Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2112: Chaos

"In addition to Wanshi and Wanyue, there should be another person who knows how to enter the heavens!"

Huang Xiaolong and Cang Mutian have the same voice: "Yang Hao!"

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Thus, Huang Xiaolong and the Golden Horn Mavericks, Cang Mutian, and the Flying Devils were separated from each other. The Golden Horn Mavericks asked the news. As long as they heard the news of Yang Lan, they contacted Huang Xiaolong and Huang Xiaolong was shot.

Yang Lan is the master of the first stage, his own strength is not weak, and only Huang Xiaolong personally shot, only dare to ensure that Wan Shi and Wan Yue and others are not alarmed.

The Golden Horn Mavericks went to inquire about the news, and Huang Xiaolong walked in a row. After passing through a tea house, the people who saw and went in went in and the tea was overflowing. Huang Xiaolong went in and sat down, waiting for the news of the Golden Horn Mavericks.

"You said, the General Assembly of the Wanjie World, did Huang Xiaolong dare to come?"

"I bet that Huang Xiaolong must hide in the corner of Hell, and dare not come to the cities of the heavens!"

"I heard that Huang Xiaolong has already got the remaining Tibetan magical monuments, collected six magical monuments, and achieved a generation of ancestors. Now even the Heavenly Demons are convinced to him, and I don't know if it is true or not. Some people say that Huang Xiaolong has now broken through to the fourth stage!"

"Even if Huang Xiaolong gathers six magical monuments, even if he achieves a generation of demon ancestors, even if he breaks through to dominate the fourth-order, how is it? The Wanshida people have been invincible a billion years ago, and now they are fully aware of Taiqing. Dafa, the strength is soaring, it is estimated that a finger can kill Huang Xiaolong!"

"Do you know what it means to die? You stretched a finger and pressed a fly. When you tried hard, the belly of the fly exploded, and all the internal organs were shot out. When Huang Xiaolong was the fly!"

When Huang Xiaolong sat down, he heard the warmth of the parties in the teahouse. Almost everyone was talking about whether Huang Xiaolong would be killed if he dared to come, and he would die with one finger!

When it comes to Huang Xiaolong being killed by the world, these strong people are excited and excited, as if they are immersed in the situation.

Almost no one thought that if Huang Xiaolong could win.

In particular, in the Wanshiyi customs, the invincible strength was revealed. In one fell swoop, the six-winged green mosquito family ancestors were poisoned, and the old man, the king of Hongmeng, and the king of darkness were seriously injured.

"I heard that the poisonous sea was shot by Wan Shi adults, and even the cockroaches were photographed!" One of the ancestors laughed and said: "To tell the truth, this poisonous sea is also blameless, and was forced to hide by the bright ancestors. Going to the Magic Yuan, now it’s out, but I’m standing on the side of Huang Xiaolong, and I’ve invested in the wrong object, and I’m so dead!”

"I heard that the old man who fled the moon escaped, but the whole lower body was blown up by the bamboo of the world, and even the middle leg was gone!" The old ancestors ridiculed and said: "The eternal life of the world." The bamboo hit, the old man on the moon is trying to recover and it is extremely difficult. You said that if the old man of the moon does not have that leg, how can he live in the future!"

Everyone laughed.

Hearing these people maliciously ridiculed the old man and the poisonous sea, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes flashed with a single hand, and a devastating force entered the bodies of those people without any trace.

After a while, when Huang Xiaolong left, the ancestors who continued to ridicule suddenly screamed and screamed, and the pain was abnormal. Then, under the eyes of other people, the whole body slowly burst, and the inch was bursting. Turn into a group of blood beaches.

Seeing this scene, other powerful parties who were still eager to talk about it were in vain.

After Huang Xiaolong left the tea house, he strolled for a while. When he went there, he almost talked about the conference of the Wanjie World, and he was talking about Wanshi and him.

Of course, when talking about it, Wanshi is positive and Huang Xiaolong is negative.

Some even described Huang Xiaolong as a wicked murderer. The Wanshi adults went out of customs to clear Huang Xiaolong, the horror of the world. Some even described Huang Xiaolong as a peerless thief. Super powers have devastated female disciples who do not know how many families.

It is said that Huang Xiaolong is practicing a cult of evil and sucking out the true elements of countless tens of thousands of female disciples. Therefore, the strength of Huang Xiaolong can be improved so quickly.

Although everyone who knows knows that this is someone who is editing, but people who don’t know it, after listening to it, they believe these claims, so they pass on the ten, the ten pass, the hundred pass, and the people in the cities of the heavens. More and more, almost every corner is smashing Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are a glimpse. He naturally knows who is editing, who is deliberately smashing his reputation.


In the cities of the heavens, if there is no promotion by Wanshi and Wanyue, it is impossible to spread so widely.

Huang Xiaolong certainly knows the reason why Wanshi has done this. He is now doing his best to ruin his reputation. When he kills himself, he will show his justice and his reputation!

Half an hour later, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong was shocked, Huang Xiaolong took a look, and then a cold smile, the letter is sent by the Golden Horn Mavericks, saying that there is already news of Yang Lan.

Yang Lan, at this time, is in a mansion in the south of the city of the heavens!

This mansion is his private residence, but outsiders generally don't know.

Huang Xiaolong’s figure flashed and he immediately heard the news from the place.

A few minutes later, Huang Xiaolong appeared in front of an ordinary mansion. Looking at this extremely ordinary mansion, it is estimated that many people can hardly guess that this would be Yang Lan’s private residence.

However, within the mansion, it is a magnificent, luxurious decoration, in the hall, there are many treasures that are difficult to find outside.

Yang Lan sat on the throne of the hall and held a map in his hand. This map was obtained by chance. At first he didn't take it for granted. He thought it was just an ordinary treasure map, but after a study, he found it. This turned out to be the treasure map of the Wutulei Pool, one of the nine chaotic mine pools!

This made him happy, but as he studied in depth, he found that the approximate location of the chaotic pentuo pool was actually deep in the sky, which made him frown.

Deep in the sky, the sinister and incomparable, with his power to dominate the late stage, the probability of corruption is great.

However, it is a pity if this treasure map has been placed all the time.

"Tomorrow, I will dedicate the treasure map of this chaotic pentuo pool to the Wanshi adults?" Yang Yan blinked and muttered to himself: "If this treasure map of the chaotic pentuo pool is dedicated to the world." The Wanshi adults are sure to reward."

"Chaos is a thundering pool?!" Just then, a pleasant voice rang.

Yang Hao was shocked and said: "Who?!"

The space flashed and a figure appeared in front of him.

"Huang Xiaolong!" At first glance, Huang Xiaolong, Yang Lan's face was frightened and changed. When he was trying to escape, Huang Xiaolong's right palm was one, and one was collected. Yang Lan feared that the surrounding space was tight and the whole body could not help but fly to Huang Xiaolong.

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