Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2191: Huang Xiaolong is dead?

Just when the swordsman Qin Tian and other people escaped without a shadow, the rolling and screaming thunder broke into the face of Huang Xiaolong and others. At this time, Huang Xiaolong’s eyebrows thundered and shone, and the nine thunder pools merged from the eyebrows. .

When the nine thunder pools flew out, the huge Thunder spirit stood in the sky and opened up a lot of lightning.

Lei Beng finally screamed, and the overwhelming Thunder collapsed the Huang Xiaolong and other people completely, and the holy lord, the gods and the lords and other people were not at a loss, and could not help but close their eyes.

Even Huang Xiaolong was shocked.

However, soon, Huang Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief, and saw that the huge Thunderbolt was like a huge minefield, blocking the terrible thunder.

Even if the thunder collapses how to scream, even if the amazing Thunder impacts, it can never rush in.

The sacred king, the gods and the kings slowly opened their eyes and watched the thunderfall unable to rush in. They did not reveal a smile, touched their foreheads, all were cold sweats.

This is simply born again in hell.

The horrible thunderfall drowned the space around Huang Xiaolong and others, and continued to roll forward, drowning into other space outside the heavens, and continued to chase away the sword-stricken swordsmen Qin Tian and others who fled.

Although Lei Bung can not destroy the thunder of Lei Ling, but Huang Xiaolong and others can clearly see the situation around the outside through the thunder of Lei Ling, watching the thunder roaring outside the thunder, the thunderbolt of lightning, everyone can not hide their hearts. Shocked, this scene is so beautiful that everyone only sees it in his life.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong discovered that that Lei Ling was actually opening his mouth and constantly swallowing the thunder of Lei Lei!

And with the constant devouring, Lei Ling actually accelerated the transformation, although the speed of acceleration is not obvious, but it is indeed accelerating.

This discovery surprised Huang Xiaolong.

Before, Lei Ling and Lei Chi had to be completely successful, only to be a hundred years or even longer, but with the thunder of the thunder in the thunder, it should take 30 to 40 years to completely transform or not even three or forty years!

This is an unexpected surprise.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong fell his eyes on the Lei Yuan Shen tree in front.

The Leiyuan **** tree spewed a lot of thunder, and after resisting the thunderfall, like Lei Ling, it constantly absorbed the thunder of the thunder.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, he nodded secretly. It was the first **** tree of the heavens. If it was a general **** tree, even under the thunder, even if it was instantly burned into thunder.

Huang Xiaolong breathed a sigh of relief and came to Lei Yuanshen Tree. It is time to collect Lei Yuan Shen Shu and Lei Yuan Shen Guo.

Just when Huang Xiaolong came to Lei Yuanshen Tree, the sword-stricken swordsman Qin Tian and others who had fled were fleeing to tens of billions of miles.

"That Huang Xiaolong and the Holy Lord and other people seem to have not escaped?" A sword-like elder fled and said: "The Huang Xiaolong should be reluctant to give up the Leiyuan tree, stay in place, and be swallowed by the thunder!"

When Jian Xiaofu listened, the pretty face could not help but smile: "Really?"

"Should be." Another sword elder nodded: "I also saw, Huang Xiaolong, the sacred king, the gods and the lords are indeed drowned by the thunder!"

Jian Xiaofu smiled and said: "This thunder is not an ordinary god, even if it is dominated by the tenth-order late power, it is difficult to resist. Once it is swallowed, it must be degraded. I am afraid that the thirty-three-day patriarch is Devouring to death, Huang Xiaolong, they are dead!"

That **** nasty guy, dead!

Her heart is happy.

For Huang Xiaolong, she naturally has no good feelings.

The sword of the swordsman Qin Tian is also a loose heart, the horror of the thunder, far more than imagined, since Huang Xiaolong was swallowed, the chance of surviving is almost equal to zero.

He has never heard of anyone still alive after being swallowed by the thunder.

"It’s a pity." Jian Qintian said with a sigh of relief, and he said: "It’s a pity that the **** of the thunder!"

Jian Xiaofu said: "The giant lord and Yang Tianqi have a fierce battle. If the stinky guys appear, I am afraid that the giant scorpion kingdom and the thirty-three heavenly ethics will lose both sides. When our swordsmen are shot, they will not have that lei yuan. God fruit grabbed the hand, hate the stinky guy, he died when he died, and it hurts us that even a Lei Yuan God did not get it!"

The former tyrants who had been injured and fled, Yang Tianqi and others also got news. The news said that Huang Xiaolong was not willing to give up the Leiyuan tree and was eventually swallowed by the Leiren.

When the giant lord listened, he couldn’t help but laugh and Yang Tianyi looked at each other.

"Okay, die well!" The giant lord laughed.

Originally, the giant lord still thought about escaping from the sky, and even the giant scorpion did not dare to go back. He wanted to find a place to hide, but whoever thought, Huang Xiaolong actually died under the thunder!

"That Huang Xiaolong is dead, but can't just forget it!" The giant scorpion showed a smile: "Let's go back and kill all the soldiers and guards of the Holy Heaven, the Shenwei Heavenly Kingdom. Also, Huang Xiaolong Master Wang Hongmeng, Cang Mutian, they took them one by one, tortured them, tortured with a thousand methods, 10,000 ways!"

Yang Tianqi sneered: "This is natural! Huang Xiaolong has killed so many masters of the 33rd Tianzu, even if the destruction of the Holy Heaven and Shenwei Heaven is not enough to vent our anger!"

The giant scorpion kingdom and the thirty-three heavenly squad masters sensed the thunderfall that followed the rolling, and fled with all their strength, and when they came out of the sky, this was a relief.

After half a month.

The giant lord and Yang Tianqi and others volleyed and stared coldly at the sacred heaven in front of them. Their eyes were full of killings, although only in the past two weeks, but in the heavens, the heavens and the tribes, the horror The Tianguo tripartite teamed up to kill Huang Xiaolong, but it was still smashed by Huang Xiaolong, and it has been spread all over the world.

And the more you pass the more outrageous, the more difficult it is to hear.

For example: "The giant scorpion kingdom and the thirty-three heavenly people were killed by Huang Xiaolong at that time. It was like killing a pig. The giant lord and Yang Tianqi were killed and cried!"

"Giant Heaven Kingdom, thirty-three heavenly people, more than 110 masters of terror heaven, even one can not kill, it is even more waste than pigs! What is the first master of the road, I think it is the first waste of Tianlu "Someone is even more ridiculous.

These arguments can be heard everywhere in the sky.

The prestige of the giant lord has plummeted.

Thirty-three heavenly prestige also fell sharply.

And all this is caused by Huang Xiaolong! In the heart of the giant lord, the enemy is killing the sky.

"Give me a kill!" The giant lord snarled, and then with the giant scorpion heaven, thirty-three days of the national masters broke the sacred heaven defense, entered the holy heaven.

But not long after, the tyrannical lord's face was gloomy, because the sacred heaven has already gone to the national air, the king of Hongmeng, the grazing land, the king of darkness, and the sacred general who stayed behind have already escaped.

The giant lord looked at the holy shrine in the lower part of the shrine, and suddenly slammed it out, and smashed the holy shrine into a powder. He said: "Give me a search, order the search for the road, and give me the holy Everyone in heaven will show me out!"

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