Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2133: Next this knife

Of course, the power of Huang Xiaolong naturally cannot surpass the heavens. Don’t say that Huang Xiaolong is the master of the tenth-order late peaks and cannot surpass the heavens!

Therefore, in the morning, it seems that he has integrated the power of the heavens, and he is now in an invincible position, because as long as the heavens are not destroyed, then the original strength of the heavens will continue and will never dry up!

And Huang Xiaolong’s own dominance is always exhausted.

"Death!" One morning, the big knife in his hand suddenly rushed out to Huang Xiaolong.


The knives and glory of the tens of millions of miles, the entire heavenly airflow was stirred.

Looking at this knife, everyone in the heavens is not afraid of it, as if under this knife, the whole heaven can be cut into two halves, and everyone has the feeling of being cut into two halves.

Although it is just an illusion, it is so true.

Knife Mang across the tens of billions of miles, straight to Huang Xiaolong, from the top of Huang Xiaotou.

The early attack in the morning, it is comparable to the eternal strike of the eternal life of the world, and now it is supported by the power of the heavens. The power of this knife is ten times stronger!

Looking at the glory of the glory of the world, Huang Xiaolong's whole body was mad and gushing, and the sixteen wings were unfolding behind him. One light and another small gods condensed, and the bright scepter appeared in the hand, and the three sacred sacs were spurred, suddenly slamming Hit at high altitude.

Everyone saw that a huge and indescribable bright river appeared, and it was so high that it was like the bright dragon, and wanted to break the heavens.


The bright river collides with the Yao Shidao.

The heavens trembled and the heavens and the earth lost all their voices.


After this collision, after the heavy destruction of the gas cloud, Yao Shi Kuangman finally plowed the bright river, from the center of the Guangming River, and the bright river was separated by two halves.

Knife Mang continued to fall to the top of Huang Xiaotou.

In the distance, the king of Hongmeng, the Golden Horn Mavericks and other people saw it, his face changed, and he exclaimed: "Little Dragon!"

When the knife fell, the light scepter of Huang Xiaolong’s hand was turned into a bright mountain, blocking the top of Huang Xiaolong.

However, even so, when the knife fell, the bright mountain of the bright scepter was still collapsed, the bright scepter fell to the ground, and Huang Xiaolong was also smashed into the ground.

The underground explosion exploded, and a huge deep pit with unfathomable appearance appeared. With this huge unfathomable deep pit, there was a knife mark on the ground, and the knife marks were born and the earth was opened. Rift generation.

The world is still.

It is difficult for everyone to feel the shock of the soul.

The heavens and the world, the power of one person, can be as strong as this?

This knife fell, if not Huang Xiaolong resisted, I am afraid that the ground can be completely opened?

"Little Dragon!" The Golden Horn Mavericks, the King of Hongmeng and others first reacted, screaming and rushing to the huge deep pit.

Looking at the huge deep pit in the morning, it was a sigh of relief. Wanshi also showed a smile. The blow that happened in the morning was that he was being crushed and he was seriously injured. There may even be a possibility of corruption under his will. Huang Xiaolong is not far from dead even if he is not dead.

At the last moment, Huang Xiaolong’s strength did not even call out the Leizhu to resist, which helped them a lot. Otherwise, it’s not so easy for them to solve Huang Xiaolong.

Next, it is much easier to solve Huang Xiaolong.

Looking at the Golden Horn Mavericks, the king of Hongmeng flew to the huge deep pit, and the morning laughed coldly: "Qingniu, Hongmeng, you just followed Huang Xiaolong to practice the palace, and scraped my treasure. I didn't expect this moment." Right now, I will kill you first, then kill Huang Xiaolong, and let Huang Xiaolong look at him and kiss him in front of him!" After that, the right palm is under pressure, and a huge palm prints out to the Golden Horn calf. Several people fell.

In the face of the morning bombing, the Golden Horn Mavericks, the king of Hongmeng are all scared, this palm, it is the ordinary master of the high-level are difficult to pick up, let alone their tens of thousands of hegemons?

Seeing this palm will be slammed down, and several people will be killed. At this moment, suddenly, a cold voice rang, and countless light swords burst out from the huge pit.

The bright swordsman pierced a huge palm print in an instant.

The morning of the bombing of a palm, riddled with holes, and then dissipated the world.

The sudden change in front of the eyes, let Tianchen and Wanshi and others wait for a glimpse, everyone can not help but look at the huge deep pit, I saw a lot of golden light in the deep pit, a figure slowly rises, it is Huang Xiaolong who was previously hit the ground.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong is covered with golden dragon scales and a layer of golden Buddha light. In addition, the darkness of the surface is condensed, and the light of the road is beautiful.

Ok? In the morning, my eyes narrowed and my face was a bit ugly.

He can see that Huang Xiaolong seems to be fine?

The blow just now, just bombed Huang Xiaolong into the ground and suffered some skin injuries?

Wanshi is also ugly, and his eyes are hard to hide. The body defense of Huang Xiaolong is so much stronger than three years ago. If three years ago, Huang Xiaolong suffered the blow of the morning, it is absolutely impossible.

"Little Dragon!" Golden Horn Mavericks, the king of Hongmeng sees Huang Xiaolong nothing, all face big joy.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the morning coldly. If it wasn’t for the three years that he was constantly tempered by the thunder of the beastly ramie, his three sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred bodies were greatly improved. He really wants to be seriously injured.

However, it is also his intention. I did not expect that after the integration of the power of the heavens in the morning, and then with the sword of the supreme Lingbao, the attack was so strong.

"Very good." Tianchen sneered: "Huang Xiaolong, I didn't expect you to fight hard, but the knife just warmed up. Next, I can see if you can handle it!" The big knife once again came out, this knife, the knife is more prosperous, cut through the sky, it seems that even the sky can fall.

Just when the knife broke out in the morning, Huang Xiaolong moved. When Huang Xiaolong appeared again, he had already arrived in the morning and behind the world. Huang Xiaolong burst into a fist, but this punch was not a blast, but a bang. To the world.

Huang Xiaolong has long seen that it is impossible to integrate the power of the heavens with the realm of the morning, so he just opened the door to help him.

Wan Shi Huoran turned to the first, looked at the punch of Huang Xiaolong's bombardment, his face changed greatly, a glimpse, the whole body was shining brightly, and the bamboo of Wanshi became a green bamboo god. At the same time, he punched Huang Xiaolong, Taiqing. The madness rushed out.


I saw Huang Xiaolong’s fist, Jin Guang’s shot, and instantly broke the eternal temperament of the world. Then, on the chest of the world, the green bamboo **** of Wanshi’s body was beaten and bursting, and the fist was passed through the chest of the world. The back blasted and then slammed into the morning.

I saw that Wan Shi was shot back by Huang Xiaolong and squatted on the distant mountains. I don’t know how many mountains were crushed.

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