Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2301: Hong Meng Ziqi

And the dragon vein of the dragon strongman is hidden in the depths of this Longxin Island.

In the past few years, there have been strong people who come to Longxin Island to find the dragon vein of Longxin Island, and want to conquer and refine it, but for so many years, no one can get this dragon.

"Dragon vein." Huang Xiaolong said to himself.

Among his three great veins, there is a dragon vein. If you can find the dragon vein of this Longxin Island, it will be swallowed up, and it will be of great benefit to his holy vein.

This is why Huang Xiaolong came to Longxin Island.

This time, he came to Longxin Island, mainly to find Hongmeng Ziqi, followed by this dragon vein, and finally the treasure left by the white bone knife magic Yu Dongyuan.

Although he is now rich in money, no one thinks that there is less money, right?

And now, he is surrounded by a big stomach king of the Holy Beast.

That is a day of the world.

Moreover, the treasures left by Yu Dongyuan, the heavens and the earth, the heavens and the earth, and the holy banknotes are also quite a few. The holy banknotes alone have one or two billion yuan, one or two billion yuan, which is definitely not a small amount.

At the moment, Huang Xiaolong mobilizes the dragon's veins in the body, while flying forward, while sensing the dragon veins in Longxin Island.

However, after one day, nothing was achieved.

Half a day later, Huang Xiaolong came to a small valley.

This small valley is extremely inconspicuous, and Yu Dongyuan is hiding his treasure in this valley.

Huang Xiaolong opened the eyes of the ghost and determined that there was no ban in the valley. Then he jumped into the wall and then came to the side of the mountain wall in the east of the valley. Then he punched and smashed the ban on the layout of Yu Dongyuan. Photographed, a jade bracelet was taken out from the space inside the mountain wall.

This jade bracelet is a space artifact, Yu Dongyuan's treasure, all in this jade bracelet.

Huang Xiaolong opened the jade bracelet to ban, only to see the accumulation of sacred banknotes inside, there is a Lingsha mountain range, a plant of heaven and earth medicine is planted in these Lingsha mountains.

In addition, there are many concentrates, jade, and some jade bottles. These jade bottles are naturally filled with heaven and earth.

These heaven and earth Ling Dan, are loaded with a number of three and four products of heaven and earth.

The three worlds and the four products of the heavens and the earth, although Huang Xiaolong does not need it, but can be swallowed by the people of Feng Tianyi and His Majesty, or they can be left to the future.

Huang Xiaolong took the jade bracelet into the space of the beastly thunderbolt, then went out of the valley and began to move forward to the depths of Longxin Island.

Two days later, when Huang Xiaolong was close to the depths of Longxin Island, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong’s body was full of vitality.


Huang Xiaolong stunned and immediately looked happy.

Hong Meng Ziqi!

This Longxin Island is really red and purple!

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong followed the induction and rode Cai Feng to the front to fly rapidly.

"Father, it is him, that is, he killed the brothers of Yu Cheng!" Just as Huang Xiaolong hurried forward, suddenly, someone shouted in the distance.

This voice, Huang Xiaolong is no stranger.

Sure enough, Huang Xiaolong turned to look at it, is the female disciple of the Fan River Shenzong Wu Weiwei!

Previously, Huang Xiaolong let him go and let him inform his father, that is, the Lord of the Van Gogh Gods Law Enforcement Hall and the lord Chen Shaokang.

At that time, after Huang Xiaolong killed the white bone knife, Yu Dongyuan, he left the Demon Island. He did not expect to meet Wu Weiwei here.

Wu Weiwei’s voice fell, and suddenly, the Van Gogh’s masters of the Vatican River came to Huang Xiaolong’s empty space and came to Huang Xiaolong in the blink of an eye.

The head of the Van River gods, the master of the Van Gogh Gods Law Enforcement Hall, Wu Xun.

Behind Wu Xun, it is the master of the mission hall, Chen Shaokang, a master of the Van Gogh gods. Although there are not many people, there are only more than 30 people, but each one is not weak, and they are all masters of the middle class.

In front of these masters of the Vatican Shenzong, Huang Xiaolong dominated the tenth-order late peak like a weak little beast.

"Kid, you kill my disciple, I didn't expect to meet us here?" Chen Shaokang, the elder of the mission hall, sneered, his face a little embarrassed.

"Lord, let's take this kid down first?" Another Van Gogh master called Wu Xun.

Wu Xun stares at Huang Xiaolong: "Are you a disciple of the Holy Gate?"

Previously, according to his daughter Wu Weiwei, he had many speculations about the identity of Huang Xiaolong. There were not many people who dared to kill the disciples of the Fan River. The other party may be the disciple of the Holy Gate.

However, even if the other party is a disciple of the Holy Gate, there is nothing. The Jiang family is not weak in the Holy Gate, and the influence of the Van Gogh Shenzong in the Holy Gate is also not weak. At that time, the Van Gogh Shenzong has the means to rectify the other side.

Huang Xiaolong did not talk nonsense with the other party, directly took out the Son of the Son and threw it to Wu Xun.

Originally, Wu Xun didn't care, but after taking a look, it was a big jump, and his hands trembled. He almost swayed Huang Xiaolong's sacred child. Fortunately, his eyes were fast and he was holding it in his hand.

Seeing Wu Xun’s reaction, the Fan Jiang’s ancestors, Chen Shaokang, and other people’s minds are strange. At first glance, they are also mad.

"Wu Xun, a disciple of the Vatican, sees the Highness of the Son, Wu Xun does not know that he is the Holy Son, but also asks the Holy Son to forgive sins." At this time, Wu Xun slammed and crouched down to Huang Xiaolong, and then took the Son of the Son. Give Huang Xiaolong.

The Fanjiang Emperor's mission hall, Chen Shaokang and Wu Weiwei, also rushed to the ground, Chen Shaokang and Wu Weiwei were even more confused.

Huang Xiaolong took back the Son of the Son from Wu Xun’s hand and said indifferently: "I am the new son of the Holy Gate, Huang Xiaolong. I think you should know me."

Huang Xiaolong!

Wu Xun and Chen Shaokang, Wu Weiwei and others shuddered.

The white bone knife magic Yu Dongyuan does not know Huang Xiaolong, but they are the masters of the Van Gogh god, how do you not know?

Huang Xiaolong first attacked Huang Zhouping in the holy platform. Later, the central battle platform killed Yang Rong, the son of the dragon. Later, Jiang Tian was cut off the first position of the Son. Huang Xiaolong was given the first son of the Son. These have already spread throughout the Holy Land. Top Zongmen and family.

"Know, know, we know that His Royal Highness, the little son of Huang Xiaolong, has now risen to the top of the Son!" Wu Xun trembled and sweated his forehead.

"Offended a saint, and is the head of the Son, you should know the guilt." Huang Xiaolong is cold.

Wu Xun opened Zhangkou and wanted to speak up, but in the end he still said: "Know, know, please ask the Honourable Huang Xiaolong, and let us go to the Temple of the Law of the Holy Gate to seek conviction!"

Huang Xiaolong did not open his mouth. He left the phoenix phoenix and left, waiting for Huang Xiaolong to leave for a long time, Wu Xun, Chen Shaokang, Wu Weiwei and other talents stood up.

"Father, we really want to go to the law enforcement hall of the Holy Gate to ask for a crime?!" Wu Weiwei was unwilling.

Chen Shaokang's eyes are stunned: "Wu Dianzhu, or do we give this kid?" Speaking of this, made a gesture of killing.

Wu Xun shook his head: "If the holy gate is found out, it will not only be you and me, but our entire Vatican gods will be buried, and we will have to hurt you and my family. Moreover, we want to kill him. I’m afraid it’s not that easy. Li Wen and others dared to let him go out alone, and certainly refining a lot of amulets and escape signs for him.”

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