Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2257: Go to Erhai

"Red Devils?" The old man Li Yuhui frowned: "They are the first stage of the supreme, but they are not the ordinary first stage of the supreme, with Huang Xiaolong's current realm and strength, to kill three people, I am afraid it is difficult!"

This red magic three, some have a sacred sacred, some have a holy pulse, some have a sacred body, and the cultivation is the top of the evil martial arts, Huang Xiaolong, a saint who just entered the holy gate, and only dominated the mid-ninth To kill three people, the difficulty is not that big.

Xu Wei said in a light way: "Although the difficulty is bigger, it is not impossible to complete. If Huang Xiaolong can't finish it, such a waste son will only add jokes to our holy disciples."

Guo Qirong nodded: "Xu Yuxiong said that it is reasonable, then it is fixed, let Huang Xiaolong go to the Bohai Sea to kill the Red Devils! After three days, let him go to the Bohai Sea!"

One day later, Huang Xiaolong was self-cultivating, and Wan Longfeng came to an uninvited guest. He came to Zheng Xu, the lord of the temple who came to inform him of the trial mission.

After Zheng Xu arrived, he saw the aura of Wanlongfeng, and he was a little surprised. He did not expect Huang Xiaolong to make the Dongfu Palace look like this in a short period of six months.

Although this Wanlongfeng is not comparable to the other temples of the Dongfu Palace, it is much better than the other elite disciples.

After the arrival, Zheng Xu directly explained the intention, and then took out the task scroll, and said to Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong, the holy son of the Holy Son, this is the new trial mission given by Guo Qirong, you open it, if there is no doubt, I will go back to the resurrection of Guo Qirong."

In fact, even if Huang Xiaolong's question is useless, it is extremely difficult to change the new trial task once it is fixed.

Unless the task is not complete.

Huang Xiaolong opened the task reel, his eyes swept away, and in the task reel, he described his trial mission very clearly. It also detailed the strength, strength, talent and the three demons of the Red Devils to be killed. Have some special skills.

The task will be completed within ten months.

From the headquarters of the Holy Gate to the Bohai Sea, it usually takes eight months to go back and forth. The time is not sufficient, but it will not be urgent.

When I saw that the three red devils to be killed had the sacred sacredness, the holy veins or the Eucharist, Huang Xiaolong’s mouth was full of smiles, looked up, deliberately patted his chest, and his face vowed to Zheng Xudao: “Trial mission, I have not Doubt, you go back and tell Guo Qirong, the veteran, within ten months, I will definitely complete the task, and then come back to the task reel."

Zheng Xu could not help but see.

no doubt?

Originally, he thought that after Huang Xiaolong saw the task reel, he would be too noisy because of the task. He had to "noisy" some, but he did not expect Huang Xiaolong to take the chest and accept it! And so vowed? This!

"How? Zheng Xudian has other things?" Huang Xiaolong saw Zheng Xu in the daze, could not help but ask.

Zheng Xu returned to God and smiled and said: "No, no, if that is the case, then I will go back to the resurrection of Guo Qirong, and wish the return of His Royal Highness, Huang Xiaolong!"

After a while, Zheng Xu left and left.

When Zheng Xu left, Huang Xiaolong and Zhang Wenyue said about the trial, and told Zhang Wenyue several things, so that they should not go out during their departure, and wait for themselves to come back.

Huang Xiaolong plans to leave after waiting.

Zhang Wenyue listened to the trial task, but Liu Meimei said, "The son, this trial task, it is clear that Guo Qirong veteran deliberately harassed you, the Red Devils are not ordinary Supreme first-order early strong, to you now Fighting power can only be killed one by one when they are not together, and even then, killing is extremely difficult!"

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Nothing, I would like to thank Guo Qirong for giving me a good gift!"

In recent days, he is thinking about improving the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs Enlightened holy, the Holy Spirit or the strong of the Eucharist.

However, it is difficult to find a strong person who has a sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred priest. Can be swallowed up by him!

This is simply two things.

When he swallowed up the Red Devils, his enlightenment, the Holy Spirit or the Eucharist was promoted. Not only did he practice faster, but he also had stronger combat power. On the battle of the Holy Taiwan, he was more sure to kill Huang Zhouping!

Just when Huang Xiaolong decided to leave Wanlongfeng in the afternoon and went to Erhai, Zheng Xu went back to Yuan Laofeng and reported to Guo Qirong that Huang Xiaolong had taken the trial task.

"I really didn't have noisy? Or dissatisfaction? Instead, he vowed to say that he must complete the task?" Guo Qirong looked surprised and confused.

Zheng Xu nodded and said, and Huang Xiaolong patted his chest at the time, and promised to say it.

Xu Wei sneered: "This kid is really stupid and ignorant."

"After ten months, this kid can't complete the trial task. When he comes back, he will really take the name of the waste son." Gong Lao Gong dusted his head.

A saint, if a new trial task can not be completed, when it comes back, how will the million disciples at the headquarters of the Holy Gate look at him?

And the holy door rules, if a disciple can not complete the new trial mission in the specified time, then, no other missions of the Holy Gate can be taken, and it will be greatly punished.

In fact, the punishment of the other tasks of the Holy Gate can never be taken again. It is unbearable for the disciples of the Holy Gate. Because in the Holy Gate, only enough tasks can be completed to make enough contributions. When the contribution reaches a certain level. To be able to hold some real positions.

Even if it is the Son, it must reach a certain contribution value in order to compete for the position of the gatekeeper of the Holy Gate.

And the singer Jiang Tian, ​​Huang Zhouping listened to Huang Xiaolong to take the trial task of killing the Red Devils, but also shook his head and laughed.

"However, if this kid can't complete the trial task, he will come back. On the holy platform, I will kill him, or he will have no pleasure in abolishing him." Huang Zhouping shook his head.

"Before I knew this, we should propose to let Guo Qirong elders arrange an easy task for him." Jiang Tian nodded and smiled.

"Jiang Tian brother, you said, do we want to leak the news to the Red Devils in advance, so that the Red Devils are ready to give Huang Xiaolong this little boy to stimulate?" Shengzi Zheng Yongjia.

Jiang Tian asked Huang Zhouping: "How does Huang Shidi feel?"

Huang Zhouping shrugged his shoulders: "I don't care, it's all by Jiang Tian's brother's sacred order."

"Okay, then leak the news to the Red Devils!"


An hour later, Huang Xiaolong left Wanlongfeng on the Luobao Golden Pig and went to Erhai.

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