Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2310: Spoiled over

Dihuai nodded: "I know, I also know that the Emperor brother is difficult. So, I only need one place. Of course, this quota, I will give the Emperor's Gate a trillion dollar bill."

"What?! One trillion sacred bills!" The Emperor of the Holy Gate, the saints, were shocked.

Even the sage of the Emperor Huang didn't expect Dihuai to enter the holy lake for this Huang Xiaolong, and he would have spent one trillion yuan.

One trillion sacred banknotes are not a small number for the holy people.

Huang Xiaolong is also a brow, in his view, in order to enter a holy lake, spend a trillion, not worth it.

The Emperor Suihuang sank a bit, and Di Dihuan said: "Since Dihuai brothers have said this, well, wait three days after the holy lake opens, we will give up a quota, just, Di Huai brother, you do this, really Worth? With the talent of your first son, when you enter the holy lake, you will only stay in it for an hour or two!"

Entering the holy lake to practice, although the benefits are great, but also depends on the talent, the better the talent, the longer the time to stay inside, the better the effect of cultivation, as for the more than 900 enlightened sages like Huang Xiaolong It is estimated that the Emperor can only stay in it for an hour or two.

After practicing for an hour or two in the holy lake, the effect is very small, and it can even be said that it has no effect at all.

Therefore, Emperor Huang had to remind Di Huai, for the head of such a waste son, spend one trillion, the value is not worth it.

Di Huai was laughing: "Thank you for your kindness." When it comes to this, it will take out one trillion yuan of holy banknotes and give it to the saints.

When the Emperor of the Emperor saw the situation, he shook his head. He did not expect Dihuai to remain obsessed and still have to waste this trillions of holy notes.

Holding Dihuai, the trillion-dollar sacred banknote, the sage of the emperor is a little embarrassed: "Di Huai, this!"

"Nothing." Di Huai smiled and smiled. How did the masters of the Emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor know how to know that in the view of Di Huai, not to mention one trillion, it is two trillion, which can let Huang Xiaolong enter the holy lake to practice once. value.

"I don't know if this kid will enter the holy lake to practice, how long can he stay in it? Three months? Or four months?" Di Huai thought.

As far as he knows, the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty was the saint who entered the cultivation, and the one who stayed for the longest stayed there for more than a month.

Later, the Emperor Suihuang arranged the residence for Di Huai, Huang Xiaolong and others, waiting for Sanhu to open three days later.

After Huang Xiaolong and others left, on the main hall, Liu Qing, the son of the Emperor's Gate of the Emperor, stood up and said to the Emperor Huang: "Master, this Dihuai predecessor also preferred the head of the Zhuoyuan Holy Gate. I want to say, This Huang Xiaolong went in and was afraid that he couldn’t stay for an hour. This is a waste of our royal family’s place!"

This Liu Qing is the first son of the Emperor of the Emperor, and is the only pro-disciple of Emperor Huang. Of course, Liu Qing’s talent is very high, and he has more than 90 enlightened sages, holy veins and holy bodies. Talent is even higher than Jiang Tian.

"Yes!" Another son, Zhang Shixing, was indignant and indecent: "We smashed the sacred priests for the five places, and they struggled for the first time. Now it’s good, and Dihuai’s predecessors come, one mouth, then It took a quota, and it gave a waste of more than 900 enlightened sages. This is too unfair!"

"Think about it!"

The holy lake of the Holy Gate is open, and only five people can be entered.

For these five places, dozens of saints in the emperor's holy gates were compared, and they were evaluated in terms of talents and other aspects. Only a few days ago, five places were decided.

This son Zhang Shixing is the fifth place. Now Dihuai comes with Huang Xiaolong and has a quota. Isn't that going to squeeze him down? !

He is naturally very upset in his heart.

The Emperor of the Emperor raised his hand and pressed it, indicating that the two stopped.

"When is the sage's thing, when is it your turn to come to the criticism?"

"Disciples don't dare!" Liu Qing and Zhang Shixing were busy.

The emperor said again: "The Dihuai saints helped me in the past. Since he spoke, I couldn’t push it, and this trillion-dollar bill was enough to make up for the loss of our emperor."

Then let a veteran take out one trillion yuan and give it to the son of Zhang Shixing to compensate for the loss of his place.

"However, Dihuai's predecessors knew that this Huang Xiaolong was so talented, and still want to bring this Huang Xiaolong to the Holy Day to sign up, which is puzzling." Zhang Yilong, the old man, shook his head.

"There is nothing to understand, it must be that this Xiaolong has been crying for help, and he is trying to try it, so Dihuai's predecessors can't take him to try it in the past." Another female veteran Guo Cai shook her head and smiled: "Dihuai's predecessors are too over-loved by this Huang Xiaolong!"

"I want to say that this Huang Xiaolong is shameless! For many years, no one who has more than 900 sacred sages has dared to go to the holy day to sign up. At that time, this little yellow dragon must be a holy joke, only I am afraid that I will be passed down as a laughing stock together with Dihuai’s predecessors!"

The emperor of the Emperor Shengmen has talked about it.

"Okay, don't discuss this matter again." Yan Huang interrupted: "Three days later, it is the day when the holy lake is opened. At that time, people who are afraid of the evil demon palace will be confused, and they will continue to strengthen the holy these days. Door inspection and defense."

"Follow the Lord's Order!"

The masters of the Emperor's Gate are respectful.

Three days passed quickly.

In the past three days, the Emperor's Gate has nothing to do.

This day is the opening day of the holy lake of the Holy Gate.

Di Huai took Huang Xiaolong, followed by Emperor Huang, and the masters of the Emperor of the Emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor, came to the holy lake of the Emperor's Gate.

The holy lake is not big, only a few hundred square meters, with a piece of golden light, the cover is heavily focused on the ban and the mask, the situation is not really cut.

Through this heavy ban and mask, Huang Xiaolong can sense a kind of weird energy contained in the holy lake. This kind of energy is different from the original power of the sanctuary, but the quality is not weaker than the original power of the sanctuary.

Huang Xiaolong was surprised. He did not expect that there was such a holy lake in the Imperial Palace.

Immediately, the sages of the Emperor and the Emperor of the Emperor of the Emperor began to use the secret method to open the ban and mask of the holy lake.

As soon as the holy lake opened, the sage of the Emperor Huang shouted: "Go!"

Suddenly, the four sons of the Emperor and the Huang Xiaolong flew up at the same time and landed in the center of the holy lake.

When Huang Xiaolong entered the holy lake, the mask re-covered the holy lake and was banned from recovery.

"Di Huai brother, let's go there and wait for them." Yan Huang pointed to a mountain on the opposite side. There is a palace of the Holy Gate, which can overlook the situation of the holy lake. If Huang Xiaolong comes out, he will know.

"Good!" Dihuai nodded, and then came to the other side of the mountain palace with the Emperor Huang and sat down.

Soon, two hours passed.

What puzzled the masters of the Emperor was that the holy lake was calm and did not see the figure of Huang Xiaolong.

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