Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2241: Will it be? !

"The new Son?!" Song Shaokang and Song Yu did not react to each other for a moment. Suddenly, both of them were wide-eyed and shocked.

"The Son!" The two men blurted out at the same time.

Song Yu hurriedly said: "Kang, fast, we are going soon!"

Song Shaokang nodded, and Song Yu rushed to the assessment hall.

But in the middle of the road, suddenly, Song Shaokang stopped and seemed to think of something. His face was pale and bloodless, and his forehead was cold and sweaty.

"What's wrong?" Song Yan saw his son suddenly stop, his face was so pale, and he could not help but feel strange.

Song Shaokang’s voice trembled: “Father, you said, will it be?!”

Song Yu couldn't help but feel more strange. He couldn't understand what his son wanted to say.

But suddenly, his mind flashed and seemed to want to understand what his son wanted to say. He blurted away: "What do you mean by Huang Xiaolong?! That Huang Xiaolong?!"

Huang Xiaolong!

Song Yu only felt cold in the whole body, and even the heart seemed to be unable to beat.

Song Shaokang was stiff and his head roared. He didn’t know where the southeast and the northwest were.

Others may not be clear, but they are clear. In the morning, Xiao Feng was in charge of the evaluation of Huang Xiaolong who had been aired for one night!

Yesterday and all night, they talked with Xiao Feng tea, happy and happy, last night, he even thought that after Huang Xiaolong’s assessment today, if Huang Xiaolong really climbed over and asked for him, was he really big? Compassion, Rao that Huang Xiaolong does not die? Or just interrupt Huang Xiaolong's five legs!

"Should, shouldn't it be that Huang Xiaolong?" For a long time, Song Yi was crazy.

At this time, he still holds the last hope.

Song Shaokang’s throat is dry: “Maybe, it may not be that Huang Xiaolong, someone came to check in the morning!”

Although there are not many disciples who have come to the holy gate to register for the examination, there are basically people every day, and some days even have two or three people.

Therefore, it is not necessarily Huang Xiaolong who is being assessed now!

Holding hope, Song Shaokang, Song Yu and two people hesitated to go to the assessment hall.

The disciple Sun Huage of the Shengmen headquarters and Liu Cheng, the altar of the altar, first rushed to the assessment hall. However, after coming to the assessment hall, the two did not dare to enter the hall, and stayed outside the main hall of the assessment hall. The face waited with respect and excitement.

The two men looked at the door of the main hall with great urgency and solemnity. They dared not make a sound, for fear of quarreling with the new Son who was still assessing the hall for assessment.

Generally speaking, it takes at least half a day for the Eucharist, the Holy Spirit, and the sacred body to be completed.

When Sun Huage and Liu Cheng came to a close, the senior deacons of the altar, several other deacons also rushed.

When they saw Sun Huage and Liu Chengshi, they were about to meet. Sun Huage and Liu Cheng went to the head and shook their heads and put their fingers on their lips: "Hey!"


That means letting a few people not speak out.

The senior deacon of the altar and several other deacons were also shocked, and quickly snorted, then gently came to Sun Huage and Liu Cheng, and stood there waiting.

Not long after, the captain of the squad guards and the captains rushed to the scene. Sun Huage and Liu Cheng both waved back with both hands, indicating that the guards were captains and the captains all quit.

The guards of the captain, the captain quickly retired, did not dare to go into the yard half a step.

After a while, the guard captain told Liu Chengsheng: "The master of the altar, Du Yuze, the owner of the nine-day gate, arrived, just outside, do you want him to come in?"

Liu Chengchuan said: "Let him wait outside. As for the lord of the Northern Dharma, the main thing is to burn out the valley. You don't have to report it to me. Let them all wait outside the yard for a hundred meters. What is the identity of the Son? The trick is that they can see what they can see when they meet!" The voice is beyond doubt.

Hearing the dissatisfaction of Liu Cheng’s voice, the guard was so scared that he should hurry, and let the nine-day doorkeeper Du Yuze and others wait far outside the yard, not close to the yard.

I heard that Liu Cheng ordered that he was not allowed to be admitted to the hospital, and he was not allowed to be close to the yard. The nine-day doorkeeper Du Yuze did not dare to be dissatisfied.

Don't look at him, although he is the owner of the nine-day gate, Du Fuze, and is a supreme sixth-order powerhouse, standing at the top of the Bilu Dynasty, but in front of the Holy Gate, it is nothing.

In Tianniu Lizhou, how many dynasty emperors, how many Supreme patriarchs want to see a holy gate, but there is no chance.

"I don't know who this new holy gate is." Du Yuze waited 100 meters away from the yard and thought about it.

On the way, he let the nine-day gate use all the power to guard the altar and even these captains, the captain inquired, but once heard is related to the new holy gate, these guards of the holy gates, the captains are scared I don’t dare to talk about the sentence.

The Holy Gate has the provisions of the Holy Gate, and the things of the Son, and they are the small captains of these altars. The captains dare to reveal them. At that time, they do not need the Son to shoot, and the first one of them will pinch him.

Not long after, the lord of the Beidou sword sect, the ruin of the valley and the emperor of the singer, all arrived. When Song and Song Shaokang arrived, they watched the strong parties waiting outside, and they were scared. One jump.

With the approval of Liu Cheng, Song Shaokang, a disciple of the Holy Gate, can be admitted to the hospital, but Song Yu will also be waiting outside with Du Yuze and others.

Outside the hospital, thousands of strong people, silent and silent, are closely watching the hall, not afraid to make a little bit of movement.

At this time in the assessment hall, Huang Xiaolong is still extremely enjoyable standing in the big array, enjoying the shower of a large array of glow, enjoying the baptism of this burst of glow.

However, compared to Huang Xiaolong's face, Xiao Feng, who stood outside the big array, was more and more afraid of his eyes and his face became paler and paler.

He wants to cry, he wants to shout and cry, and he cries his head. He died yesterday, and Song Shaokang will forget it. He went to offend Huang Xiaolong for Ba Shaosheng. His mother, this Huang Xiaolong has the Eucharist. Even if it is, but also has a holy pulse, enlightened holy, but his mother is the Holy Gate!

Song Shaokang, you are a dog foster mother!

You bastard!

The more he wants to be more remorseful, if Song Shaokang can ask for the forgiveness of Huang Xiaolong, he promises to go to Song Shaokang to die now!

Kill the beastmasters up and down!

I am good at his mother's tea. Isn't he guilty? In order to make tea with Song Shaokang, I even deliberately let Huang Xiaolong wait for one night!

He even let a holy gate son wait for him one night!

Thinking of this, he has some legs soft.

In the complex mood of Xiao Feng's remorse, anger, fire, hate, fear, and uneasiness, finally, half a day passed, the big array began to stop running, the holy character resumed, and the glow began to dissipate slowly.

Huang Xiaolong opened his eyes.

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