Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2166: Go to the holy heaven!

In the horror shrine, flying three high figures.

Seeing these three tall figures, the masters of the horror of heaven are not respectful and sinful: "See your Majesty, Marshal, and the first adult!"

These three are the terrorist kings of the terror heaven, the marshal of terror, and the horror chief.

The horror king of the country looked at the distant air in the distance and nodded and smiled: "It seems that the big brother of God's burial **** has finally become a big one!"

Just as the voice of the lord of the terror country fell, suddenly, the sky was raging and violent, and a figure rose into the sky, and the momentum was overwhelming.

It is the God who has been retreating.

"Big brother!"

"God's predecessor!"


In the morning when I was in the distance, Wan Shi, Wan Xiaorong, Tian Yu and others saw it, and I was not happy, and called forward.

"God's Majesty!" The masters of the heavens also bowed up and screamed.

The lord of terrorism is presented to the horror marshal. The horror chief said: "Go, let's go up too!" After that, the two martyrs with the horror of the horror flew to God.

"Congratulations to the big brother of God to bury God Dafa Dacheng!"

Marshal of terror, the horror of the horror is also a congratulatory greeting.

God laughed loudly and held a fist: "This big brother can cultivate the Dafa to Dacheng so quickly, thanks to the help of the brothers, the help of the brothers, and remember in the heart!"

He was able to cultivate the Dafa to Dacheng so quickly, and he swallowed a heavenly and earthly fruit given by the lord of terror.

The leader of the terrorist country shook his hand and smiled and said: "You and my brother, why are you polite? When you were a big brother, you saved me in danger. I have not forgotten for so many years. If I have not had a big brother, I am not present. Today's achievements!"

The two laughed for a while.

God’s topic turned, cold channel: “Now I am burying God Dafa Dacheng, it’s time to go to Huang Xiaolong’s puppy to report the hatred!” When it comes to this, ask Tianchen, Wanshi: “Is there any recent Huang Xiaolong? Message?"

In the morning, the two people looked at each other and hesitated.

Terrorist country chief Dong Cheng said: "Big brother retreats these days, that Huang Xiaolong does not stop, his recent reputation in Tianlu is like the sky!" When it comes to this, Huang Xiaolong will kill Shen Tiantian general Chen Tianhao, Hu Jin, in recent days. I broke the star of the comet and said that I took the gods.

At the same time, it talked about the conflict between Huang Xiaolong and the giant son.

God was taken aback, but he did not expect him to retreat these days, Huang Xiaolong actually made such a big move.

However, Huang Xiaolong killed Chen Weihao, Hu Jin, and took the gods to the gods, but nothing happened?

"The **** of the king did not kill Huang Xiaolong?" God brows.

The leader of the terrorist state, Shen Shen, said: "For the incident of Huang Xiaolong, the gods and kings did not mention it to the outside world, so my guess was that even the gods and the kings couldn’t help Huang Xiaolong, and eventually the two reconciled."

God’s eyes are awkward: “Even the gods and kings in the gods of the heavens, can’t help Huang Xiaolong? It seems that the strength of Huang Xiaolong has improved a lot.” Speaking of this, sneer: “However, I am buried in Dafa Dacheng. As long as that Huang Xiaolong has not broken through the seventh order, he will die!"

The leader of the terrorist state nodded: "According to our investigation, Huang Xiaolong is now dominated the sixth-order late stage."

God is a little surprised: "Huang Xiaolong is now dominated the sixth-order late stage? This small smashing power upgrade is so fast, he did not rely on that Ray-Ban before, the combat power is comparable to the ninth-order early stage, now, even if there is no Ray, I am afraid He has the power to dominate the mid-ninth stage?!"

"Mastering the mid-ninth stage!" The crowd did not exclaim.

The horror marshal, the first horror of the horror, looked at each other and saw the shock in the eyes of the other party.

One dominates the late sixth stage, and there is actually the ability to dominate the mid-ninth stage. This is simply beyond their imagination and subversion of their cognition.

In the history of Tianlu, although it has dominated the sixth-order late stage, the combat power is comparable to that of the seventh-order or even the late stage, but it is extremely rare. However, it dominates the sixth-order late stage, but it has the comparable ability to dominate the ninth-order medium-term combat power. It hasn't appeared, let alone dominate the mid-ninth, and it is the master of the sixth-order late stage.

The horror of the horror of the country blinked: "If it is added to the Thunderball, then does Huang Xiaolong not dominate the late 9th-order combat power? Or even dominate the late 9th-level peak?"

He also felt shocked, this Huang Xiaolong was so enchanting!

God nodded: "So, my eldest brother, I have to borrow the heavy treasure from the brothers. As long as Huang Xiaolong has not had the Leizhu, I am now burying the Dafa Dacheng, plus the funeral god, or completely sure to kill him! ”

The horror king shook his head: "The big brother does not know, then Huang Xiaolong is now practicing in the holy shrine!"

“Holy God Palace!” The face of God changed slightly: “What do you mean?”

The main country of the terror country: "Although I don't know the relationship between Huang Xiaolong and the sacred kingdom, but the sacred lord gave the sacred shrine to him to practice, you can see that the relationship between the two is not shallow!"

God’s eyes are suspicious.

"That's it." The horror king said: "I will go to the holy heaven with my older brother!"

When God heard it, he couldn’t help but rejoice: "It’s best to have a brother to go with you!"

With the cultivation and strength of the lord of the terrorist state, Huang Xiaolong will die! Even the Holy Lord can not shelter Huang Xiaolong!

"If you don't want to be late, then we will prepare for it, and we will start later!"

"Okay, follow the words of the brothers!" God laughed.

At the moment, the two men passed on orders and prepared the masters of the terror heaven and heaven.

An hour later, the two kings of terror and the two gods led the masters of the two countries to a terrible heaven, and all the way to the holy heaven.

This time, God, Tianchen, Wanshi, Wan Xiaorong, Tianyu and other heavenly masters did their best, and the horror heaven was not only the horror kingdom, but even the horror marshals went together, and there were half of the horror heavens.

On the same day, when the heads of the terrorists joined forces to lead the masters of the two countries to the holy heaven, the whole road was boiling and exciting.

"God is buried in the Dafa Dafa, and joins the terrorist kings to go to the holy heaven, to kill the little dragon!"

"The horror kingdom actually shot himself, and it is rumored that the terrorist lord has broken through the early tenth stage of the dominance. I don't know if it is true or false!"

Just when everyone was shaking, the giant gongs heard the news, and they also looked alive: "The terrorist lord went with God and went to personally?"

We must know that the existence of a treacherous country is not easy to take.

The last time the terrorist king took the shot was already 600 million years ago.

"Okay, this is really good news!" Giants then laughed: "I originally wanted to ask our Marshal adults to shoot, it seems no need!"

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