Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2268: What to enter

Xu Wei and Guo Qirong were both veterans and were scorned by Li Wen in public. His face was hard to look.

The two did not respond.

Li Wen saw that the two did not say anything, but they shouted: "I ask you, who gave you the power, dare to change the rules of the Holy Gate, have you not heard?"

Speaking of this, the vast atmosphere of Li Wen’s body, such as the ruin of the world, rises to the sky and envelopes the entire Holy Land.

Under the breath of Li Wen, even Xu Wei, Guo Qirong and other veterans also felt that there were hundreds of millions of giant mountains on their bodies. They only felt suffocated, and Jiang Tian and other saints were not surprised.

Li Wen, the head of the Holy Gate, has not been shot for many hundred years. Now, the breath is a shock to the heavens.

Xu Wei, Guo Qirong and other people were shocked. I didn’t expect Li Wen’s strength to be so strong. With Li Wen’s current horror, even if he didn’t reach the holy place, it’s not far from the holy place. It’s definitely a semi-holy peak. .

It may even be a nine robbery!

"Say! Who gave you the power, dare to change the rules of the holy door?!" Li Wen once again shouted, the momentum suddenly slammed, pressed Xu Wei, Guo Qirong and others rushed back.

"Li Wen's brother is angry, we dare to change the rules of the holy door." Xu Wei was scared to hurry: "We just just talked with you!"

"Yes, Li Wen's brother is angry, I am used to jokes with my brother Xu Wei. I just played jokes." Guo Qirong also hurryed.

The two never thought that Li Wen, who had always had a gentle smile, suddenly became awkward today, and he was so terrible.

Gong Chen, Chen Shiming and other veterans, as well as the sacred priest Jiang Tian and other sons looked at Li Wen's eyes, but also a little more fear.

“Jokes?” Li Wen snorted: “The holy door rules, can you just make fun?!”

Xu Wei hurryed: "Sister Li Wen said that we will not be in the future!"

Guo Qirong also rushed to accompany the voice.

Suddenly, the old man Chen Shiming was also like Chen Guan, his face changed greatly. Huo Ran stared at Huang Xiaolong on the platform, excited and eating: "Is it? Is it?!"

See Chen Shiming and Li Wen as excited as before, and other veterans are ashamed.

What is it?

At this moment, Xu Wei, who was originally hated by Huang Xiaolong, also flashed a possibility in his mind. He also stared at Huang Xiaolong suddenly, just like staring at a monster before the beginning, and he was disappointing, his body was full and his face was big. In the midst of change, there was a trace of fear.

That's right, it's the fear of Huang Xiaolong!

A half-sacred, even a small master of the ninth order, there is a trace of fear!

"Xu Wei brother, you are this?!" Guo Qirong saw Xu Wei staring at Huang Xiaolong like a ghost, and even feared, could not help but be surprised.

Xu Wei pointed at Huang Xiaolong and his fingers trembled: "He, he is, will it be?!"

Seeing that Xu Yulian is not fluent in speaking, Gong Chen, Song Yi, Sun Shangyi, Li Yuhui and other veterans are the monks who can't find their heads.

"Yes, it is to enter, enter!" Suddenly, Chen Shiming, a veteran who was just excited, was excited.

Just when Chen Shiming said this, Li Wen, the head of the veteran, said: "Chen Shiming is a veteran, cautious!"

Li Wen was slandered, Chen Shiming stunned, and then a spirit, but quickly hurried: "Yes, Brother Li Wen said, look at me!" Speaking of this, even a slap in the face of a mouth.

Although Chen Shiming did not say complete, but heard a word, the old man Gong Chen, Song Yi, Sun Shangyi, Li Yuhui and other people all violently trembled.

Enter, enter!

In the latter word, they already thought about what Chen Shiming wanted to say.

Gong Chen, Song Yi, Sun Shangyi, Li Yuhui and other veterans are staring at Huang Xiaolong with their eyes open and excited.

The sacred alliance Jiang Tian is a brow lock: "Enter?" What?

Although I don't know what Li Wen and others thought of, but see Li Wen, Song Yi and other veterans are so excited, he has a bad feeling.

His eyes flashed. It seems that when he asked the Jiang family, perhaps with the knowledge and experience of the Jiang family, he should be able to guess what Chen Shiming had just said.

Zheng Yongjia, Wu Shi and other sons are also amazed.

At this time, the screams of the holy Taiwan continued to ring, and everyone looked at it. I saw that Huang Zhouping was beaten by Huang Xiaolong and that he was not like a human being.

However, Huang Xiaolong seems to have not tortured enough, and exerted various secret methods. In Huang Zhouping's body, Huang Zhouping was even more screaming, and the screams were so screaming, and even the disciples around him heard the creeps.

Jiang Tian is gloomy.

Huang Zhouping is the sacred son of the sacred gang, but now he is so miserable by Huang Xiaolong. After this war, the prestige of the sacred alliance will definitely drop a lot.

"Huang Xiaolong, I don't care if you have any secrets, get rid of me Jiang Tian, ​​get rid of my sacred alliance, I will make you feel better than death!" Jiang Tianshuang eyes flashed, and his heart swears.

On the sacred platform, Huang Xiaolong tortured Huang Zhouping for an hour, letting Huang Zhouping go through the inhuman hellish pain, and then took the photo to the front, and then swallowed the force to devour Huang Zhouping.

Under the astounding eyes of Jiang Tian, ​​Zheng Yongjia, Wu Shi and the disciples, Huang Zhouping dried up little by little.

"Huang Xiaolong, stop!" Seeing Huang Zhouping's vitality slowly disappeared, and Zheng Yongjia, who has deep feelings with Huang Zhouping, couldn't help but swear: "Quickly let Huang Zhouping's younger brother, otherwise, I will not die with you!"

Li Wen did not speak yet, but Xu Wei said: "Zheng Yong Jia Shengzi, pay attention to your wording!"

Jiang Tian and the sacred squad have a glimpse.

Didn't Xu Wei always support the sacred alliance? Now, in turn, he slammed Zheng Yongjia.

Jiang Tian’s heart sank.

Even Xu Wei, who has always supported the sacred alliance, must now turn to Huang Xiaolong in turn.

Needless to say, this is related to the secrets of Huang Xiaolong!

What is it, even Xu Wei has in turn supported Huang Xiaolong!

Damn it!

Jiang Tian thought of this, and his heart was more prosperous.

At this time, Huang Zhouping was completely swallowed up by Huang Xiaolong, and Huang Xiaolong punched and blasted Huang Zhouping’s body and disappeared between heaven and earth.

The mask of the Santai defense was opened and Huang Xiaolong came out.

Headed by Li Wen, Chen Shiming flocked to the veterans.

"Huang Xiaolong, His Son, are you okay?" Li Wen smiled gently and asked Huang Xiaolong with concern. I don't know if it was the illusion of the disciples of the Holy Gate. In their old smile, Li Wenyuan had a kind of pleasing meaning?

At the same time, the disciples of the Holy Gate wondered that the Santa Claus had just played against each other. Everyone could see clearly that Huang Xiaolong did not even have a hair. Their elder Li Wen also asked Huang Xiaolong whether there was anything? Is not this nonsensical?

But then, they saw the old man Chen Shiming took out a golden golden Jindan, smiled with a smile: "Huang Xiaolong, the Holy Son, just had a fierce battle, the power of the rule must be damaged, I have a Yuanyang Long Haidan, swallowed If you take it down, you can make up the power of the damage, and please accept the Yellow Emperor's Highness!"

Yuanyang Long Haidan, Liupin Tiandi Lingdan!

Don't say that it is to make up the power of the dominance. As long as you haven't broken your breath, you can make up for it. Even if you don't have the following, you can make up for it.

Sun Shangyi and other veterans also took out the treasures of heaven and earth, and even Xu Wei, Gong Chen, Guo Qirong, and Li Yuhui also exchanged rare earth and spirits.

Seeing a group of veterans around Huang Xiaolong, Wen Jiang, Jiang Tian, ​​Zheng Yongjia, Wu Shi and other people face more ugly and how ugly, Jiang Tian is a moment of boring, a few days ago, he wants to "borrow" to Xu Wei The six-pin dragon snake emptiness **** Dan, Xu Wei refused, said no, now, Xu Wei took out and put it to Huang Xiaolong, isn't it the six-pin dragon snake emptiness **** Dan?

After a chilly chatter, Li Wen smiled at Huang Xiaolong: "Yellow Xiaolong, the son of Huang Xiaolong, I don't know if you have time in two days. When we arrive, we want to help you with another test?"

I wonder if you have time? Still two days?

See Li Wen actually want to ask if Huang Xiaolong is empty, and some holy disciples are fainting.

"It doesn't take two days, right now." Huang Xiaolong looked at Li Wen and others and looked at it.

Li Wen, Guo Qirong and others have changed their attitudes by 360 degrees. Huang Xiaolong knows that they must have guessed something.

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