Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2227: Can't be a big master

Originally, the savage beast, the Thunderbolt, began to have a little bit of luster after devouring the thunder of the depths of the land of Lei. Although it was only a little bit of luster, Huang Xiaolong could sense that the space inside the thunderball began to slow. Slowly rejuvenate.

Huang Xiaolong was happy in his heart and then continued to fly deep into the land of Lei.

The deeper the land of the thunder, the more intense and pure the Raytheon sneak in the depths of the void, the faster the beast will return.

A trace, two silk, three silk, four silk!

At first, these thunder spirits only had small hair and small silk, but as they went deep into the land of the thunder, these thunder spirits became bigger and bigger. After one day, the thunder spirits were as thick as a string.

After the sky darkened, Huang Xiaolong did not stop to rest, and continued to ride the six-eyed ice lion to fly deep into the land of Lei.

Although Huang Xiaolong is not sure about the specific location of the dragon, but the fruit like the dragon fruit is generally the most intense place in the depths of the land of Lei.

Just as Huang Xiaolong rode the six-eyed ice lion to the depths of the flight, suddenly, there was a cry for help.

"This voice is?!" Huang Xiaolong was suspicious.

"Zhang Wenyue!"

Huang Xiaolong broke through the six-eyed ice lion and directly broke through the thunder and flew forward. The ice lion followed.

Not long after, Huang Xiaolong saw a few figures fleeing to his side, and looked very embarrassed. It was Zhang Wenyue, Zhang Yuchen, and his father, the prince, and behind him, chasing a large group of masters.

This group of high hands, some are from the Kingdom of Jinyuan, some are from the Kingdom of Lei Teng, and there are beasts of the beasts!

Huang Xiaolong has a glimpse.

I did not expect that so many powerful masters would kill a few people in Zhang Wenyue.

Just when Zhang Wenyue fled to Huang Xiaolong, several guards in the princely palace were also killed by the chasing masters.

In the end, only Zhang Wenyue, Zhang Yuchen, and the three princes were left.

The three men looked at the masters who were getting closer and closer, and could not help but look desperate.

"Moon, morning, I am hurting you!" The dry prince voice was sad.

Zhang Wenyue shook his head, no mouth, and a pretty face.

Suddenly, Zhang Wenyue’s eyes were bright and some looked at the front with disbelief.

The dry prince, Zhang Yichen, could not help but look at Zhang Wenyue’s eyes.

"Huang Gongzi!" Zhang Wenyue was pleasantly surprised, and he was very loud.

The dry prince, Zhang Yuchen and the two see clearly Huang Xiaolong, not complicated by the complexion.

"Huang Gongzi, go!" Suddenly, Zhang Wenyue, who was pleasantly surprised, shouted, his voice was short, and he was afraid that Huang Xiaolong did not hear it. He suddenly yelled: "Huang Gongzi, you will go soon!"

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes stunned Zhang Wenyue’s powerful followers, and he couldn’t help but think that Zhang Wenyue was worried that he had been shackled by the fish pond, or that Zhang Wenyue was worried that those strong people would catch up, even he could not escape. .

After understanding Zhang Wenyue’s worries, Huang Xiaolong couldn’t help but smile. Although there are hundreds of strong people chasing several people, the strongest is the tenth order of the emperor.

If he had just left the Prince’s House, he might not be able to deal with the tenth-order masters of the Emperor Emperor, but now he is far from being the one who left the Prince’s House.

Zhang Wenyue saw that Huang Xiaolong not only did not escape, but he stood there stupidly, and he could not help but be anxious and angry: "Huang Gongzi, you are going, you will not go, you will not be too late!"

Huang Xiaolong shook his head.

At this time, the kingdom of Jinyuan, the kingdom of Lei Teng, and the strongest of the beastly emperors rushed to the scene, not only surrounded Zhang Wenyue, but also Huang Xiaolong was surrounded by it, blocking the retreat.

Zhang Wenyue saw it, and I don’t know if it’s the gas or the fire.

"How are you!" Zhang Wenyue looked at Huang Xiaolong in front of him. He was about to blame Huang Xiaolong for not escaping. He suddenly found that the blood marks on Huang Xiaolong’s face disappeared. He couldn’t help but stay away. When Huang Xiaolong left the Prince’s Mansion, there was still a trace of blood on his face. But now it is completely gone.

I was far away, and I was in a hurry. She didn't pay attention to it for a while.

But now, looking at it, Huang Xiaolong, who has no blood marks on his face, turned out to be super handsome! And there is a masculine domineering.

Zhang Yuchen, the dry prince also found the blood marks on the face of Huang Xiaolong, but also a stay.

"Oh, there is still one here." At this moment, a discordant voice sounded: "Zhang Wenyue, this is your little affection? It's quite handsome, but unfortunately, you will have to die when you wait!"

The opening is a young man wearing a purple robes. This young man is the young prince Dong Zening of the Prince of Jinyuan Kingdom, and Zhang Wenyue and Qin Shaolong who was killed by Huang Xiaolong and called the three geniuses of the Jinyuan Kingdom. .

Of course, it is also the death of the princely palace.

"Do not talk nonsense, hand over the treasure, we give you four people a happy!" A master of the beastly emperor coldly laughed.

This beastmaster is the tenth-order mid-term of the Emperor, and is the strongest of all the people. It is a senior deacon of the Beastmaster.

Zhang Wenyue, Zhang Yuchen, the dry princes were three-faced.

After the Beidou Jianzong primary election, they came to the land of Lei.

After entering the land of Lei, under the opportunity, they found a Dongfu house and got a supreme level of the book, but they did not expect that the guards around them had the spies of the Prince’s house, and the news quickly leaked out. Therefore, the strong parties from all sides came to kill and snatch.

The treasures of a supreme strong man, even for the Zongmen such as the Beastmaster, are also a great temptation, let alone the family of the Lei Teng Kingdom, the Kingdom of Jinyuan or the Zongmen.

Zhang Wenyue couldn't help but lean over to Huang Xiaolong. Subconsciously, she felt that it was safer to stay with Huang Xiaolong.

Seeing Zhang Wenyue's appearance, I can't help but make people feel pity, Huang Xiaolong said: "Do not worry, there is me, there will be nothing."

When Huang Xiaolong’s words came out, the strong ones were surrounded, and then the masters such as Dong Zening and Beast Emperor were laughing.

"Have you heard that? This kid said, there is nothing in him!" Dong Zeing laughed: "This kid is not allowed to be a big master, a big master!" The voice is full of teasing and mocking.

The senior deacon of the tenth-order mid-level Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor was also laughed: "This can be said to be inaccurate. Maybe this kid may be a master. Maybe he is the tenth-order peak of the Emperor, and will fight us. Falling water!"

Everyone is laughing.

Obviously, they do not believe that Huang Xiaolong will be a master of the tenth-order late stage of Zhang Dayue. Although Zhang Wenyue is the three great geniuses of the younger generation of Jinyuan Kingdom, the strength is only the peak of the late tenth step of the gods, a little **** king, how is her lover? May be a great master!

It’s a day, it’s a day.

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