Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2314: Culprit

As for the other party's question, Di Huai did not answer, but stared at each other coldly: "I did not expect to meet you here, Fan Xia, these years, I have always hated not to lick your bones, eat your Flesh, refining your soul!"

The truth saint Fan Xia is a smile: "I said Di Huai, we are also old friends, old friends rarely meet once, you can not say something nice?" Speaking of this, the former saints of truth ridicule Huang Xiaolong's young Humanity: "Yunjie, this is the old man of Dihuai I often mentioned with you."

The young man Fu Yunjie heard the words and stepped forward. He smiled at Di Huai and said: "The original is the Dihuai predecessor that my master often mentioned. Oh, no, it is the old man of Dihuai."

Words are full of meaning, no awe and respect.

Fan Xia, the sage of truth, said: "Yunjie, can't be rude, this Dihuai old man is a master of the sacred world." Although it is a training, but there is no point to blame.

"Yes, Master said it." That Fu Yunjie hurryed: "It is a disciple rude."

Huang Xiaolong looked at the other side of the teacher and the disciples and played a dialogue there. They didn’t know what hatred the truth and the Dihuai predecessors were.

From now until now, Di Huai stared at the eyes of the truth saint, and has not changed, has always been killing raging.

Fan Xia, the sage of truth, did not see the killing of Di Huai’s eyes. He said: "Di Huai, this is my pro-disciple, and the first son of our holy place, Fu Yunjie, tell you, my pro-disciple But with the Buddha's Divine!"

Fan Xia, the sage of truth, is not a small voice. When I introduced it, I was proud of it.

"What?! Buddha Buddha!"

The strong people who heard the introduction from Fan Xia were exclaimed, and they turned back and stared at Fu Yunjie.

The Buddha's Divine, ranked 68th into the sacred!

Sixty eight!

These talents are definitely rare.

The sacred sacred sect of the first hundred may not be able to successfully join the Holy Day, but the sacred sacred sac of the sixty-eighth is the ninety-nine.

In general, the talent of a person's Holy Spirit and the Eucharist is not far from the talent of his sacred sage.

Di Huai is also a glimpse, but I did not expect Fan Xia’s pro-discipline disciple, Fu Yunjie, to have a ranking of sixty-eight Buddhas!

"Little dragon, let's go." Di Huai coldly glanced at Fan Xia's face with a smile, and then to Huang Xiaolong, after finishing, he left with Huang Xiaolong.

For Di Huai, the departure of Huang Xiaolong, the truth saint Fan Xia and others did not stop.

Fan Xia stared at Di Huai's figure, his mouth full of sneer.

"Master, it is really breaking the iron shoes. It takes no effort. We have been looking for this Dihuai for many years and have not found it. I didn't expect this time to meet this old man in Shengtiancheng!" Fu Yunjie said.

Fan Xia smiled coldly: "Since this time I met, I can't let this old man of Dihuai escape again!" Speaking of this, staring at Huang Xiaolong's back: "It looks like he is also taking this kid to sign up." ""

Fu Yunjie said with a smile: "This kid just said that he wants to be an inner disciple of the Holy Day. He thought that the Holy Day is so easy to join, just like the old man of Dihuai, who had the first hundred sacred sects and was holy. The body of the beast still can't join, I don't believe that this kid can have the same talent as me!"

"Let's go, let's find a place to rest, and then I will take you to Shengtianfu tomorrow."

"Yes, Master."

"At that time, when you join the Holy Day organization, our truthful holy gate will inevitably rise again!"

After Di Huai left Huang Xiaolong and others, he rented a small courtyard and planned to bring Huang Xiaolong to Shangtianfu the next day.

After seeing the people of the Holy Gate of truth, Di Huai was sullen and his face was ugly.

When Huang Xiaolong saw it, it was not good to mention the truth of the Holy Gate.

In the evening, the lanterns at the beginning, the entire holy city, enveloped in the glow of the lanterns, like a white.

This Xiaguang has the spirit of Ruixiang, but it is not glaring, giving people a sense of stability and comfort.

Huang Xiaolong stood in the yard and looked at the sky. He looked at the rising sun and the glory of the sky, watching the condensed clouds of the sacred spirit of the sky.

At this time, footsteps sounded behind him.

Huang Xiaolong turned to look at it, it was Di Huai.

"Dihuai seniors." Huang Xiaolong Christine.

Dihuai nodded, then pointed to the stone pavilion next to it: "Let's sit over there."

The two sat down.

"Is it strange that I have hatred with the people of the Holy Gate of truth?" After sitting down, Dihuai opened the door.

Huang Xiaolong nodded: "If Dihuai's predecessors have a hard time, then."

Di Huai shook his hand and said: "There is nothing to hide. In the past, I and the truth saint Fan Xia also came to this holy city to register, to join the Holy Day organization. When I signed up, I and the Fan Xia had a hatred. Later, This Fan Xia also failed to successfully join the Holy Day organization."

"I just didn't expect that Fan Xia would have to report it. Afterwards, he led the master of the Truth Gate to find me, and even slaughtered my dragon and sister!"

"My wife, my son died in this Fan Xia! When I fled, my daughter also disappeared!"

"I was seriously injured and rescued by Zhuoyuan saints. Then I hid it at Zhuoyuan's holy gate and promised to guard Zhuoyuan's holy gate for Zhuoyuan saint!"

Di Huai said this, the whole body is killing, the eyes are red and bloody, like the wife of the year, the son died in the hands of Fan Xia.

Huang Xiaolong was shocked. I didn’t expect that this was the case. It’s no wonder that Di Huai’s people who hate the truth of the Holy Gate were originally devastating.

"Little dragon, I want to ask you one thing." Di Huai hesitated, said.

Huang Xiaolong knows what Dihuai wants to say and nods. "Reassure, Dihuai predecessors, I promise you, you have a chance to be a dragon, you will have a chance to report it for you."

"Little Dragon, thank you!" Di Huai shook Huang Xiaolong's hand and his eyes were red. In these years, he was thinking about the revenge of the Longyan family all the time, thinking about the hatred of his wife and son, but the strength of the truth of the Holy Gate is far. No, he can compete.

Originally, he thought that revenge was hopeless in this life, but the appearance of Huang Xiaolong gave him hope.

Nothing happened overnight.

The next day, when the sky was just bright, Di Huai took Huang Xiaolong to Shengtianfu. Because it was Huang Xiaolong’s registration, Dihuai only brought Huang Xiaolong.

Feng Tianqi and others stayed in the yard.

Half a day later, Huang Xiaolong saw a giant palace far away. Although they were far apart, the amazing Shengwei also made Huang Xiaolong feel tight.

I saw that this giant government was over the sky. It was really full of glory and glory. There were thousands of sacred beasts in the sky, and there was a powerful sage of the saints.

This is the holy heaven! It is also the first house of the Holy Land!

"Hey, Dihuai, it seems that we really have a relationship. I just got rid of it yesterday, and I ran into it today." Just when Huang Xiaolong flew past the holy heaven, suddenly, a voice came from behind, only to see the truth saint Fan Xia Come up, behind him is his disciple Fu Yunjie.

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