Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2198: All countries are shocked

Ten minutes later.

Huang Xiaolong had one hand, and Yang Tianyu was carried by his left hand. He was hand-held by the giant lord and then threw it on the main hall of the Python.

I saw that the two of them were full of flesh and blood, and they could hardly see the original appearance of the two people. It was simply that people were not like people, and ghosts were not like ghosts. In these ten minutes, the two were completely beaten and were not misunderstood by Huang Xiaolong. How many punches have been abused.

At this point, the strength of the two men has been completely banned by Huang Xiaolong, completely lost the power of resistance.

The giants of the giants of the heavens also stopped their rebellion and looked at Huang Xiaolong with fear.

As for the thirty-three Tianzu masters who followed Yang Tianqi, they have been killed by Huang Xiaolong, the sacred kingdom, and the gods.

Huang Xiaolong sat on the throne of the giant clam and took a photo with his hands. He took the dying giant lord and Yang Tianqi to his eyes.

"Yellow, Huang Xiaolong, you let me go, I can guarantee that our thirty-three Tianzu will never find you trouble again!" Yang Tianqi gasped, extremely weak and authentic.

Although Yang Tianqi’s voice was weak and mosquitoes, everyone could hear it clearly.

"Let you, thirty-three heavenly people do not find me trouble?" Huang Xiaolong laughed and stared at Yang Tianqi: "Reassured, after I killed you, I will go to a thirty-three heaven!"

As for what Huang Xiaolong is going to do in the 33rd day, it goes without saying.

Yang Tianyi still has to say that Huang Xiaolong’s finger is a little bit, and a purple light will penetrate into Yang Tian’s eyebrows and directly search for the soul.

Soon, the memory of Huang Xiaolong’s life, all the memories of the thirty-three heavenly family continued to flow into Huang Xiaolong’s mind.

After a while, the soul search is complete.

In the hands of Huang Xiaolong, the four gods flew out and swallowed Yang Tianyu.

Looking at Yang Tianqi's smoke and flying away, Rao is the first person on the road of the giant lord. He can't help but look pale. No matter who, he can't really fear death.

However, he also knows that even if he begged for mercy, Huang Xiaolong would not let him go.

The giant lord eyes stared at Huang Xiaolong with blood: "Huang Xiaolong, I hate that I didn't join the terrorist kingdom to join the sacred kingdom to kill you!"

At the beginning, the lord of terror and the lord joined forces to attack the holy kingdom of heaven. If he also shot, he would surely kill Huang Xiaolong.

At that time, Huang Xiaolong did not break through to dominate the high level.

But now, it’s too late to say anything.

Of course, if he knew that Huang Xiaolong could break through to dominate the high-level and reach the peak of the seventh-order late stage, he would kill Huang Xiaolong anyway.

Now, I am afraid that the tribal leaders will regret it?

The giant lord thought.

This is his last thought.

The thought of remorse.

Huang Xiaolong made the same way, and after searching for the soul, he searched all the memories of the lord of the kingdom. Huang Xiaolong called out four great fires, and the giant lord quickly became ashes like Yang Tianqi.

Huang Xiaolong looked at other great generals and masters of the giant python.

The giants of the heavens and the kings squatted in one place.

At this time, in the distance, hundreds of millions of miles away, Li Tian, ​​the general of the giant scorpion, was holding Huang Peng, and Shi Xiaoyu and others went back to the giant scorpion.

"There is still half an hour to get to the giant scorpion heaven!" Li Tian looked at the giant scorpion that was already in sight, and could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He can already imagine that after returning to the giant scorpion kingdom, the giant scorpion will definitely reward him.

Looking at Huang Peng, Shi Xiaoqi and others behind him, Li Tian smiled coldly. On this road, Huang Peng, Shi Xiaoyu and others were naturally tortured by him. If it wasn’t for the giants, he would specifically want to live. I will kill all Huang Peng and others.

"Don't give me a hurry!" Li Tian waved his whip in his hand and whipped on the slow-smelling Huang Peng. Huang Peng was beaten and flew out.

Everyone in the Huang family, Shi Xiaoyu was furious.

"See what?" Li Tian's eyes are vertical: "Look again, I will dig up one of your eyes!"

Just then, suddenly, the Huang family looked at Li Tian.

I saw Li Tian behind him, and a group of people quickly broke through.

Seeing the familiar figure at the front, whether it is the Huang family or the release of Xiao Xiao, they are all refreshed, and they are all very happy, especially the release of Xiao Xiao, the eyes are even more red.

"Little Dragon!" Shi Xiaowei muttered to himself.

"The dragon is still alive!"

"I know that Big Brother is still alive!"

Huang Peng, Su Yan, Huang Min and others are all happy and shouting.

When Li Tianzhen took them, they told them that Huang Xiaolong had died in a place outside the sky, was swallowed by what thunder, and could not live again. On this road, they also heard a lot of about Tian Tian and Huang Xiaolong’s fall. talk.

Originally, they were desperate and had no hope.

but now!

When Li Tian saw the Huang family, they suddenly smiled and rejoiced, and they couldn’t help but laugh. Then they laughed. "You are still daydreaming when you die. I told you earlier that Huang Xiaolong is dead in the sky. Do you still imagine that Huang Xiaolong is alive? I tell you, what you see now is an illusion!"

When people are desperate to a certain extent, there will be hallucinations.

The Huang family can't help but stay.


Is it really an illusion?

"Illusion?" At this moment, a cold voice rang from the back of Li Tian, ​​and it was attached to Li Tian's back. The voice was so real, and the murderousness contained in the voice made Li Tian unable to help.

this is?

Is it? !

Li Tian hurried to the head and then saw the handsome face that was close at hand.

"Yellow!" Li Tian's face changed dramatically.

However, before he finished, he was pinched by Huang Xiaolong and then lifted up. Huang Xiaolong’s palm was very powerful, and Li Tian’s throat was broken.

Huang Xiaolong crushed Li Tian’s throat and then sealed Li Tian’s body strength and threw it to the side. His body flashed and he came to the Huang family and Wu Xiaoyu.

Looking at Li Tian, ​​who was crushed by the throat and screaming on the side, the Huang family finally knew that it was not an illusion, and they all rushed over to Huang Xiaolong.

"Little Dragon!" "Big Brother!"

The Huang family gathered Huang Xiaolong into a piece.

"Father, mother!" Huang Xiaolong looked at the people around the Huang family, only to feel full of warmth, and then looked at Shi Xiaoxiao, hands clasped, will hold Xiao Xiao tightly hugged.

Huang Xiaolong was tightly held in public, and he was a veteran wife, and Xiao Xiaoying was also very popular.

"Xiaolong, father, mother are watching." Shi Xiaoyan red face.

At this time, Huang Peng, Su Yan and others looked at the other places and smiled: "We didn't watch!"

Everyone laughed.

Huang Xiaolong took out the Ling Dan and personally gave the Huang family a cure.

As for Li Tian, ​​Huang Xiaolong did not kill, and brought back the giant scorpion heaven.

Just when Huang Xiaolong and the Huang family returned to the giant heaven, the news that Huang Xiaolong killed the giant lord and Yang Tianqi began to spread all over the world.

The nations are shocked, fear!

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