Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2110: What does Huang Xiaolong count?

Just when Huang Xiaolong rushed to the headquarters of the Jinyuan Imperial Palace, the main hall of the Jinyuan Imperial Palace headquarters was intertwined, pushing the cup for a change, and laughing and laughing.

At this time, sitting in the middle of the main hall is a middle-aged man with a thick eyebrow and a mighty appearance. He wears the robes of the heavenly city, and it is the ambassador of the heavens that is sent to the gods.

The cities of the heavens have sent messengers in all walks of life. For example, in the Devil's World, the Order of the Heavens was held by Huang Xiaolong, and the one killed by Huang Xiaolong was the messenger stationed in the Devil.

This Yan Tianhai is also the ultimate peak of the tenth stage of the Great Emperor.

Sitting under Yan Tianhai is the ancestor of the Jinyuan Emperor's Palace and the Jinyuan Emperor Chen Jixuan. In addition to Chen Jixuan, there are several ancestors and numerous lords of the Jinyuan Emperor's Palace.

"Chen He, Chen Jixuan two." Yan Tianhai said: "When the remnants of the Hongmeng Palace are killed, I will say a few words to you in front of Yang Lan adults!"

The Jinyuan Emperor's ancestors Lu He and the Jin Yuan Emperor Chen Jixuan heard a joy: "Thank you Yan Tianhai adults!"

"However, that Huang Xiaolong." Hesitated, Jinyuan Emperor's ancestors Lu He said: "Will the Huang Xiaolong?"

It is a great good thing to be able to climb the cities of the heavens. However, they are so devastated to the disciples of Hongmeng Palace, when Huang Xiaolong knows what will happen?

Yan Tianhai sneered and said: "These years, it is because the adults of the world have been retreating to enlighten the world's martial arts, so our city of heavens is allowed to be there by Huang Xiaolong. Now that the world is born, Huang Xiaolong has been arrogant for a long time. Actually, In the eyes of the adults, Huang Xiaolong is just a clown!"

Chen Jixuan, the Emperor of the Jin and Yuan Dynasties, laughed and said: "Yan Tianhai said that this Huang Xiaolong, in front of the Wanshi adults, is also a big point. The Wanshi adults are enough to trample them to death. There are people in the world, we are Why do you need to be afraid of a Huang Xiaolong? If you are a senior in charge, Huang Xiaolong is not qualified as a disciple of my disciples!"

Because the former flying konjac will kill all the disciples of the Jinyuan Emperor and other disciples of the Emperor Palace, there is no news to return to the Jinyuan Imperial Palace, the ancestral ancestor of the Jinyuan Emperor Palace, the Jinyuan Emperor Chen Jixuan I don’t know if Huang Xiaolong has returned to the realm of the gods.

Yan Tianhai listened to Chen Jixuan and compared Huang Xiaolong to a bigger one. He couldn’t help but smile. “It’s true. If it’s really a seniority, Huang Xiaolong’s fart is not even my ass. More than Huang Xiaolong's generation is high. For more than a thousand years, Huang Xiaolong is just a good gas transporter. He has gained a lot of inheritance from the Lord of Hell, the Guangjie ancestor, and so on.

"Otherwise, what does he think of Huang Xiaolong?!"

Chen Jixuan, the emperor of the Golden Yuan, laughed: "Yan Tianhai is very proud!"

The other ancestors of the main hall are also flattering and flattering.

"Is it?" At this moment, a voice of indifference sounded.

"I don't really think of Huang Xiaolong."

"However, in my eyes, Wanshi and Wanyue are not the same thing!"

The voice is cold and domineering.

Under the heavens, dare to say that Wanshi and Wanyue are not counted, it is estimated that there are really few.

"Huang Xiaolong!"

Yan Tianhai, Lu He, Chen Jixuan and others listened and couldn't help but change their faces.

This name, as if with the supreme terrorist power, let Yan Tianhai, Lu He, Chen Jixuan and others are not shaking all over the body, eyes are scared.

In Yan Tianhai, Chen He, Chen Jixuan and others, they panicked and banged loudly. The Jinyuan Imperial Palace swayed violently. This was the sound of the Jinyuan Emperor's Palace guards being blown away.

Yan Tianhai, Chen He and others only felt the world shook.

In the violent shaking of the entire Jinyuan Imperial Palace, a young black-haired man rode a green cow from the distant sky, followed by a giant clam and a middle-aged man.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong and Qingniu's ancestors came, Yan Tianhai, Lu He, Chen Jixuan and other people's faces changed.

In the blink of an eye, Huang Xiaolong, Jinjiao Mavericks, Cangmutian, and Flying Magic have already come to the Golden Temple.

Huang Xiaolong did not cover up the breath, and the boundless masters of the power, such as the destruction of the world's waves, swept through the heavens and the earth. Under the breath of Huang Xiaolong, all the strong people in the whole face of God were not stunned, panic, Yan Tianhai, Lu He, Chen Jixuan and the masters of the Jinyuan Emperor Palace feel pressed by the millions of chaotic mountains.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

I saw Yan Tianhai, Lu He and others were suddenly squatted on the ground, Yan Tianhai was furious and screaming, the whole body was madly motivated, trying to stand up, but could not stand, the back ridge was curved into a round bow The body of the robes is bursting.

Then, a "beep" sound rang, Yan Tianhai's back began to break, and then there was a blood mark around his back, like a spider web.

The blood continues to overflow and stains around the red.

Not only Yan Tianhai, but Lu He, Chen Jixuan and Jin Yuandi’s masters of the palace all began to crack, and a breath of death continued to spread.

Yan Tianhai roared: "Huang Xiaolong, the world is born, you will die, you have the ability to challenge the adults, you are a master to find us revenge, what is the matter!"

Huang Xiaolong smiled coldly: "Relax, kill you, I will go to the cities of the heavens to find the world!"

"I was too lazy to kill you personally, but you shouldn't stop killing the disciples of Hongmeng Palace!" When it comes to this, Huang Xiaolong's eyes are killing and shooting: "So, you, die!"

Huang Xiaolong turned his right palm and printed it directly.

I saw a huge palm print that covered the sky and pressed down from the sky. The palaces of the Jinyuan Imperial Palace began to crack, and numerous law enforcement banned all the violent riots. Yan Tianhai, Lu He, Chen Jixuan and others were crushed by giant palms. Turned into countless blood flow, and then pressed into the ground.

After more than twenty breaths, the headquarters of the Jinyuan Imperial Palace, which occupies hundreds of millions of miles, has disappeared and turned into a huge palm print with no bottom.

"Go, go to the Palace of the Emperor!" Huang Xiaolong destroyed the headquarters of the Jinyuan Emperor Palace, did not stay, and several people with the Golden Horn Mavericks went to the next phase of the Emperor.

A few days later, more than a dozen imperial palaces, such as the Jinyuan Emperor Palace, the Emperor's Palace, and the Dagan Emperor's Palace, were all destroyed by Huang Xiaolong. These are the emperors who have been chasing the disciples of Hongmeng Palace in recent days.

The news that the Imperial Palace and other imperial palaces were destroyed by Huang Xiaolong came out. The realm of the gods was shaken. Some of the ancestors who thought that they had invested in the cities of the heavens, and who were arrogant and arrogant against the world, were frightened.

After solving the Jinyuan Emperor's Palace, the Emperor's Palace and other imperial palaces, Huang Xiaolong went to the place of Hongmeng, and received the Huangjia people and Shi Xiaoyu and others to a safe place in hell.

As for the gods, hell, demon world, the bright gods, the devils who have invested in the power of the heavens, Huang Xiaolong did not personally, but ordered the organization of the Pluto, the Light Knights, and the Devils.

After a series of split orders, Huang Xiaolong and Jinjiao Mavericks, Cangmutian, and Flying Magic began to leave for the city of the heavens.

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