Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2261: A hammer smashed him

The spirit medicine that can quickly promote the hatching of a sacred beast, the natural medicine materials needed are all very precious elixir of the Holy Land, and the price is very high. All the way down, Huang Xiaolong has spent nearly 200 million holy notes.

The robbers who secretly stared at Huang Xiaolong saw that Huang Xiaolong was not only a small fat sheep, but a super fat sheep. It was even hotter. If he didn’t care about the market, he couldn’t help himself.

"There is still a piece of Jiulong Fujien!" After spending nearly 200 million sacred notes, Huang Xiaolong took a look at the elixir material and only lacked the last main drug, Jiu Tenggen.

This Jiulong Fuji root is a five-pronged world medicine, but it is rarer than many five-product world medicine.

Huang Xiaolong visited the dozens of large-scale traders' associations and did not see the Kowloon Fujimori. When Huang Xiaolong planned to give up, when he first went back, suddenly Huang Xiaolong stopped in front of the door of a Chamber of Commerce.

I saw this inside of the chamber of the Chamber of Commerce, a central location, with a octopus shaped like a octopus, and nine medicinal herbs.

Kowloon Fujin!

Huang Xiaolong’s face was a joy, and he immediately stepped into the Chamber of Commerce of the Zhenbao Pavilion and came to the front of the Kowloon Fujimori.

I saw this Kowloon vine root, two tall people, each root has a large thigh, the body is flowing like a blood-like aura like blood vessels, this blood red aura is a kind of holy spirit.

The four-pronged elixir is a middle-class product, some of the Chinese and Western medicines, some of which have the spirit of the Holy Spirit, and the spirit of the Holy Spirit, which is the essence of the Holy Spirit, is rare, of course, the price is even more amazing.

"This son, this five-product Jiulong Fujien is the goods that we just entered two days before our Zhenbaoge Bohai Branch." At this time, a middle-aged person with a managerial appearance came to Huang Xiaolong and explained to Huang Xiaolong. "After our appraisers, this five-product Jiulong Fujien has been formed for more than one billion years, and the spirit of the Holy Spirit is extremely strong."

When the other party continued to explain, Huang Xiaolong interrupted: "How much?"

The other party stunned and then smiled: "Because this five-product Jiulong Fuji root is rare, the price is a little higher, 500 million sacred bills, and this is the price we set personally, we can't change it. However, if the son wants to buy it, we can give the son a free bottle of three products."

Huang Xiaolong nodded secretly.

Although 500 million is a bit high, a five-product Jiulong Fujien with the spirit of the Holy Spirit is worth the price.

As for the other party's free gift of Sanpin Tiandi Ling Dan, Huang Xiaolong did not care, and now his five-product world is not enough.

"Give me the five pieces of Jiulong Fujien." Huang Xiaolong said, and threw a space ring to the other side: "This is 500 million holy notes."

The Chamber of Commerce looked at the 500 million holy banknotes piled up in the space ring and stayed.

"Good! Please wait a moment!" Soon, the Chamber of Commerce responded with enthusiasm and enthusiasm, and the smile on the face was extremely bright: "I will pack these five items of Kowloon vines for you now!"

After that, I will personally hand-pack the five products to the vine roots of Huang Xiaolong. Like the five-character spirits that are the spirit of the Holy Spirit, when packaging, they usually have special techniques. Otherwise, they have a glimpse of the spirit of the Holy Spirit. loss.

Under the skillful packaging of the Chamber of Commerce, the Jiulong Fuji root was packed into a special large jade box.

This big jade box is made with Wenyang jade. It is a jade box and the value is very high.

The management of the Chamber of Commerce handed over the dragon to the hand of Huang Xiaolong, and then smiled and let Huang Xiaolong arbitrarily select a bottle of three products in the hall.

After collecting Jiu Tenggen and picking up Sanpin Tiandi Lingdan, Huang Xiaolong did not stay in this Zhenbao Pavilion, left the Zhenbao Pavilion, and then returned to the original road, intending to leave the Linghuo Island and return to the Shengmen headquarters.

However, it was not long before Huang Xiaolong left the Zhenbao Pavilion, and a group of people entered the Zhenbao Pavilion.

Seeing this group of people's costumes, the real treasures and the strong people in the hall are not changing.

"Central sacred!"

"Jiang Jia!"

Come, people are the disciples of the royal family and the disciples of the Jiang family.

The central sacred dynasty was the first dynasty of the central sacred continent and the first dynasty of the Zhuoyuan holy land. There is no one. The strength and power of the central sacred dynasty is far from being comparable to the blue dynasty that Huang Xiaolong stayed in. It is not the supreme sect of the nine-day gate.

The central sacred dynasty is like a giant tree and a giant elephant, and the Bilu dynasty and the nine-day gate are shackles.

Although the central sacred dynasty is the sacred dynasty of Zhuoyuan's holy gate, it is governed by Zhuoyuan's holy gate. However, in some cases, even the Zhuoyuan holy gate must take care of and rely on the central sacred dynasty.

It can be seen that the power of the Central Holy Dynasties is strong.

The Jiang family is the first family of the Central Sect! At the same time, it is also the first family of the entire Holy Land, no one!

Jiang Tian, ​​the head of the holy son of the Holy Gate, came from this Jiang family!

The Jiang family has a large number of talented people, and the genius disciples are endless. In the Holy Land, some supreme sects, some families can have a holy disciple. It is extremely remarkable and extremely glorious, but the Jiang family has hundreds of disciples before and after. After entering the Holy Gate, some of the disciples even became the senior deacons of some of the main halls of the Holy Gate or the lords of the partial temple.

It can be seen that the Jiang family forces.

Jiang Tian was supported by the Jiang family, which is also the reason why the Holy League is powerful in the Holy Gate.

"Who is the principal here?" After entering, a Jiang disciple proudly said that he was the "head" of the Jiang family.

"I, I am." The manager who sold the Kowloon Fujimori to Huang Xiaolong quickly came forward, respectfully and fearfully: "I don't know what the Jiang family has to say?"

The Jiang family disciple said: "I heard that you have entered a five-product Jiulong Fuji root two days before the real treasure, and you are angry with the Holy Spirit, are you?"

The manager’s heart was tight and hesitated. It’s still true: “The Jiang family is the master. The two days before our Zhenbao Pavilion are indeed a new five-product Jiulong Fuji root with the spirit of the Holy Spirit. However, Just now, I have been bought!"

"What?!" The Central Sect and the Jiang family disciples were surprised.

The Jiang family disciple wrinkled: "Is it just?"

This time he came to the Linghuo City for the sake of this Kowloon Fujimori. After a few days, the Jiang family’s grandfather’s 50 billion birthday, he is planning to buy this Jiu Tenggen and give them the Jiang family’s grandfather’s birthday, but he did not expect to be bought. Now!

This Kowloon vine root is rare, and he has been inquiring about it for a few years.

"Yes, it's just now." That nodded.

"Say, who bought the five-product Jiulong Fujien?!" Another violent Jiang family disciple angered: "His mother, this Jiulong Fuji, we have been looking for a few years, just heard of you If there is this, then it will be bought first, and Laozi is now chasing it up, and he will be ruined by a hammer!"

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