Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2237: Are you daydreaming?

Song Shaokang, the chief of the beastly emperor, saw Huang Xiaolong, who was also a big surprise. Then he laughed aloud, smiled a bit arrogant and arrogant, and laughed with strong hatred!

Hate to Huang Xiaolong!

Over the past year or so, he has been using the power of the Beast Emperor Sect to find Huang Xiaolong, but there has been no result. I did not expect that it will be met at this holy gate!

"Huang Xiaolong, Lei Yanhai, don't think, we will meet here!" Song Shaokang stared at Huang Xiaolong, smiled, did not hide his heart's killing.

He has already inspected the name of Huang Xiaolong from the princes of the princes.

"He is Huang Xiaolong!" Song Shaokang's beastmaster of the beastmaster Song Yu looked at Huang Xiaolong, his eyes cold.

"Yes, father, this kid is Huang Xiaolong!" Song Shaokang said.

A round-faced middle-aged man wearing a sacred robes at the side of Song Shaokang told Song Shaokang: "How? This person does not have long eyes and offended the Shaokang brothers?"

Song Shaokang has just passed the assessment of the holy gate altar and confirmed that he is a holy disciple. It can be said that he is now a disciple of the Holy Gate.

And in the Holy Gate, the disciples are also divided into three or six.

Generally speaking, a disciple with a sacred sect has the highest talent, and the Holy Pulse is second, and finally the Eucharist. Therefore, the disciple who has the sacred sacred sect is higher in the Holy Gate than the disciple of the Holy Mirror. The body of the disciple is high.

The deacon of the Holy Gate, although the third-order master of the supreme world, but he only has the Eucharist, and Song Shaokang has just been verified to have a holy vein, so although he is the supreme third-order master, but also has to put down the body and Song Shaokang call each other brothers.

Song Shaokang's round-faced middle-aged humanity: "Yes, Xiaofeng brother, I have a hatred with this person! This kid killed my beastly emperor and two elders!"

Xiao Feng, the deacon of the holy gate, heard it, and looked at Huang Xiaolong up and down. His face was a lot colder. He yelled at Huang Xiaolong: "Boy, what do you do to the holy gate?"

Huang Xiaolong's brow wrinkles, this holy gate deacon Xiao Feng gave himself a look, obviously it is to please Song Shaokang!

"Let's go! This adult asks you, you still don't want to answer!" Xiao Feng saw Huang Xiaolong standing still, his face cold and a cold, shouted.

"This, Xiao Feng deacon, he said, he came to sign up to assess the disciples of the Holy Gate." At this time, the guard with Huang Xiaolong came in respected Xiao Feng.

There are several kinds of sacred altars. One is to register for the disciples of the Holy Gate, the other is to report the demon trails, to come to the rewards, and the third is to apply for the disciples of the Holy Gate.

Anyone who has the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred body can be the inner disciple of the holy gate, but in addition, the holy gate also recruits foreign disciples, as long as they pass the holy gates. The prescribed test can be a foreign disciple of the Holy Gate.

For example, this guard with Huang Xiaolong comes in, is one of the foreign disciples who passed the assessment.

Of course, compared with the inner disciples who have the sacred, holy, and holy bodies, the disciples are in a different position, and the treatment is also different.

In fact, only the inner disciples can be called holy disciples. The holy gate recruits these foreign disciples only to facilitate the governance of the dynasties of the sacred continents. These foreign disciples only serve the holy gates.

Listening to Huang Xiaolong is also to apply for the assessment of the disciples of the Holy Gate. Song Shaokang laughed: "Huang Xiaolong, you also come to sign up to test the disciples of the Holy Gate? Qiao, I just passed the assessment and confirmed that the body is holy, tell you, I have now It is a holy disciple!"

Speaking of this, Song Shaokang can't conceal his pride and pride.

Even the beastmaster of the beastmaster Song Song is also proud of his face.

A dynasty, no matter which ancestral family has a sacred disciple, it is the glory of the ancestors.

I believe that the news will come out soon, and the emperor of the Bilu Dynasty will come to congratulate himself!

An emperor of the Bilu Dynasty, who ruled in the past, what identity, but even the emperor must come to congratulate himself in person, showing the identity of a holy disciple!

Huang Xiaolong is a calm face.

It turned out that the body was tested and became a holy disciple. It is no wonder that Xiao Feng wanted to please Song Shaokang and look at his face!

At this time, Song Shaokang said: "Huang Xiaolong, I don't think you can test it, the Holy Pulse, the Holy Body is not owned by anyone!"

Every year, when you come to the Sanmen Bilun altar to register for the disciples, there are not hundreds of thousands of people, but it is difficult for a young disciple to appear in the fall of the world.

See its chance!

Some genius disciples thought that they had awakened the Holy Spirit, or that the body became a Eucharist, so they took the hope to come to the examination, but in the end, it was not the Holy Spirit, nor the Eucharist, but an unknown and powerful. God and the body.

Huang Xiaolong said indifferently: "If you waste, you can test out the sacred veins. If I test it, I can't possibly test the body."

Song Shaokang burst into laughter.

Song Yu’s eyes are very strong.

Xiao Feng, the deacon of the holy gate, also taunted: "Boy, are you daydreaming? Do you still want to have a sacred sacred?"

Song Shaokang, Song Yi is also a mocking laughter.

Huang Xiaolong's face was indifferent, and he ignored Xiaofeng, the deacon of the holy gate.

"This, Xiao Feng deacon, then he checked the assessment?" The guard asked carefully.

The matter of presiding over the assessment of the altar is exactly what Xiao Feng is in charge of.

Xiao Feng waved his sleeve and said coldly: "Let him pay 100,000 holy notes. After paying, he will stay in the outer hall and wait for me to check and evaluate when he is free!"

Generally, if you register for the inspection of the Holy Disciples, you need to pay 10,000 sacred notes. If you pass the confession, if you pass it, the sacred treasury will be returned. If it is not passed, it will not be returned.

However, others have to pay 10,000 holy notes, but he wants Huang Xiaolong to pay 100,000, apparently deliberately martyrdom Huang Xiaolong.

After Xiao Feng finished, he smiled at Song Shaokang: "Shao Kang brothers, let's go out for tea? A few days ago, the emperor of the blue sky just sent people to the finest maple leaves. This maple leaves have great benefits for cultivation! ”

"Good!" Song Shaokang nodded happily.


Xiao Feng several people will step on and leave.

Before Song Shaokang left, he sneered at Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong, after you fail the inspection and evaluation, if you climb over to me, I will ask you not to kill you, I may consider it!"

Several people left.

Looking at Song Shaokang, Xiao Feng left a figure, Huang Xiaolong eyes.

"Brother, you are offended who is not good, but offended the beastmaster of the beastly emperor!" The guard looked at Huang Xiaolong with a pitiful look: "And you just shouldn't have given Xiao Feng's deacon a face."

Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly and did not speak.

Subsequently, the guard took Huang Xiaolong to the place of registration.

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