Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2265: Fight tomorrow

After returning to the headquarters of the Holy Gate, Huang Xiaolong did not immediately return to Wanlongfeng, but went to the mission hall to hand over the task scroll.

When he came to the mission hall, Zheng Xu, the master of the mission hall, personally received Huang Xiaolong.

Zheng Xu sees that Huang Xiaolong came back more than a month in advance and smiled. He said: "Huang Xiaolong's Highness the Son of the Son is coming back so soon. It seems that the mission has been successfully completed?"

Although Zheng Xu smiled, but in the smile, the hidden ridicule, Huang Xiaolong could see that Zheng Xu was undoubtedly ridiculed that Huang Xiaolong knew that the mission was hopeless, so he came back so soon.

Huang Xiaolong said indifferently: "Take the blessing of the Lord Xu Dian, the mission has been completed, I am coming back to the task scroll." Speaking of this, the heads of the Red Devils were taken out and thrown to the ground.

Zheng Xu stared blankly at the head of the Red Devils. He took a picture of his hands and took the head of the Red Devils to the front, and then carefully checked with the Red Devils in the mission library.

Check it again, it is the breath of the Red Devils!

Check the second time, still the Red Devils!

Huang Xiaolong took out the task scroll and threw it to Zheng Xu: "Zheng Xu Dianzhu, is the check correct? Since it is correct, please drop the blood signature on the task scroll!"

Only Zheng Xu’s blood signature on the task scroll means that Huang Xiaolong completed the trial of the new mission.

Zheng Xu held the task scroll and stayed for a while. He really didn't think about signing Huang Xiaolong's blood.

"How? Zheng Xudian, the red magic three people's breath is wrong?" Huang Xiaolong see Zheng Xu daze, asked, secretly sneer.

Zheng Xu came back to God and squeezed a smile: "No, no, the atmosphere of the Red Devils is right, congratulations to His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong to complete the new trial mission!" Then he gave Huang Xiaolong's mission scroll a blood signature and sealed it into the mission. In the library.

At the same time, Zheng Xu gave Huang Xiaolong a certificate for passing the assessment of the new trial mission.

When Huang Xiaolong left the mission hall, he said to Zheng Xu: "In order to celebrate my completion of the new mission trial, I will set up a banquet in my Wanlongfeng, and Zheng Xudian will come."

Zheng Xu twitched and smiled. "This, I am in charge of the mission hall. The mission is busy. I can't go there. I also ask the Honourable Huang Xiaolong to thank him."

Huang Xiaolong nodded: "Also, however, although the mission hall is busy, but Zheng Xudian should also pay attention to the body, not too hard."

Zheng Xu smiles stiffly: "Must be certain."

Looking at Huang Xiaolong's departure, Zheng Xu's face was gloomy, then turned and went to the cultivation of Dong Fu, the elder of Guo Qirong, and reported that Huang Xiaolong had completed the trial of the new mission.

"What? Completed? So fast?!" The veteran Guo Qirong was shocked.

Xu Wei, Li Yuhui, and Gong Chen are also big surprises.

"Is this the kid's hand to ask someone else?" Gong dust brows.

Zheng Xu, the master of the mission hall, said: "Then I will let the disciples on the other side of the Bohai Sea check it out and see if there is any other helper."

Xu Wei sneered: "Do you manage him to do it yourself or ask someone else to finish it? It doesn't matter now. Anyway, the battle of the Holy Taiwan, he will die. He killed Jiang Tianxier. Now Jiang Tian hates not to lick his flesh and blood. It is estimated that Jiang Tian and the sacred priests are waiting for him at his Wanlongfeng!"


Huang Xiaolong left the mission hall, and one day later, Wan Longfeng was far away.

Looking at the Wanlong Peak in the distance, Huang Xiaolong has a comfortable feeling.

If he had a family in the Holy Land, then this Wanlongfeng is his home in the Holy Land.

However, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong's face changed, flying from the falling treasure gold pig, and rushed to Wanlongfeng.

When I came to the Wanlong Peak, Huang Xiaolong stopped and saw the Wanlong Peak that he spent months building. At this time, it became a ruin!

I saw that several palaces on the summit were completely destroyed, and it was apparently bombarded with countless pieces!

And the countless elixir of the mountain peak, countless **** trees, is burned into a carbon ash by the gods!

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes suddenly cooled down.

At this time, a group of people flew in the distance, it was Jiang Tian, ​​Huang Zhouping and the sacred priests, and their men.

"You did it!" Huang Xiaolong's eyes fell on Jiang Tian. Although he had never seen Jiang Tian, ​​he knew that the young man wearing the Wujin shirt was Jiang Tian!

Jiang Tianwen said, haha ​​smiled: "Huang Xiaolong, you can say wrong, do you think that in this identity, will you personally do this boring and low-lying thing?"

Destroy a palace of the Dongfu, if it is accountable, Jiang Tian will also be punished. Therefore, Jiang Tian will naturally not recognize this kind of thing.

However, it is true that he did not do it himself.

As he said, in his capacity, you don't need to do this boring, low-lying thing yourself.

Of course, although he did not do it himself, it was secretly done by some disciples of the Holy League.

"What about my people?" Huang Xiaolong saw Jiang Tian did not admit, pressing his heart to kill, and asked coldly.

Jiang Tianxi smiled: "Your person? Oh, you mean, that maid? This way, three days later, the battle of the Holy Taiwan, we will take your maid to watch the battle, if you can win the younger brother of Huang Zhouping, we will be her Return it to you, but after three days, you will die on the holy platform. At this time, do you still care about the life and death of a maid? I advise you to care about how you die on the platform when you arrive!"

Speaking of this, Jiang Tian seems to think of something again, saying: "Yes, your few sacred beasts, because they are running, have been killed by law enforcement disciples, their meat, now should have been cooked, into The appetizers of the law enforcement disciples banquet!"

Hearing the six-eyed ice lion, the Titan beast and other beasts have been killed, and they have been cooked and become the appetizers of the law enforcement disciples. Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are killing Ling Xiao, one word and one word: “Jiang Tian, ​​very soon I will make you regret and regret everything you do today!"

Jiang Tian felt Huang Xiaolong killing, sneer: "Huang Xiaolong, you kill me, this is just the beginning, just wait three days after the battle of the Holy Taiwan, I will let you really regret, let you know what it is like to know what it is." !"

At this time, Huang Zhouping stepped forward and said: "Huang Xiaolong, according to the gauntlet at that time, after you completed the new trial mission, it was our battle of the Holy Taiwan. Since you are back, after three days, we will see you on the holy platform! ”

"Don't use three days later, tomorrow!" Huang Xiaolong said coldly.


Huang Zhouping is a glimpse.

Jiang Tian smiled and showed: "Since you want to die two days earlier, then we will fulfill you." Nod to Huang Zhouping.

"Okay, tomorrow!" Huang Zhouping smiled at Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaolong, kill you tomorrow, I will enjoy the blood of your maid's deputy! But unfortunately, you can't see it!"

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