Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2140: Gun out everything

"Not bad!" Knife Man nodded: "In the past, the chasing Leichi, the lord of the country did not care, but only after reading an ancient book in the last month, the nine chaotic mines were related to thirty-three days."

"So, the lord will spend so much effort, let us find this chaotic pentuo pool! As for the nine chaotic thunder pools, what is the secret of thirty-three days, the lord did not say, but the country The command of the Lord, we will finish it!"

The bald head nodded: "The big brother said, but this chaotic penite mine pool is only one of them, and the other eight do not know where."

Knife swearing: "We found that the Heaven of Heaven had once got a chaotic Black Sea Thunder Pool, but only a few days ago, this chaotic Black Sea Thunder Pool fell in the hands of a person named Huang Xiaolong."

"Huang Xiaolong?" The bald head laughed: "It's easy. When we both went to take this yellow dragonfly down, it was just a direct search for the soul!"

"Don't underestimate this Huang Xiaolong!" Knife said: "I heard that the morning and the world together, not the opponent of this Huang Xiaolong, and finally the shot of the gods, can not suppress this Huang Xiaolong, so the Chaos Black Sea Lei Chi fell into the hands of this Huang Xiaolong !"

The bald head was shocked: "What?! Is there such a thing?!"

The knife man nodded: "Because the heavens closed the news, and it just happened soon, so many people still don't know about it. Therefore, the lord said, if there is news of Huang Xiaolong, we should not shoot, report to the lord, you will do it. At that time, the lord or the marshal will be shot!"

The bald head nodded.

However, when the knives and the bald heads and other people explored the chaotic Wutulei pool, suddenly, the sound of the sound broke through, only to see the distance, a group of strong people broke through.

Seeing people coming, the knife and the bald head were a little surprised and surprised.

"Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom!"

The coming person is the person of the gods and heavens. The leader is a thin old man with a long sword.

"Xiong, what are you doing here?" The knife man looked coldly at the thin old man.

The thin old man Xiong Xiao smiled and said: "Zhu Xinyi, you said what we are doing here, can you come here, can we not come?"

The knife and the male Zhu Xinyi's face sank. Obviously, the other party is also coming to the chaotic Wu Tulei pool. However, how does the other party know? Someone leaked the news?

"You gods and heavens have inserted spies in our heavens?" Knife and male Zhu Xinyi eyes are cold.

The thin old man Xiong Wei did not seem to see the chill in the other's eyes, the smile did not change: "Zhu Xinyi, don't say so ugly, what kind of spies is not spoiled, don't you?"

Knife, male, Zhu Xinyi, a glimpse.

"Okay, let's not talk nonsense." Xiong said: "We are all coming for the chaotic Wutuo pool. In this case, we both rely on our own skills. Whoever finds this chaotic Wutuo pool is who it is." I didn’t pay attention to the knife and the male Zhu Xinyi, waving the hand to the gods and gods in the heavens before the kingdom: "Distracted search!"

The gods and kingdoms of the heavens should be, and then spread out.

Knife man Zhu Xinyi's face is gloomy.

"Big Brother, what should I do?" asked the bald head.

"First look for chaos Wu Terai pool!"

Only half a day later, the masters of the Holy Trinity and the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom turned over the surrounding space, and still did not see the shadow of the Chaos.

This made the brows on both sides frown.

However, the two sides are not reconciled and continue to expand the scope of the search.

Two days passed quickly.


"According to the location of the treasure map, the front mountain is the chaotic pentuo mine pool." Huang Xiaolong riding the Golden Horn Mavericks, and the king of Hongmeng broke the chaotic chaos and came to the front of the mountains.

However, what makes Huang Xiaolong puzzled is that the seven chaotic mine pools in his body have not been inductive to get the chaotic pentasule pool.

Is the Chaos Wutu Lei Pool, like the ancient Heavenly Court, banned in a different space?

"Oh." Huang Xiaolong was shocked. He first discovered the people of the Holy Spirit and the Shenwei Heaven.

"It seems to be the Holy God and the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom?!" Not long after, the Golden Horn Mavericks were also surprised and surprised.

Holy heaven!

Shenwei Heaven!

The king of Hongmeng, Cangmutian, and the flying konjac are all changed.

Although the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom is not one of the five great heavens of Tianlu, its strength is not weaker than that of the five great heavens of Tianlu, and the king of the heavenly kingdom is one of the top ten masters of Tianlu. The strength is not weaker than that of God or even God. Be a little higher.

As for the holy heaven, it is even more amazing. It is one of the five great heavens of Tianlu. Although it is no more than a horrible heaven, it is the five great heavens of Tianlu, which shows the strength of this holy heaven.

Just when Huang Xiaolong and others discovered the people of the Holy Spirit and the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom, Zhu Xinyi, Xiong Wei and others also discovered Huang Xiaolong and others.

"Is this a few people coming for the chaotic Wutuo pool?" The bald head was suspicious.

Xiong Wei sneered: "Is it right? I will know when I am caught and asked." After that, he told his men: "Go, catch the few people."

"Yes, Xiong Wei adults!" Several Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom masters flew over to Huang Xiaolong.

A few people came to Huang Xiaolong and did not say much. They shot directly.

However, these masters of the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom had just shot, and they were swept back by the flying scorpion giant tail, and fell to the distant mountains.

Although the strength of these Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom masters is not weak, but it is only the middle and late tenth generation of the Great Emperor, how to resist the attack of the Flying Magic?

However, considering that the other party is the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom, the Flying Magic has retained its strength and has not killed it.

Around this, the gods of heaven and the heavenly kingdom were also taken aback.

Xiong Wei looked at Huang Xiaolong with a bad look: "Who are you? What are you doing here? Dare to dare to seriously hurt my disciple of Heavenly Kingdom?"

Huang Xiaolong said indifferently: "How about serious injuries? If it is not Shenwei Heaven, you are dead!"

The bear's face changed and he was furious: "I have a big tone, I will see if you have the ability to kill me now!" After that, a long gun appeared in his hand, the long gun was black, and the gun head shone with a cold heart. Mang, no doubt, this long gun is a treasure to Hongmeng, although it is not comparable to the ancient heaven, but not weaker than the bright gods.

"Gun and destroy everything! Big yin and yang vortex!"

The rifle in his hand stirred the void with a circle, and suddenly spurred out to Huang Xiaolong.

Suddenly, there were countless airflow screams in the void, forming a horrible whirlpool, drowning and ignoring thousands of miles, turning into a yin and yang, and instantly rushed to Huang Xiaolong.

This bear is very strong, but it is dominated by the early sixth stage, which is much stronger than the old ones.

However, looking at the big yin and yang vortex that swallowed up, Huang Xiaolong just lifted his right hand and shot his index finger. He saw that the powerful yin and yang vortex was blown up like a bubble. Then, the panda’s hand was shocked. I have to take off my hands and fly, and Xiong Wei is even more severely hit, and she has to pour out, and her whole body is bursting.

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