Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2292: Return to the holy gate headquarters

"Luo Hong brother, we are coming to Zhuoyuan holy land to ask people, I am afraid that Li Wen will not agree to hand over that Huang Xiaolong!" Hualong Shengzi Tan Hongyi said to the young man of Jinpao.

Luo Hong! The first of all the holy sons of the Dragon Land!

Although Jiang Tian is the head of the sacred son of Zhuoyuan, the talent is amazing and the strength is amazing, but compared with this Luo Hong, it is still a lot worse.

Luo Hong heard the words, and smiled coldly: "Don't hand it over? I'm afraid that they will not be able to agree with Li Wen. They agree to also give people, and they don't agree to pay people!"

Luo Hong showed great confidence.

This time, although they are not many people, they have only two hundred people, but all of them are masters. The lowest strength is the late tenth-order late!

Moreover, he is extremely confident in his strength. With his current realm and combat power, even Li Wen, the leader of the 13-yuan old man of Zhuoyuan, cannot be his opponent!

Now, no one can stop him in the entire Zhuoyuan Holy Gate!

Therefore, this time his master Hualong Sage did not come in person, only let him come, he will be enough!

"Luo Shixiong, if I mean, if Li Wen does not agree to hand over Huang Xiaolong, then we will directly attack the Zhuoyuan Holy Land and destroy the Zhuoyuan Holy Gate and directly occupy the Zhuoyuan Holy Land!" Tan Hongyi opened the door.

Luo Hong’s eyes were deep and he shook his head. “We are still not sure that Wan Zhuoyuan has only temporarily left Zhuoyuan’s holy gate, or has it really been reinvented. We can only wait until we have confirmed that Wan Zhuoyuan has been reincarnation!”

When it comes to Wan Zhuoyuan, Luo Hong’s eyes are dazzling.

Although his master's sacred sage is already a master of the sacred world, but talking about this 10,000 Zhuoyuan, it also shows the color of jealousy.

If it is not impossible to determine whether Wan Zhuoyuan is reincarnation or rebuilt, they have already begun to swallow the distant land.

"Luo Shixiong, can we not be sure that Wan Zhuoyuan will be reinvented after 100,000 years, then we can't do it for 100,000 years?" Shengzi Qu Jiangmen couldn't help himself.

Luo Hongyi smiled: "100,000 years? It can't be used for a long time. In Zhuoyuan's holy gate, there is our spy, and the position is not low. It should be quickly determined whether Wan Zhuoyuan is reincarnation."


In the city of Bohai, two Hongmeng Zilong are coiled up over the top of Huangxiaotou.

Looking at the two Hongmeng Zilong, Huang Xiaolong looked happy, this is after he conquered the king of the sea **** island, Wang Yuan, found in the treasure house of Poseidon.

This is really an unexpected surprise.

These days, Huang Xiaolong has been trying to find a way to find Hong Meng Zi, I did not expect to find it in the treasure house of Poseidon.

Moreover, according to Wang Yuan’s statement, these two humilis were found in a dangerous place in Longxin Island in the Bohai Sea a few days ago. At that time, he only entered the periphery. If he continued to go deeper, there should still be Hong Meng Ziqi.

"Longxin Island!" Huang Xiaolong said to himself.

This Longxin Island is one of the most famous Lingdao in the Bohai Sea. It is also the largest Lingdao in the Bohai Sea, much larger than the Hongdong Islands he has visited before.

However, Longxin Island is deep in the sea, with tsunami swirls and powerful sea beasts, so it is much more dangerous than the Hongdong Islands.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong converges and begins to run the parasitic worms and begins to devour these two red dragons.

To refine the two Hong Meng Zilong, he decided to go to this Longxin Island.

If Longxin Island really has a red and purple atmosphere, if there are many, he is expected to cultivate Hongmeng parasitic cockroaches to the peak of the tenth layer in a short period of time, and even hope to break through to the unprecedented eleventh floor.

Even the king of his master, the king of Hongmeng, did not reach the eleventh floor.

On the eleventh floor of Hongmeng parasitic cockroaches, Huang Xiaolong looked forward to it very much.

As Huang Xiaolong runs Hongmeng parasitic cockroaches, suddenly, the two Hongmeng Zilong will float out of a glimpse of the purple and purple, constantly pouring into the body of Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong is full of purple light.

With the three enlightened sages that Huang Xiaolong has evolved now, the three sacred veins and the sacred speed of the Eucharist have only been used for more than 20 days, and the two Hongmeng Zilong are completely swallowed and refining.

After refining and refining the two Hongmeng Zilong, Huang Xiaolong, who dominated the peak of the tenth stage, finally broke through to the mid-tenth.

Although Kankan broke through to dominate the tenth-order mid-term, but Huang Xiaolong still feels that the promotion is too slow, according to this speed, I am afraid that he will still have to break through to the supreme level for decades.

For decades!

For others, this speed is horrible, but for Huang Xiaolong, it is too slow.

According to this speed, let alone the millennium, it is 10,000 years, and 100,000 years can not catch up with Jiang Tian.

"It seems that it is still necessary to let the sacred sage, the Holy Pulse and the Eucharist evolve and ascend as soon as possible." Huang Xiaolong thought.

Now, he is not lacking in resources. He has six items that Xu Wei, Li Yuhui, Guo Qirong, Gong Chen and others gave him, seven products, and the treasures left by Wan Zhuoyuan, as well as the treasure house of Jiang. A lot of heaven and earth.

Now, what he lacks is speed! Cultivation speed!

If his three sacred sects, the three holy veins and the Eucharist are ranked within a thousand, plus six products, seven products of the world, then he will break through the supreme world, absolutely no need for decades.

Huang Xiaolong thought about it and stood up.

Although the swallowing of some special heaven and earth can also make his enlightenment, the holy veins and the Eucharist evolve, but the evolution is too slow, so it is directly devour the possession of the sacred sacred or possession of the Holy Spirit, the Eucharist The person is improving faster.

However, he can not kill the disciples.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong decided to explore Longxin Island and find more Hongmeng Ziqi, then he went back to the Sanmen headquarters to take the task of killing the demon.

Many demon powers are like the Holy Disciples. Some have the sacred sage, and some have the Holy Spirit or the Eucharist, just like the three Red Devils he killed before.

Huang Xiaolong went out of the Bohai City House. When Huang Xiaolong decided to go to Longxin Island with the four guardians of the Holy Gate, Huang Xiaolong was shocked.

Huang Xiaolong took a look and frowned. The letter was from Li Wenfa. Li Wen said in the letter that the person of the Dragon Land came, and Li Wen asked him to return to the headquarters of the Holy Gate.

Although Li Wen did not mention the intention of the people of the Dragon Land in the letter, but Huang Xiaolong would not know that the people of the Dragon Land were absolutely for the sake of Yang Rong who was killed in the Central Battle.

"It's very fast." Huang Xiaolong sneered at the corner of his mouth.

Originally, he was going to Longxin Island. It seems that he had to go back to the headquarters of the Holy Gate.

His importance, Li Wen and others know, since Li Wen asked him to return to the headquarters of the Holy Gate, indicating that Li Wen will certainly protect him, and will certainly protect him.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong said a lot of instructions to the Wangshen, the main **** of the sea **** island, Liu Zhi, and other people.

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong and the four guardians of the Holy Gate, with Feng Tianyi, and Feng Tianyi, and others began to return to the headquarters of the Holy Gate.

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