Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2114: Thirty three heavens outside

Huang Xiaolong's palms wrapped the world and instantly suppressed Wan Zhuoyuan. The original imposing Wan Zhuoyuan, the whole body momentum was completely suppressed.

Wan Zhuoyuan’s fear found that his body was like a huge mountain of heaven and earth. He became a sacred sacred man, and his whole body was bursting, but it was useless, and he could not shake it.

Huang Xiaolong took the palm of his hand and took Wan Zhuoyuan to the front.

"You, impossible, how can you be so strong!" Wan Zhuoyuan is unbelievable, eating and eating, he is really unacceptable: "You, do you break through to dominate the middle class?! No, you can not achieve Wanjie so quickly overlord!"

"How come?" Huang Xiaolong sneered: "You can break through the middle of the first stage. Why can't I break through the middle ranks? Why can't I achieve the hegemony?"

Wan Zhuoyuan's eyes are straight and full of shock and horror.

Huang Xiaolong actually broke through to dominate the middle class, and achieved the hegemony of the world? !

Just now, he was only guessing. Now I heard Huang Xiaolong personally admit that it made him feel awkward. Even if he is a reincarnation of the great sanctuary, even if he has seen countless enchanting geniuses in countless worlds, it is difficult to conceal his horror.

To know that even if he is a reincarnation of the great sanctuary, it is far from being able to break through the mid-term to dominate the mid-level!

Huang Xiaolong did not pay attention to the horror of Wan Zhuoyuan. He shot the point and forced the body strength of Wan Zhuo Yuan. Then he threw it into the ancient heaven and threw it to Yang Lan.

Wan Zhuoyuan was thrown into the ancient heavenly court. He saw Yang Lan, who was screaming and screaming. His face was changed. With his eyesight, he could see that Yang Lan was under the refining of Dafa by Huang Xiaolong, and it was extremely The kind of powerful, this refining of the Dafa, can torment the life to death, even if it is the master of the strong can not stand.

At the thought of waiting for Huang Xiaolong to plant this refining Dafa on his own body, Wan Zhuo could not help but chill.

After the success of Wan Zhuoyuan, Huang Xiaolong waved his hands and took all the **** trees below. Two hundred and sixty-eight trees, one did not stay, and even one leaf was not left to the world.

After doing all this, Huang Xiaolong did not stay, left the space of the heavens, and then flew out of the cities of the heavens.

"Little dragon, how?" In a valley outside the city of the heavens, the Golden Horn Mavericks, Cang Mutian and the Flying Magic greeted them, and the Golden Horn Mavericks asked.

"Get it done." Huang Xiaolong nodded and smiled.

The Golden Horn Mavericks listened to the three, and also showed a relaxed smile. There is Wan Zhuoyuan in hand, at least Wan Shi and Wan Yue did not dare to kill the King of Hongmen easily.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong and the Golden Horn Mavericks entered the ancient heaven.

"Huang Xiaolong, you let me go!" Wan Zhuoyuan's whole body was imprisoned. When he saw Huang Xiaolong, he quickly stood up: "Let me, what do you want, my city of heavens can promise you!"

"What do I want, you can't give me the city of the heavens!" Huang Xiaolong sneered, came to the face of Wan Zhuoyuan, handed a shoulder to Wan Zhuoyuan, pinched, crushed his shoulder bones.

At the same time, Huang Xiaolong's dark and chilly gas infiltrated, Wan Zhuoyuan had a pale face, and his eyes were shocked and angry: "Huang Xiaolong, I am the reincarnation of the Holy Land, my soul will never die, you can't kill me, you let me go. I can pass on my holy ways to you. If you want to know, I can tell you!"

Huang Xiaolong sneered: "Can't you kill you? Then I will forever ban you, but I want to know what, you don't have to tell me!" Finished, the right palm fingers, grab the head of Wan Zhuoyuan, the palm of the hand purple The glory is shining, and it is constantly pouring into Wan Zhuo’s mind.

Wan Zhuo was shocked and flustered. He immediately yelled: "Huang Xiaolong, my sacred sacred sect has a sacred ban, and you can't steal my memory. You don't dream!"

“Is it?” Huang Xiaolong was unmoved, and Hong Meng’s purple gas continued to flow in. At the same time, the dominance of the will was invisible and directly rushed into the sea of ​​the other soul. When he came to the other side of the sacred sage, he ruled the will into a chaotic axe. Come out in one fell swoop.


Wan Zhuoyuan only felt the pain of the sea of ​​the soul violently, and the sacred ban on the sacred sacred sacred light shook.

His face changed greatly, and Huang Xiaolong’s strong will is far beyond his imagination. He must know that with his current realm, he is the ordinary master of the high-order, and it is impossible to break the sacred prohibition on his sacred sacred, but Huang Xiaolong just made a blow, and even let the holy road banned a lot of loose!

Keep going like this, I am afraid!

At this time, it was another loud noise.

Second strike!

The sacred ban on the sacred sacred is loose again.

"Huang Xiaolong, I am willing to share everything with you!" Wan Zhuoyuan hurriedly shouted: "I know how to refine the holy device, I can tell you! This method of refining the holy device, I am in the depths of memory, you Forcibly attacking will damage this part of the memory, and it is impossible to get it unless I tell you personally!"

Huang Xiaolong’s heart is moving, how to refine the holy device? !

However, Huang Xiaolong did not stop, and the dominance will continue to be shot.

Third strike, fourth strike...

Thus, after dozens of hits, finally, Wan Zhuoyuan’s sacred sacred voice made a cracking sound, and the sacred ban on the sacred sacred sect was completely cracked.

In an instant, the memory of the tide is constantly coming from the sacred sage of Wan Zhuoyuan.

The memory fragments of Wan Zhuoyuan's previous life and this world are constantly being hunted by Huang Xiaolong.

Soon after more than an hour passed, most of Wan Zhuo’s memory was hunted by Huang Xiaolong. Only a small part of his memory was sealed in the depths of Wan Zhuo’s memory. When Huang Xiaolong was hunting this part of memory, there was a tyrannical force that prevented Huang Xiaolong.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he dominated the will to bombard again.

Half a day later, Huang Xiaolong’s face was like a flower, and there was never a moment. Huang Xiaolong’s smile was so blooming.

In the last small part of the memory of Wan Zhuo Yuan Feng, Huang Xiaolong finally got the method of urging the holy things, not only the method of urging the holy things, but also the method of refining the holy things!

At that time, he can finally spur the beast! If he can get the power of the thunder in the beastly thunderbolt, why is he afraid of the world? !

"Thirty-three days away!" Huang Xiaolong said to himself.

To his surprise, from the last small part of Wan Zhuoyuan, he also learned that at the end of the road, it turned out to be a world called thirty-three days away.

Thirty-three days away, it is the world of supreme power and the sacred place. There are countless ancestral gates, countless enchanting geniuses, and vast expanse, that is, the heavens of the lower bounds are placed thirty-three days away, just a small one. Only the corner.

And only in thirty-three days, can we fight for the Holy Life, achieve the holy environment, surpass life and death, master the reincarnation!

However, the memory of the past life of Wan Zhuoyuan has not completely awakened. There are not many Huang Xiaolong know about the world beyond thirty-three days.

Suddenly, the Golden Horn Mavericks then surprised: "It is the old man who worships the moon, and the old man comes to the letter!" After that, take out the letter.

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