Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2263: Jiang Tian is your uncle is useless.

Seeing Jiang and He nodded, Jiang Gaolin, who had to start working, had two giant hammers slamming down to Huang Xiaolong.

"The power of heavy yuan!"

Jiang Gaolin shouted.

I saw that there was a strange light in the double hammer, and these rays actually pressed the space to collapse.

The power of heavy yuan, an extension of gravity, however, the power of this heavy element is integrated with space, tens of times more than gravity, and only the genius who has a strong understanding of gravity can comprehend the power of heavy yuan.

"Kid, die!"

Jiang Gaolin's double hammer is like a giant mountain, and it is under pressure.

He is the master of the tenth-order late peaks. Only one line is half-step supreme, plus the power of heavy elements. Under the double hammer, many half-step supremes are hard to pick up.

Looking at the double hammer under the head, Huang Xiaolong raised his hand a little and saw that the double hammer was like a fragile piece of porcelain. It instantly burst open, collapsed into countless pieces, and then poured into Jiang Gaolin’s chest, and then from it. Behind the back.

Jiang Gaolin screamed and fell to the ground, squatting in front of Chiang’s disciples such as Jiang Hejun.

"Gao Lin Ge!"

The disciple of Jiang’s family exclaimed, and in shock, he suddenly stepped forward to help Jiang Gaolin.

Jiang Hezhen is also a big surprise. Jiang Gaolin, like him, is one of the core disciples of Jiang. Although his talent is not as good as him, he is not much worse. With Jiang Gaolin’s combat power, he can completely fight with the half-step supreme. Now, he is actually a Dominantly injured the late 9th-order!

And the two giant hammers, but the Jiang family to the elders of the elders spent a lot of effort to refine, is the top low-level supreme spiritual treasure.

What is the concept of being broken by a finger? !

Hundreds of robbers in the distance are also unbelievable.

"You, the Eucharist?!" Jiang and Yan took a deep breath and looked at Huang Xiaolong with amazement: "You are a disciple of the Holy Gate?!"

Only the Eucharist has such amazing defense and strength!

"Not bad." Huang Xiaolong said indifferently, and did not hide.

Listening to Huang Xiaolong admits that he is a holy disciple, and the robbers face each other with a look of fright and a panic.

Although the Jiang family is the first in the Holy Land, it is still a lot worse than the Holy Gate.

Although the status of Jiang’s disciples is high, compared with the disciples of the Holy Gate, it is even worse. They just robbed a holy disciple!

Jiang and his brothers, such as Jiang’s disciples, listened to Huang Xiaolong’s admit, but also a tight heart.

Even if they are Jiang disciples, and Jiang Hezhen is one of the core disciples of the Jiang family, but they do not dare to arrogate to kill a holy disciple!

"Your original is a disciple of the Holy Gate!" After a few thoughts, Jiang and Yu Shen said: "There was a misunderstanding. Since the Kowloon Fujimori was bought by you, we are willing to buy it at the same price."

"As for the matter that you seriously injured my Jiang disciple, we can not pursue it."

In Jiang Hezhen's view, this is already the biggest concession he made.

He spent money to buy Huang Xiaolong's Jiulong Fuji root, Huang Xiaolong did not lose, and did not pursue Huang Xiaolong's serious injury to Jiang Gaolin.

Otherwise, with the influence of the Jiang family in the Holy Gate, it would be easy to suppress an ordinary disciple after the event.

Huang Xiaolong should be grateful to him.

Huang Xiaolong listened to the other party's "change" idea and spent money to buy his Jiulong Fuji root. He couldn't help but grin. "Is it willing to pay the same price? You want to go to Jiulong Fuji, it is not impossible. I bought 500 million, you give five. One billion, I can sell it to you."

Jiang and his face changed.

five billion?

At this time, Huang Xiaolong smiled coldly: "And, you seem to have made a mistake, now it is not whether you want to pursue, but I want to pursue it!"

Jiang and his face suddenly gloomy.

"Kid, don't give your face a shame, you really think that you are a disciple of the Holy Gate, we will not dare to treat you!" A Jiang disciple could not help but yell at Huang Xiaolong: "Don't say you are A holy disciple of the Holy Gate, even if you are a disciple of the Holy Gate, we will let you eat now, and you will go back to the holy gate to sue, and the holy gate is also closed with one eye!"

"So, we didn't let you eat before you, you better not be so arrogant, really fucking, something!"

The Jiang family’s disciples were still unfinished and screamed.

In fact, he is right, even if they really let Huang Xiaolong eat, and then go back to the holy gate to sue, the deacons of the Temple of the Holy Gate, the senior deacon is also blinding one eye, not really Jiang How is the home.

A huge giant like the Jiang family, as long as it is not too big a thing, such as killing a holy disciple, the general holy door will not be how.

However, this Jiang family disciple just said this, Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and took the photo to the front.

After the Jiang disciple was taken to the front by Huang Xiaolong, he even shouted: "The kid, there is a kind of killing me, oh, kill me. Our elders in the holy house of the Holy Family have a way to make you die!"

This Jiang family disciple determined that Huang Xiaolong did not dare to kill him.

"Yes." Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly. Suddenly, the palm of his hand pressed against the Jiang disciple and directly shot the head of the Jiang disciple into his chest.

Then, under the horrified eyes of Jiang Hezhen and others, his body was thrown aside.

It was quiet for a full ten seconds.

No one expected that Huang Xiaolong actually dared to kill a core disciple of Jiang.

"You!" Jiang and Yan blew their eyes: "You dare to kill my core disciple of Jiang family! Tell you, the first son of the Holy Gate, Jiang Tian is my uncle, you are dead!"

Jiang and his voice shouted.

Huang Xiaolong's figure flashed and came to Jiang Hezhen. When Jiang Hezhen did not respond, he was pinched by Huang Xiaolong and then raised his face. He smiled on the face and said: "So, you are Jiang Tian's nephew?"

Surprised by everyone, Jiang Hezhen itself is the middle stage of the Supreme First Order, and there is no resistance in front of Huang Xiaolong?

"Yes, Jiang Tian is my uncle!" Jiang Hejun said with anger: "You kid, you dare to hurt me a hair, my uncle let you die without a place to die!"

Jiang Tian, ​​that is the supreme glory of the entire Jiang family. Even the main halls of the holy gates, the chiefs of all continents, and even the chief of the main hall must be fearful. He does not believe that the other disciple of the other daring dare to treat him!

"Two uncles?" Huang Xiaolong smiled: "Now, even if Jiang Tian is your uncle, uncle or uncle, it doesn't work! It hurts you a hair? You are wrong!"

"I want your life!"

After Huang Xiaolong finished, in the eyes of everyone's shock, he shot the palm of his hand, and also shot the head of Jiang and Yan, and then did not look at it, throwing his body aside.

"This is this, you and you!"

Jiang’s disciples looked at the body of Jiang Hezhen, eating and drinking, shaking, angry, and shocked.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong’s hand appeared a golden light.

"The Son of the Son!"

Jiang’s disciples and the robbers looked at Huang Xiaolong’s hand, and they were shocked and sad.

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