang Lan’s screaming is still good. Under the influence of the name of the Wanshi adults, although the strong people of the Guangming Shencheng side have been trembled by Huang Xiaolong, they still continue to attack Huang Xiaolong.

The demon world leader Hong Yue also called it extremely happy: "Everyone in the devil world listens to orders, who can seriously hurt Huang Xiaolong, I am the deputy leader of the demon world!"

Devil's deputy leader!

Under the temptation of this condition, countless demon world masters madly killed Huang Xiaolong.

As for the treasure world, the drug industry leaders have also created attractive conditions.

In the fire world, because the fire industry leader Lin Cheng died in the hands of Huang Xiaolong, so the fire masters are desperate to kill Huang Xiaolong.

Looking at the powerful people from all walks of life who came from all directions, Huang Xiaolong laughed loudly, not only not afraid, but excitedly, the bright scepter in his hand was constantly waving, and at the same time, the chaos of the will of the emperor was thrown out from time to time, chaos was small. The axe is simply invincible. Every time you pull it out, you will have a piece of corpse.

After killing a wave of demonic powerhouses, Huang Xiaolong showed up behind the 16th wing. The next moment, he came to the front of the demon world.

Looking at the sudden appearance of Huang Xiaolong in front of him, the demon world leader Hong Yue face a terrible change.

Although he was hailed just now, it does not mean that he is not afraid of Huang Xiaolong.

Looking at the face of the horrified devil, the main demon king, Hong Yue, Huang Xiaolong showed a smile, in the eyes of Hong Yue, this smile is so cruel, but so brilliant.

The bright scepter instantly stabbed Hong Yue's eyebrows.

"Protection of the Lord!" Around the devil world masters, they have shot.

In the hands of Huang Xiaolong, the bright scepter was in the forefront. A stick stabbed several demon ancestors in front of him and continued to stab Hong Yue.

Hong Yue reacted, angered and screamed, the whole body of the demon gas spewed, forming a demon kingdom around the body. At the same time, his eyes suddenly shot two green lights, and also shot to Huang Xiaolong's eyebrows.

"Huang Xiaolong, come, let's go to the end!" Hong Yue's face was awkward.

Obviously, he is the idea of ​​holding Huang Xiaolong together.

These two green lights are the power of the devil's origin. As long as Huang Xiaolong continues to assassinate him, then the two green lights will inevitably hit Huang Xiaolong's eyebrows.

Although he is a half-step master, but these two green lights, even the master can be seriously injured, he does not believe that Huang Xiaolong does not die.

Just when he thought that Huang Xiaolong would inevitably retreat, Huang Xiaolong smiled coldly, and the bright scepter in his hand pierced the devil's realm, Hong Yue's eyebrow, and emerged from his back.

Hong Yue’s eyes narrowed and he stopped there.

At this time, two green lights rushed into Huang Xiaolong's eyebrows.

However, in the two green lights, Huang Xiaolong's eyebrows, the six chaotic Leichi Leiguang Shengsheng, blocked the two green lights.

Just when Huang Xiaolong’s bright scepter was drawn from the head of the demon world, Hong Yue’s head, “呯!” a shock, the angels Yang Lan suddenly came behind Huang Xiaolong, and the hands of the heavens slammed the back of Huang Xiaolong. .

Huang Xiaolong was shot backwards, and his back was photographed with flesh and blood, and a deep pit appeared.

These orders of the heavens, in addition to representing the cities of the heavens, can command the world, but they are also a treasure to the world. It is the eternal refining of the world by countless treasures, and Yang Lan is the master of the first stage, even if Huang Xiaolong The body of the Yuanlong, the body of the demon and the body of the light are stronger, and it is difficult to resist.

When Huang Xiaolong retired, the main body of the demon world, Hong Yue’s body, fell down and lost his life.

"Everyone shot, Huang Xiaolong has been seriously injured by me, and together with Huang Xiaolong!" The angels Yang Lan saw the flying yellow dragon, his face was overjoyed and shouted.

In the treasure world, the drug industry leader is also overjoyed and led the attack.

Qin Fan, Chi You, Yan Han, and Lu Hao also breathed a sigh of relief and shot at the same time.

Huang Xiaolong looked at his face and was overjoyed. He came to the treasure world, the master of the poison world, and his heart sneered. The sixteen wings behind him rose brightly. Numerous sacred light formed a bright enchantment behind him. Under the effect of this bright enchantment, Huang Xiaolong The back of the injury will recover.

Huang Xiaolong’s right hand, the bright Scepter, the left hand, the nine yin magic mirror, does not retreat, and kills the treasure world, the poisonous world masters.

After half an hour.

Huang Xiaolong’s hand in the hands of the nine-nine magic mirror, the master of the treasure world, will be a definitive spirit, and then a shot, Jiuyin magic mirror will directly shoot his head, even the gods are shot.

after an hour.

Behind Huang Xiaolong, the sixteen wings turned into sixteen bright gods, and they instantly cut through the body of the poisonous boundary, cutting the poisonous boundary master into sixteen pieces.

Then, Huang Xiaolong punched his head into a **** fog.

Not long after, the ancient patriarch of the Ming moth was bombarded by Huang Xiaolong’s ancient city.

The ancient moths of the Ming moth are one of the oldest ancient tribes in the realm of the gods. In the era of the ancient world of the gods, the prestige was not weaker than the ancient black dragons. Later, Huang Xiaolong killed the patriarchs of the 100-footed demon.

Following the demon world leader, the treasure world leader, and the poisonous world leader, one after another of the ancient tribes, one and another super-family patriarch was slain by Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s move is to tell all the worlds, this is to join the Guangming Shencheng, and to do the right thing with him, whether it is the realm of the border or the ancient patriarch, they are all killed! It is the city of the heavens, and you can't shelter you!

Finally, after Huang Xiaolong killed the demon world, the treasure world, the poisonous world leader and hundreds of ancient patriarchs, the benevolent spirits of the various circles who besieged Huang Xiaolong began to be occupied by fear, and no one dared to go forward.

"Get out, give me a shot! The orders of the heavens are here, everyone will kill me Huang Xiaolong!" Yang Shu, the angels, saw the order of the heavens, and roared.

But even his voice began to tremble.

He teamed up with Qin Fan and Chi You to seriously injure Huang Xiaolong several times. However, after blinking, Huang Xiaolong will recover. Instead, he will become more and more brave. In this bright world, Huang Xiaolong is simply an invincible god.

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