Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2157: Also give me a statement

"Laugh me!" The more I think about it, the more I think it is funny, the laughter is not.

After laughing for more than a minute, Shenwei’s masters of the heavens stopped, but it was the gods, and still laughed there.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, his right hand used a force, and when he pinched it, he crushed the bones of Shenwei’s right shoulder. The power of hell’s darkness was filled, and the gods and sons screamed, and the laughter finally stopped.

"Let's go! What are you doing, let us go!"

"Not ready to stop!"

The gods and heavens masters saw the situation and were furious.

Some even slashed and attacked Huang Xiaolong.

However, these Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom masters have not yet attacked, Huang Xiaolong has a bomb, and they see these Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom masters burst into the air, all the gods burst, the mouth is not only bleeding, but they are all in the distant mountains. I haven't seen it for a long time.

The masters of Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom remembered Huang Xiaolong but killed Chen Tianhao and Hu Jin, and they were so scared that they stopped.

Tian Qifei, the marshal of Shenwei Heaven, saw Huang Xiaolong in front of their face and tortured the gods, and could not help but look cold. He came out: "I will give you ten seconds and let us have less masters."

"In ten seconds, you put us in the Lord, you may not be so miserable when you die!"

"After ten seconds, if you don't let it go!" When it comes to this, Tian Qifei's eyes are cold and violent: "You will become the worst person in the road!"

Tian Qifei's blue flames rose into the sky, covering the sky of Shenwei Heaven, and everything around him changed blue light, blue is terrible.

Tian Qifei’s momentum was completely released and there was a pressure on the country.

Shenwei Tianguo is the ninth-ranked heaven in Tianlu. Tian Qifei is the Marshal of the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom. Its strength is naturally far from being comparable to Chen Tianhao, Hu Jin and Xiong Wei.

Huang Xiaolong did not seem to feel the killing of Tian Qifei. The right hand continued to use force, and the Shenwei son screamed more and more.

Tian Qifei saw it, his face was ugly, and his body was even more violent.

Huang Xiaolong actually regarded his words as nothing?

The gods and kings saw that Huang Xiaolong dared to treat his son like this, but he was very violent, but he saw Tian Qifei want to do it, so he endured it.

One second, two seconds...

In the skyrocketing killing of Tian Qifei, very soon, ten seconds passed.

Huang Xiaolong continued to increase his right hand, and Shenwei’s screams were more and more screaming.

"Dead!" Tian Qifei had a drink and finally shot.

He waved his whole body, his hands were moving, and the blue flame covering the heavens and the earth suddenly gathered together and turned into a blue flame knife.

The big knife does not know how many tens of thousands of feet, the blue flame of the blade found a strange sizzling sound.

I saw that the blue sky around the blue flame has turned into a black hole, and heavy space can not resist the power of this blue flame.

Qing Tian Lan Yan Dadao immediately squatted to Huang Xiaolong.


With the slashing of the sky, the sound of the heavens and the earth is ringing.

Tian Qifei's eyes are cold. This blue flame is the same treasure that he received in the extraterrestrial space one billion years ago. Although it is not the supreme spiritual treasure, it is better than the supreme spiritual treasure, and it can transform various forms to attack the enemy.

After his billion years of continuous refining, constant familiarity, and constant perception, he has completely mastered this unnamed blue flame. He is confident that even the ordinary master of the eighth order, under his knife, will die.

Moreover, he is sure that he will turn Huang Xiaolong into thousands of pieces, and will not hurt the gods of Huang Xiaolong.

Looking at Tian Qifei's knives, the gods and gods of the heavens are all awe.

Shenwei’s lord also secretly nodded. Although he has improved a lot in recent years, he has gained a lot of treasures. However, if he does not use that heavy treasure, he will not dare to pick up Tian Qifei’s knives.

When the blue flame knife came to the top of Huang Xiaolong, the mountain below Huang Xiaolong turned into a blue sediment flow, and the eyes collapsed.

This blue flame is enough to melt Hongmeng to the treasure. Although the mountains have been blessed, how can they withstand the incineration of the blue flame.

Looking at the fallen stern blue flame knife, Huang Xiaolong's face is calm, his right hand is raised, the index finger, the **** stretches, and the **** are one clip.

Shenweiguotian people looked at Huang Xiaolong's action and couldn't help but feel awkward.

"This kid is crazy, is he trying to use a pair of fingers to hold the marshal's singer's knives?" A Shenwei Tianguo general laughed.

"If we are not crazy, it must be that he is crazy!" Shen Wei, the great king of heaven, also shook his head and smiled.

Tian Qifei saw it, sneered, and the power increased again. Originally, he only used 80% of the power before. Now, he has added 10%!

When the sturdy sword fell to the top of Huang Xiaotou, there was no loud noise, and no screams and blood spattered in the imagination.

I saw that the stalwart knife fell to the middle of the **** raised by Huang Xiaolong, and there was no sound.

"Being, being caught?!" Shenwei Tianguo General Xiong Xiong eyes are sluggish.

Huang Xiaolong is not crazy, they are crazy!

The gods and the lords also almost dropped their chins, and they couldn't believe the knives of Huang Xiaolong's fingers.

Shenwei Gongzi also stopped screaming and looked at the scene in disbelief.

In Tian Qifei’s shocked eyes, Huang Xiaolong’s **** twisted, and I saw that the blue sky knives that I don’t know how many tens of thousands of knives were twisted and bent, and finally “cracked” and a loud bang, the blue qingtian big knife collapsed into Countless festivals, scattered around the earth.

Tian Qifei only felt a powerful force coming in, so that he could not help but retreat, his throat was hot, he touched his mouth and stared at the golden blood in his hand.

Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom is even more shocked.

Shenwei Gongzi has completely forgotten the yelling just now.

"You, who are you?" After a long time, Tian Qifei shuddered, but this time his voice contained fear that he did not notice.

He looked at Huang Xiaolong, and he couldn't hide his fear. He was the master of the ninth stage. With his strength, he was able to enter the heavens for more than a dozen. But now, he was easily injured by Huang Xiaolong.

The gods and the lords, the masters of the gods and the heavens are also staring at Huang Xiaolong.

"Huang Xiaolong." Huang Xiaolong said lightly.

"What? You, you are Huang Xiaolong!" Shen Weiguo and Tian Qifei were shocked.

The gods and kingdoms of the heavens may not know who Huang Xiaolong is, but they are screaming at the heavens, defeating the world and the morning, how they don't know.

Although I heard about the heavens, they didn’t pay much attention to them before. They always felt that the rumors were too exaggerated.

Now, the young man in front of him is actually Huang Xiaolong who has to be forced to flee in the face of God?

Shenwei’s face is dignified, no matter whether God is really forced to flee by this Huang Xiaolong, but the strength that Huang Xiaolong just showed is enough to be his opponent.

"The original is Huang Xiaolong." Shenwei’s king said, "The strength is indeed strong, and the strength is only comparable to the Holy Lord. However, even if the Holy Lord kills me, he will also be a great general. Give me a statement!"

The implication is that Huang Xiaolong killed his **** Wei Tianguo general Chen Tianhao, Hu Jin, when he tortured his son, he also gave him a statement.

Otherwise, when he spreads out, what is his face?

In his view, Huang Xiaolong's strength is comparable to the Holy Lord, but he is still sure to suppress Huang Xiaolong.

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