Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2180: Sword patriarch

"It is the Holy Lord and the gods!"

Huang Xiaolong and others arrived, which caught the attention of everyone.

"How did the Holy Lord and the gods and kings come together? Did the two also join in the alliance? Is that golden pig a Luobao gold pig?!"

Everyone guessed.

Dong Cheng, the leader of the terrorist state, also saw it. When he saw Huang Xiaolong sitting on the Luobao Golden Pig, the horror king of the country was shot by the eyes.

The leader of the terrorist state, Dong Cheng, slowly walked over to Huang Xiaolong.

The giant scorpion brows, but ultimately did not stop the terrorist king. In fact, he also wants to see if this Huang Xiaolong's combat power is really amazing.

Anyone who has not seen it with his own eyes can't believe that one can dominate the sixth-order late peak to defeat a master of the tenth stage!

The giant scorpion around the giant lord also stared at Huang Xiaolong coldly. He said to the giant lord: "Father, I am afraid that the gods and kings have been recruited by Huang Xiaolong!"

Otherwise, the gods and the gods and the kings of the gods can not take the same with Huang Xiaolong.

The giant lord did not speak, no expression, no idea what he was thinking.

In the millions of miles of the giant python, a group of masters wearing robes are also staring at Huang Xiaolong and the sages.

"The young man is Huang Xiaolong? His combat power is really so strong?" A middle-aged brave man in a robe opened his mouth. Under the tone, he obviously did not believe that Huang Xiaolong could dominate the sixth-order to defeat the terrorist leader Dong Cheng.

Another middle-aged man sighed coldly: "However he can control his strength, as long as he does not hinder our thirty-three heavenly races, if he stops obstructing our thirty-three heavenly races, let alone he is Huang Xiaolong. Even if he is Huang Dalong, he will kill it!"


Its whole body is thunderous.

Terror is overwhelming.

Under the pressure of the middle-aged people, the strong people around the city were shocked, and they could not help but retreat. Even the giants of the giants of the heavens could not help but look at them.

At this time, the leader of the terrorist state, Dong Ting and the horror of heaven, had come to Huang Xiaolong and then stopped. The horror king of the country stared coldly at Huang Xiaolong. The look was like a snake staring at his own food.

"Huang Xiaolong, will drop the treasure gold pig, don't break the shield to give me back, and then beg for mercy, I can leave you a whole body!" The horror king of the country is cold.

The sacred heavens and the gods of heaven and earth are not angry.

Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and stopped the people of the Holy Spirit and the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom. They said indifferently: "You are rolling now, but you still have time, otherwise you will not want to roll!"

The owner of the terrorist state was furious.

At this moment, suddenly, in the distance, the sound of the air broke, and I saw a group of people wearing white robes standing on the top of a giant sword. Although it was far beyond 10 billion miles, the sword was already straight. Coming out, everyone only felt that the whole body seemed to be in the blade, and there was a feeling of being cut by a thousand blades.

Everyone saw the coming, and they couldn’t help but be surprised.

"It's a sword family!"

"The swordsman has closed the mountain for three billion years, and this time it has come!"

"The one who bears the fan sword seems to be the sword patriarch! I saw it once in a year, and a sword killed a master of the ninth order! After the master of the ninth-order high hand, the whole body burst into a myriad of pieces. The death is terrible!"

I saw the strange sword in front of the giant sword. The sword is like an open fan. The sword bone is like a fan bone. There are not many, a total of one hundred sword bones. Each sword bone is branded without On the sword, these swords became the swordless.

Seeing the sword patriarch, whether it is the master of the thirty-three heavenly family or the giant lord, the eyes are condensed, and the face has a dignified weight.

When the sword patriarch swept the road, almost no one could stop it. Even the current Xuanlong lord also believed that it was not the sword patriarch.

"Father, that is the kid who hurt me!" Standing at the tip of the girl behind the swordsman, I saw Huang Xiaolong in the middle of the eye, and could not help but yell at Huang Xiaolong.

The voice of the girl is not small, and everyone looks at Huang Xiaolong.

The horror king of the country continued to sneer. He did not expect Huang Xiaolong to die. Even the daughters of the sword patriarchs dared to be wounded. The sword patriarch was notoriously short-lived. The next disciple was seriously injured by a super-natural king. Later, the sword patriarch personally shot and annihilated the other party and the other ancestors.

At that time, the incident caused a great shock in Tianlu. It is necessary to know that the super heaven is not low in Tianlu, but it is ranked in the presence of more than a dozen.

Sure enough, the swordsman Qin Tian looked at Huang Xiaolong, and his brow wrinkled: "The kid, is that you hurt my daughter?" It was like a sword, and it was forced to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong is light and self-sufficient: "Yes, it is me."

Qin Tian’s sword, Qin Tian’s eyes: “I heard that you can defeat the horror king Dong Cheng, so I don’t deceive you a junior. You must take the shot first. If you can take my sword, I will not kill. you!"

Huang Xiaolong shook his head: "No, you can take it!"

Everyone suddenly held their breath and stared tightly.

"Good!" The sword of the swordsman Qin Tian smiled coldly, but he did not see how it moved. He saw that the sword suddenly flew out behind him, and the swordsman shook thousands of miles. Everyone had a pain in his eyes, only the world was left. This sword mans.


The fan sword exploded in an instant, and each sword bone became a hundred sword mountains. It was attacked by Huang Xiaolong, and the speed was so fast that even the holy kingdom was difficult to react.

The terrorist leader Dong Cheng also quickly rushed back with the horror of heaven.

Looking at the stunned Jianshan, Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly, and did not move, a chaotic axe suddenly appeared in the void, chaotic axe suddenly slammed down, I saw that one hundred Jianshan was chased by the chaos Explosion, turned into a million swords.

Everyone was shocked.

But at this moment, the fan sword that turned into a million swords, such as a million swords and snakes, wraps around and wraps around Huang Xiaolong.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he did not flash back. When the whole body was shocked, he would shake back the millions of swords.

The sword that was repulsed turned into a sword fan and returned to the back of the sword-bearing sword.

Everyone is silent, and for a long time they dare not speak out.

The sword of the swordsman Qin Tian only felt that the fan of the sword trembled behind his face, and his face sank. Obviously, the strength of Huang Xiaolong exceeded his expectations. Just the power of the sword, even the ordinary master of the tenth-order early stage is difficult to pick up, but Huang Xiaolong was easily taken over.

Not only the swordsman’s sword, Qin Tian, ​​but even the giant lord, the thirty-three heavenly masters also looked at Huang Xiaolong in amazement.

"The thunder of the sky is smooth!"

Suddenly, I don’t know who shouted. Everyone looked at it and saw that the Thunder, which was originally filled with extraterrestrial space, slowly dissipated. The violent thunder of the outer space of the heavens became much more peaceful.

"Go!" The giant lord saw the situation, and immediately led the giants of the heavens to break open the outer heaven wall and enter the heavenly space.

The horror king Dong Cheng sneered at Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong, count your life, wait for the heavens, I will kill you again!" After that, he also followed the giants of the horror heavens and the giants of the heavens. Heaven outside.

Thirty-three heavenly people, swordsmen and other masters have also poured in.

(There is something today, only one more)

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