Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2282: Coming to death

"People spread the news throughout the capital." Jiang Laotai, Jiang Wuji, said to the Jiang family.

He wants to let the central sacred dynasty all the sects, all the family masters came to watch the battle, and watched Huang Xiaolong die on the central battle platform.

There was a sect of the central sacred dynasty, and the family gave evidence. Li Wen also had nothing to say.

"Yes, old man!"

Under the propaganda of the Jiang family, soon, even the small sect of the central sacred dynasty was so negligent that the family knew the news of Huang Xiaolong and the dragon of the dragon, Yang Rong, fighting against the central battlefield and fighting for life and death.

Suddenly, the central sacred dynasty was suddenly.

"Our holy gate of the Holy Gate, Huang Xiaolong, and the sacred son of the dragon, Yang Rong, about the battle?! That Huang Xiaolong, although it is our holy gate, but I heard that the gift of the Son is very wasteful, and the sacred sect is more than 4,000! Among the holy sons of our holy gate, the second at the end of the ranking!"

"With such waste, I dare to fight against the Son of the Holy Land, and I lost it. Isn’t this a shame to our Zhuoyuan Holy Land?"

"If I had, I hid it early, and dared to go everywhere! It’s just dead!"

Some of the sects in the central pilgrimage pilgrimage, after hearing the news, the family were all talking and shook their heads.

Due to the facts and results of Huang Xiaolong and Huang Zhouping's battle against the Holy See, they were blocked by the Holy Gate. Therefore, only some top families and Supreme Zongmen knew the results. Many first-rate and second-rate families did not know.

These small families only heard that Huang Xiaolong’s original testimony of the test was more than 4,000. I only heard that Huang Xiaolong was very wasteful among the holy sons of the Holy Gate.

Under the deliberate push of the Jiang family, most of the discussions in the capital are cynicism against Huang Xiaolong.

At this time, in a palace decorated with extremely luxurious luxury in Jiang’s house, Feng Tianyi smiled bitterly at Huang Xiaolong: “Yellow brother, you won me so much.”

He did not expect Huang Xiaolong to be the holy son of the Holy Gate.

Previously, Jiang and others called Huang Xiaolong the Highness of the Son of God, and the whole person was covered up. Until now, my heart is still shocking.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Scorpio brother, I didn't marry you, you didn't ask."

Feng Tianzheng is a little embarrassed to scratch his head: "That is also." Speaking of this, there are hidden concerns in both eyes: "Yellow Brothers, the battle of tomorrow, you really?!"

Huang Xiaolong stood up and said: "Do not worry, I am not sure about what I am not sure about."

When Feng Tianyi listened, he was relieved.

In the lower bound, he and Huang Xiaolong have been in the millennium for a thousand years. They know Huang Xiaolong's temperament. Since Huang Xiaolong said that he is sure, it is absolutely correct.

Nothing happened overnight.

The next day, the sun shines.

The entire central sacred dynasty is shrouded in the sun, and many splendid buildings are shining with brilliance.

Early in the morning, Jiang Wuji and others came over to "please be safe."

"Huang Xiaolong, His Holiness, I don't know how you are going?" Jiang Wuji smiled and said: "If it is ready, let's go to the central battlefield together now?"

Huang Xiaolong looked at the smile on the face of Jiang Wuji, and said indifferently: "Is the old lady Jiang afraid that I ran last night? So I have so many masters outside?"

Jiang Wuji quickly shakes his hand and smiles: "No, absolutely nothing, Huang Xiaolong's Highness of the Son of the Son is honorable. The old man is afraid that someone will be unfavorable to His Royal Highness, so he has sent some people around him to guard His Royal Highness." I didn’t expect it to be misunderstood by His Royal Highness, Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong did not entangle with Jiang Wuji on this issue, and Feng Tianzhu, the four guardians went out of the temple and took care of themselves to the central battle platform.

Jiang Wuji’s old face smiled, and then he and the people “tightened” behind Huang Xiaolong, and went out to the Jiang family and came to the central battle platform.

I haven't come to the central battle platform yet. I saw that there is a crowd of people in front of the city. The streets are surrounded by the army of the central sacred priests and the strong men of all ethnic groups.

However, there is a central army of the Holy Army to maintain order, and there is no confusion in the scene.

When Huang Xiaolong, Jiang Wuji and others arrived, suddenly, the original noisy street was even more shocking.

All the powerful people of all ethnic groups looked at Huang Xiaolong and confided.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the crowds of people around him, and said to Jiang Wuji: "There are quite a lot of people. It seems that the propaganda of the Jiang family is doing well." One day, so many families and Zongmen strong people know the battle, if there is no Jiang family. Deliberate propaganda, that is impossible.

Jiang Wuji was laughing: "It should be a certain owner who was present at the time. The lord leaked the news and it was so."

Listening to Jiang Wuji’s denial, Huang Xiaolong smiled and rode the Luobao Jinzhu to the central battle platform.

The central battle platform is not far from the central sacred palace. There is a huge square around the battle platform. There are stone monuments on the square.

These stone tablets record the events of the great powers of the past generations who fought against the central battle.

The central battle platform has special meanings and symbols. No one can fight against the central battle platform. To go to the central battle platform, it must be approved by the emperor of the central sacred. Of course, with the identity of Huang Xiaolong and the dragon of the dragon. Naturally, the permission of the Central Supreme Emperor is not required.

Therefore, being able to go to the central battle platform, regardless of winning or losing, is a kind of glory.

Not far from the central battle platform, there is a huge gold monument, up to a thousand feet, cast from the rare spiritual jade and concentrate of the Holy Land. This is the glory of the golden monument, only the winner can engrave the name.

On the other side of the victory, they can also receive the gold medal of the Central Warlord of the Central Supreme Emperor, in order to show their glory. Of course, with the identity of Huang Xiaolong, they naturally do not care about the central war gold medal.

When Huang Xiaolong came, Jiang Tian, ​​Tan Hongyi, Yang Rong and others had already come to the central battle station one step earlier.

"Huang Xiaolong brothers, can you sleep well last night?" Yang Rong laughed and greeted Huang Xiaolong, who did not know, would think that they are friends.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "It's not good, because I was thinking about what method I used to kill you on the stage last night. It's better to think about it. I can't decide which method to use better, or else, you give me a proposal?"

Yang Rong originally listened to Huang Xiaolong's preface, and smiled in the heart. Suddenly he heard Huang Xiaolong's second half of his sentence. His face was gloomy and his eyes were stunned. "What method is it better to kill me? Hey, Huang Xiaolong, I think of a way to kill you." Better, as for what method, wait on the stage, you will soon know!"

"Yes." Huang Xiaolong smiled lightly.

Subsequently, Yang Rong self-proclaimed strength, after the detection of the guardian of the Holy Gate behind Huang Xiaolong, after a jump, he came to the central battle platform and said: "Huang Xiaolong, come up and die!"

Huang Xiaolong slowly swallowed up and came to Yang Rong.

Looking at Huang Xiaolong on the central battle platform, Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Wuji, Tan Hongyi and others showed a cold smile.

"Huang Xiaolong, dead!" Seeing Huang Xiaolong come to power, Yang Rong's body shape flashed, he came to Huang Xiaolong, can't wait to shoot, punched out.

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