Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2275: Who dares to come to Chen family to wild!

However, death sins are exempt, and living sins cannot escape.

Although Huang Xiaolong does not kill this Mei Siyu, but!

"Abolished her!" Huang Xiaolong indifferently ordered one of the guardians.

That Mei Siyu listened to Huang Xiaolong and dared to say that he wanted to abolish himself. He couldn’t help but laugh: "Boy, what do you say? You know your dog eyes, you know I am!"

When she just wanted to say that she was the Supreme High Seventh-level master, the guardian raised her hand and the sword of Mei Siyu burst into numerous pieces. The whole person was pierced by a finger and flew to the sky, then fell to the ground, only Seeing the chest of his god, there was an amazing blood hole.

The disciples of the saints were shocked.

"You!" Mei Siyu looked at the guardian in horror. When she just wanted to get up, suddenly, a violent force continued to tear the whole body and even hit her godhead.

Hey! Hey!

The whole body of Mei Siyu has been violently cracked, and the blood in his mouth is not mad.

In the blink of an eye, Mei Siyu became a waste man from a master of the Seventh Order!

The strong surrounding people in the distance are shocked.

"Mei Wei!" The girl Ma Hui exclaimed, and the disciples of the sacred ancestors rushed to the side of Mei Siyu, and quickly swallowed the world of Ling Dan.

"Let's go, go to Chen!" Huang Xiaolong rode the golden pig and the four guardians to go empty.

When Huang Xiaolong's figure disappeared, the strong neighbors came back to God and there was a strong commotion.

"Which kid is the lord of the lord? One of his followers is so terrible!"

"Pu Shengzong Mei Siyu is too elder, but the Supreme Seventh Order, was abolished by a finger, such strength, I am afraid that it is comparable to the supreme tenth order!"

Listening to the arguments and guidance of the strong people around, Mei Siyu's original pale face is ugly.

It didn't take long for the masters of the sanctuary to hear the news.

Looking at Mei Siyu was actually abolished, and the patriarchal patriarch Ma Dongyu was gloomy.

"Sovereign, you have to take revenge for your subordinates. That kid doesn't just put us in the eyes of the saints. I just have a few words. That kid makes me sacred, sullen, and ruined!" "Mai Siyu cried to Ma Dongyu, the patriarch of the sacred sect."

The voice of the sage of the saints, Ma Dongyu, is cold: "You can rest assured that I will be the master for you, and the boy is now going to Chen?"

"Father, we." The young girl Ma Huigang wanted to persuade, and she was slain by the patriarch of the saints, Ma Dongyu: "Hui Er, you are too ignorant. Before leaving the sect, how did I say it to you! You messed up with the kid, and why did you, Mei Mei, be abolished by the kid, the sea, the god!"

Ma Hui listened to his father and pushed his guilt to himself. He could not help but be wronged and closed his mouth.

"Go, go to the Chen family!" Ma Dongzhen ordered the masters of the Sanctuary.

Ma Hui also wants to persuade, but Ma Dongyu has already led the masters of the saints to go empty.

"The sovereign, the kid's identity is not simple, his men, I am afraid that it is the late 9th-order late stage, and may even be the supreme tenth-order early master!" On the way, a sacred sage of the elders hesitated, said.

Ma Dongyu said coldly: "According to your meaning, is it that Mei Siyu is too enemies of the elders, not reported?"

"This, the subordinate does not mean this, just think, we must first investigate the identity of the other party, and then?" That elders are sinking.

Ma Dongying blinked: "Even if his identity is not simple, can he still be stronger than Chen? Can he be stronger than the Jiang family behind Chen's family? Can he be stronger than the central sect?"

As the first family of the central sacred dynasty, the Jiang family was rooted in the central sacred dynasty. It was involved in many families of the central sacred dynasty, and many sects, and even had a deep relationship with the royal sect.

Even the holy son of the holy gate is not willing to offend the Jiang family.

In Ma Dongxuan's view, even if Huang Xiaolong's identity is not simple, it is impossible to be stronger than the Jiang family, and it is impossible to surpass the central sacred.

"And, this is a good opportunity for us to form an alliance with Chen!" Ma Dongying's eyes are deep.

He always wanted to find an opportunity to form an alliance with Chen, and then climbed to the Jiang family.

Now, if he helps Chen, he and Chen will take down the boy who said that he wants to dismantle the Chen family door, then he can make a good Chen.

This move can not only make a great feud for Mei Siyu, but also build a good Chen family, and then climb to the Jiang family, it is a two-pronged one.

When Ma Dongjun led the masters of the sacred sects, Huang Xiaolong and the four guardians did not take long to come to the front door of the Chen family headquarters.

Huang Xiaolong just wanted to break into the door directly, and then Chen Zhaorui, who had just recovered from the injury, rushed out from the gate with a large group of Chen family masters.

"Two uncles, that is, they just injured me." Chen Zhaorui saw Huang Xiaolong, could not help but kill, and pointed to Huang Xiaolong, glare.

Chen Yanting in front of Chen Zhaorui’s eyes, a cold shot, staring at Huang Xiaolong, slowly said: "The courage is not small, seriously injured my Chen family disciples, even dare to find my Chen family."

This Chen Yanting is the current owner of the Chen family. It is the peak of the late sixth-order stage. It is also a master in the Chen family. Since the guardian has just abolished Mei Siyu, Chen Yanting, Chen Zhaorui and others still do not know about this.

"My friend Feng Tianzhu was imprisoned by your Chen family and became a slave. Today I am coming to someone." Huang Xiaolong said calmly: "You put my friend, I don't want to be alive, but you don't let me, I don't Mind about making a living."

Chen Yanting stunned and then laughed: "Do you mind if you have a life?" Chen Jia passed on for 10 billion years. It was the first time that someone came to the front door of the Chen family headquarters and said that he didn't mind making a living.

Huang Xiaolong said so much that he nodded to one of the guardians, and the guardian reached out to the void. Chen Yanting, who had just laughed, felt the horror of the horror from the sky. This horror force was so powerful that he could not imagine. .

Not only Chen Yanting, but also hundreds of masters of Chen’s family who have been driven out together.

Chen Yanting and Chen Jiazhong roared, the gods were madly motivated, the whole body was insane and violent, and they wanted to break free, but no matter how Chen Yanting and others broke free, how to force the whole body to help the whole body did not help.

Chen Yanting and Chen Jiazhong masters were constantly being bombarded into the ground, and the streets in front of Chen’s house began to burst.

"Bold! Who dares to come to Chen's home!" A big drink came from inside Chen's family. Then, I saw two figures rising from the inside of Chen's house. The breath is strong, far from being comparable to Chen Yanting.

Chen’s master in the town finally shot!

Chen Yanting heard the sound of his voice, and his face was not happy. The two men who shot him were one of the two oldest Chen family members. They were all the first ten masters of the supreme tenth.

"I still don't let go, give me a kneeling!" Chen's two-yuan old man took a shot with both hands and slammed the guardian.

However, the guardian did not look at it. He directly lifted his left hand and took a shot. Then he saw the two elders of Chen’s family, and if they were hit hard, the blood in the mouth spurted and fell from the sky.

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