Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2289: I heard it for the first time.

After coming to Wu Chengkun and other people in Poseidon Island, Huang Xiaolong’s eyes fell on Wu Chengkun: “You are the special envoy of Poseidon?”

"Bold!" Wu Chengkun behind a sea **** island master yelled at Huang Xiaolong: "The special envoy is also called you? To call the special envoy!"

However, the voice of the master of Poseidon Island just fell, and was shot by a guardian of the Holy Gate. The hole pierced the eyebrows. Then in the eyes of Wu Chengkun and others, the sound of "嗖" became a group of ashes and blown away.


Wu Chengkun and the sea **** island masters have changed their faces.

This sea **** island master, but the supreme second-order peak of the early stage, in their high hands, the strength can be in the top ten, but was shot by the people to fly away!

The real fingers are dying.

After a shock, Wu Chengkun was furious and looked at Huang Xiaolong and Liu Zhi with a gloomy look: "Liu Zhi, what do you mean? You are not afraid, you dare to kill me on the island of Poseidon! Originally, we just came over to recruit you. Now, you want to go to Poseidon Island, there is no such opportunity!"

The masters of Poseidon Island summoned the artifacts, and the atmosphere locked Huang Xiaolong, Liu Zhi, the four guardians of the Holy Gate and so on.

As soon as Wu Chengkun made an order, he shot it.

Although the guardian of the Holy Gate just shot a finger to defeat the first master of the second-order of the Shenshen Island, but in the eyes of Wu Chengkun and the nearly 100 masters of the sea **** island, they are fully capable of shooting, but still have the confidence to clear the area of ​​a sea of ​​Lingling Island. .

“What do you mean?” Liu Zhi said: “The special envoy of Poseidon Island, do you know who you just slandered? My lord, he is His Holiness under the Holy Gate! You still have to sin?!”

Means Huang Xiaolong.

His Royal Highness of the Holy Gate? !

Wu Chengkun and Poseidon Island were shocked and their eyes fell on Huang Xiaolong.

But soon, Takamatsu, who was behind Wu Chengkun, laughed and looked at him with a look: "Liu Zhi, why don't you say that this kid is our holy gatekeeper?"

The people of Poseidon Island also laughed.

"A holy son who dominates the peak of the tenth stage?" Wu Chengkun smiled and said: "Hey, I heard that for the first time, we still have a lord of the Holy Land!"

Under the circumstance, naturally, I don’t believe what Huang Xiaolong is the holy gate.

Although Huang Xiaolong is the saint who has just been promoted to the Holy Gate, although many top families in the Holy Land know the existence of Huang Xiaolong, they know that Huang Xiaolong and Huang Zhouping are fighting against the Holy Taiwan. However, due to the time passed, many forces in the Holy Land Still do not know the existence of Huang Xiaolong.

Wu Chengkun and others do not know.

Of course, Huang Xiaolong is just a small master. It is hard to believe that Huang Xiaolong is a holy son.

Liu Zhi and Wu Hailing Island masters listened to Gao Songyuan, Wu Chengkun ridiculed Huang Xiaolong, could not help his face, was about to speak, Huang Xiaolong raised his hand, interrupted Liu Zhi and others.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes fell on Wu Chengkun’s body: “So, if you can take me a punch, I will let you go today.”

Everyone at Poseidon Island.

Wu Chengkun laughed: "When you take a punch, let me go back? Are you sure you have not made a mistake?"

Takamatsuhara smiled and said: "Kid, do you know that our special envoy is the second-class late master of the Supreme? So, if you can take me a punch, I will let you leave!"

Although Takamatsuhara is not the second-order late stage of Supreme, it is also the second-order mid-peak peak of the Supreme.

"No, you can go up together!" Huang Xiaolong shook his head, finished, and his body flashed, and the two fists suddenly slammed into Wu Chengkun and Gao Songyuan.

"Seeking a dead road!" Wu Chengkun saw Huang Xiaolong really dare to both of them at the same time, could not help but smile: "Boy, I don't care what you are, I will let you today!" However, he just said this, suddenly felt A horrible force screamed out from Huang Xiaolong’s fist and could not change his face.

"Poseidon Turtle Dafa!"

Wu Chengkun screamed, and the whole body was full of ice and blue light, and a giant turtle-shaped turtle shell like a turtle was surfaced.

The Poseidon tortoise is the practice of a well-known predecessor of the ancient kings who was acquired by Wang Yuan in the dangerous land of the island.

Although this method is not inferior to the semi-sacred practice, it is also a high-level practice in the supreme world.

At the same time, the Takamatsu original body table also emerges as a huge turtle-like defensive turtle shell. In the sea **** island, as long as you can get the island master Wang Yuan common sense, reuse, you can cultivate this sea **** spirit turtle Dafa.

After Wu Chengkun’s realm and strength, after the practice of the Poseidon tortoise, many of the supreme second-order late peaks could not break the tortoise defense.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong's double fists slammed into Wu Chengkun, Gao Songyuan's watch spirit turtle defense.


Just heard a huge shock.

I saw Wu Chengkun, Gao Songyuan's two human body's tortoise defenses burst into bursts, and the violent shots, Wu Chengkun, Gao Songyuan and two people were shocked, and wanted to raise their hands.

However, Huang Xiaolong’s double fists were on the arms of the two men. The two men’s arms were like dead branches and trees, and they collapsed. At the same time, the two men retired.

The two fell on a boulder under the Bohai Ling Island. The boulder was fired. The two men rolled out tens of thousands of miles and the ground was plowed into two human-shaped dirt roads.


Wu Chengkun, Gao Songyuan's two people have blood vomiting.

The people of Poseidon Island were shocked.

"Special envoy!"

The masters of Poseidon Island rushed to Wu Chengkun and Gao Songyuan. They only saw Wu Chengkun, Gao Songyuan and their body armor. The shirts were all violent, and the two were lying there, motionless and weak.

"Kill this kid!"

A sea **** island master roared.

Suddenly, nearly 100 masters of Poseidon Island rushed to Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong waved his hand and gestured to Liu Zhi and others to help. The whole body shook and rushed to the people of Poseidon Island. Huang Xiaolong’s figure was constantly flashing. Every time he flashed, one or several Poseidon masters were blasted out. .

In the blink of an eye, nearly 100 masters of Poseidon Island no longer stand.

This group of sea **** island masters, the strongest, Wu Chengkun and Gao Songyuan, even Wu Chengkun and Gao Songyuan are not the enemy of Huang Xiaolong, not to mention other people?

After a while, Liu Zhi and other people from Hailing Island will bring Wu Chengkun, Gao Songyuan and others to Huang Xiaolong.

"You, who are you?" Wu Chengkun, who was weak in breath, looked at Huang Xiaolong with horror and anger. As soon as he opened his mouth, blood was poured out from his throat.

Huang Xiaolong has a golden ring in his hand.

"St., the Son of the Son!" Looking at Huang Xiaolong's hand, Wu Chengkun, Gao Songyuan and Poseidon Island are all shocked, their eyes wide and eaten.

The young man in front of you is really the holy gate!

Wu Chengkun’s fear in his heart, the original anger and hatred could not help disappear, saying: “This, His Royal Highness, we, we don’t know.”

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