Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2284: Swallow Yang Rong

"Huang Xiaolong, give me a roll down!" After Yang Rong showed the beast dragon Dafa, he looked at Huang Xiaolong at high altitude and suddenly sipped, and the dragon fist slammed out.

Under the double fists, the dragon whistling wildly, tumbling, and rushing for nine days.

Looking at Yang Rong, who is flying up, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes are cold, and the dragon is Dafa? I will make you a dead dragon!

Huang Xiaolong’s dragon smashed, and the sound was soaring. The three great sacred sacs were spurred by the dragons, and the dragon claws were shot down.


I saw Yang Rong, who had been rushing to the ground with a punch, but was shot by Huang Xiaolong’s claws and shot directly into the battle platform.

The entire battle platform was striking.

Then, Huang Xiaolong continued to slap down the dragon claws like the mountains.

The entire battle platform trembled again and again.

Yang Rong screamed.

"Yang Rong Shidi!" Tan Hongyi, Qu Jiangmen and other people's faces changed dramatically, and they lost their voices. They just laughed and said that Yang Rong's beast dragon Dafa could completely defeat Huang Xiaolong. He did not expect that Huang Xiaolong would directly shoot in the battle. station.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong raised his dragon claws and saw that Yang Rong’s whole person became a human-shaped pancake, which was tightly glued to the top of the platform. When Huang Xiaolong wanted to shoot again with his claws, Tan Hongyi, Qu Jiangmeng and others would not exclaim. Angry: "Huang Xiaolong, still not fast to stop!" I want to stop.

However, Tan Hongyi, Qu Jiangmeng and others just took out, and they were shaken off by one of the guardians of the Holy Gate. Even Tan Hongyi’s half-sacred also flew out, and the blood in his mouth sprang up.

what? !

Accompanied by Jiang Tian, ​​the Jiang Fan, the sect of the Fan River, and other people around the Fan Wu, were not shocked.

Jiang Tian was surprised at the heart.

Tan Hongyi is the third son of the Holy Land of Hualong. Not only refers to his talent, but also refers to his strength. Tan Hongyi is not an ordinary semi-holy, but a robbery and a half!

Coupled with Tan Hongyi's gift of the Son, even if it is a lot of three robbers, it can also compete.

Unexpectedly, I was shocked by the guardian of the Holy Gate.

This holy gate guardian is definitely more than four robbers.

In Tan Hongyi and Qu Jiangmen, when the holy son of the Dragon Land was shaken off, Huang Xiaolong’s dragon claws were shot down. Yang Rong once again screamed, and Yang Rong, who was already a humanoid pancake, became thinner again. The flesh and blood splashed, and the blood and blood were everywhere on the platform.

"Yang Rong's younger brother!" Tan Hongyi, Qu Jiangmeng, a few people in the heart sink, a cry of sorrow.

"Huang Xiaolong, you let me Yang Rongshi, we can give you five billion sacred money!" Tan Hongyi stood up and was shocked and angry.

"Five hundred billion holy banknotes?" Huang Xiaolong smiled coldly: "A single dragon, is it worth only five billion holy notes?"

Qu Jiang Meng yelled: "Huang Xiaolong, you, you don't have to take a shot!"

Just as Qu Jiang Meng’s voice fell, Huang Xiaolong’s dragon claws fell.

The battle platform is another tremor.

Jiang Tian's face changed, and this way, Yang Rong was afraid that he was really killed by Huang Xiaolong!

Yang Rong and several people came to the Jiang family to give the birthday of Jiang Laotai. If they died in the Central Dynasty pilgrimage, even if Huang Xiaolong killed it, the Jiang family would also bear certain responsibilities. Whenever the Dragon Lord is sure to anger the Jiang family.

"Huang Xiaolong, you put Yang Rongshengzi, everything is easy to say." Jiang Tian said: "As long as you put Yang Rong Shengzi, we can give Jiang Jiabao a half of Shen Dan, jade and holy money to you!"

"The Jiang family is half a holy banknote, at least five trillion!"

Five trillion!

The crowds at the scene heard the words, and they did not take a breath of cold air. Even the Fans of the Vatican, the masters of the Fans, and the masters of the Central Dynasty were scared.

As for some small family owners, they are even scared.

Huang Xiaolong heard the words and laughed: "Five trillion? A lot! So, I have to thank you? However, you seem to have forgotten, I won, and you are half of the gods, jade and holy notes of the Jiang family treasure house. Mine, I still need you to give it? Jiang Tian, ​​you have a problem in your brain?!"

Jiang’s face turned red and blue, and his eyes were full of enthusiasm, almost spurting fire.

"Well, you said, what do you want?" Jiang Tian pressed his heart to kill, and said with anger.

"I want the Jiang family treasures all Shen Dan, jade and holy banknotes!" Huang Xiaolong looked self-satisfied.


Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Wuji and others did not lose their voices.

Even Chen Jiajia’s Chen Kebin and others were shocked.

"You, Huang Xiaolong, you are delusional!" Jiang Tian almost exhausted the strength of the whole body, shouted, that looks like, hate can not peel the bones of Huang Xiaolong.

The Jiang family passed on tens of billions of years, controlled countless shops, ruled countless industries, and accumulated treasures. Huang Xiaolong actually wanted to have all the gods, jade and holy banknotes of Jiang Jiabao!

"Infatuation?" Huang Xiaolong said: "If this is the case, then I will kill this Yang Rong, but this is your Jiang family will not save him, he is your Jiang family killed." In this regard, Yang Rong from On the battlefield, the camera was taken up, and the power of the sacred genius was motivated. Suddenly, Yang Rongshengge, the Holy Venetian and the Eucharist were constantly swallowed by Huang Xiaolong, and they blinked.

"Teacher!" Tan Hongyi, Qu Jiangmeng was anxious and angry. When they wanted to go forward, they were stopped by the guardian of the Holy Gate.

Soon, Huang Xiaolong thoroughly dried Yang Rong, and then Huang Xiaolong shocked and smashed Yang Rong’s body into powder. He looked at the anger of Tan Hongyi, Qu Jiangmeng and a few people, and spread the hand: “It’s Jiang’s family. Willing to save your younger brother, your younger brother was killed by Jiang Tian, ​​and has nothing to do with me!"

Huang Xiaolong had previously asked Jiang Jiabao to have all the gods, jade and holy banknotes. He knew that Jiang Tian would not agree. The purpose was to separate the relationship between the Dragon Land and the Jiang family.

"Huang Xiaolong, you are less provocative here!" Jiang Tian yelled: "You and Yang Rong brothers battle the central battle platform, you killed the Yang Rong brothers, and even want to provoke our Jiang family and the dragon holy land here. Relationship!"

Tan Hongyi looked at Huang Xiaolong and was also full of scarlet: "Huang Xiaolong, you are waiting for us, Yang Rong's younger brother will not die!" Then Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Wujifu fist: "Jiang Tianxiong, Jiang Laotai, forgive our brothers can not Continue to stay, and leave." Then and Qu Jiangmeng several dragons and sons broke away.

Although Tan Hongyi also knows that Yang Rong’s death has nothing to do with Jiang’s family, their younger brother Yang Rong’s appointment with Huang Xiaolong is for the Jiang family. Jiang Tian refused Huang Xiaolong’s request and did not save Yang Rong. This made Tan Hongyi’s hearts I have some resentment against the Jiang family.

Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Wuji looked at Tan Hongyi and several people left, Zhang Zhangkou, and finally did not say anything.

Huang Xiaolong leaped down to Jiang Tian and Jiang Wuji. He smiled and said: "Since this battle, I won, then, Jiang Laoye, Ma, please take me to the Jiang family treasure house now, I want to get back to me now. That half of the gods, jade and holy notes! And, now I can put my friend's love!"

Jiang Tian, ​​Jiang Wuji face ugly.

(I saw the news of Master Huang Yi’s departure yesterday, the heart is heavy, I hope the master will go well)

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