Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2316: Still thinking about the second check?

The better the talent, the stronger the light, like the sacred light of Fu Yunjie, which can be condensed and formed, shining through the square and covering a hundred miles.

However, the gloom of the Holy Light, the registered sacred strongman Xiao Fuwen has not seen it, but like Huang Xiaolong is so bleak, he has never seen it!

Never seen it before!

Even if it is bleak, there is a big light bulb, but what is Huang Xiaolong? It’s like what a little candlelight in the night is!

These talents, even dare to sign up, even dare to go forward to test? !

This pure crush is a prank, to play?

With the eyesight of the sacred strongman Xiao Fuwen, at a glance, it is judged that there is a thousand sacred sacred sons in the eyes of the sage.

A thousand or so people are also coming to sign up. Is this not what is reported to be played?

Xiao Fuwen's face sank.

What kind of place does this kid think of the Holy Day organization? !

On the other side, Fu Yunjie and Fan Xia are equally ashamed. Fu Yunjie even blinked and looked a little exaggerated.

The square was quiet, and everyone looked at Huang Xiaolong with a strange look.

Only Di Huai and Huang Xiaolong looked calm.

At this time, the Sacred Monument shows a line of words: "Mixed Yuan Shenlong St. Ge, ranked 966, full attribute!"

"Hey!" Seeing the results of Huang Xiaolong's enlightenment test, Fu Yunjie couldn't help it anymore. He took the lead and laughed loudly. The laughter could not stop.


Really **** comfortable, really **** happy!

This kid turned out to be really a sacred sect of more than 900 people. Just now, this kid actually said it was true!

"Huang Xiaolong, you are too funny, ha!" Fu Yunjie laughed and leaned forward.

Fan Xia even smiled at Di Huai: "Di Huai, the disciple of this Zhuoyuan holy door that you brought, the talent is too wasteful, only more than 900 enlightened sages, but your face also has The face of this kid is really thick enough, and more than 900 enlightened sages dare to sign up for the Holy Day!"

"You are not ashamed, I am ashamed of you!"

Fan Xia haha ​​laughed.

The four strong neighbors also burst into laughter and echoed.

"Yes! I have opened my eyes today. Such wastes dare to sign up for the Holy Day! I have a hundred and eighty-eighths of sacred sacredness. It is a bit embarrassing to sign up. I really don't know how this kid's face is." Practice."

"However, this kid is only afraid of being named forever. For so many billions of years, to come to the Holy Land to sign up, the worst talent is the disciple of more than 10 million years ago. It seems to be called Liu Ze. The ranking is 281. Now, someone has finally broken the record of Liu Ze!"

One strong man laughed and taunted one after another.

These people, it seems that Fu Yunjie and Huang Xiaolong seem to have some holidays, so they have to pay tribute to Fu Yunjie.

Di Huai did not pay attention to the ridicule of Fan Xia and the strong people around him. The heart was shocked. Huang Xiaolong’s enlightenment has really evolved into a thousand!


Twenty years ago, when Huang Xiaolong first joined Zhuoyuan Shengmen, the elder Lao Wen said that Huang Xiaolong’s sacred sacred name is the 4,382 Xuanlong Shengge.

The second test, the colorful dragon, has evolved to 3,280! More than a thousand people have been promoted.

Now it’s good, it has evolved directly into a thousand, and has improved by more than 2,000!

This is only twenty years!

If at this rate, within the millennium, how much will Huang Xiaolong’s enlightenment be evolved? !

After ten thousand years? !

Thinking of all kinds of possibilities after ten thousand years, Di Huai is shaking all over the body. At that time, Huang Xiaolong will!

Fan Xia saw Di Huai's whole body trembled, excited, and could not help but wonder, this Dihuai will not be the problem after the annihilation of the family, what happened to the brain?

I have detected more than 900 enlightened saints, and I am so excited.

However, Xiao Fuwen, the registered sacred powerhouse, looked at the results displayed by the Sacred Monument. Some people were surprised that others might not notice it, but he noticed a detail, that is, Huang Xiaolong’s ranking of 968. Yuan Shen Long Sheng Ge turned out to be full of attributes!

He was responsible for registering and appraising for so many years, and for the first time, he saw the full attribute of the sacred sage.

Generally speaking, the disciples who come to register for registration are all single-characteristic, just like Fu Yunjie, which is also a single attribute. As for the dual attribute, the enlightenment of the sac is very rare, but occasionally it can still be 100,000 years. Encountered one or two double attributes into a sacred grid.

As for the three attributes, there are few, and for so many billion years, the three attributes of the sacred sage have only appeared several times.

Four attributes, none at all.

As for the full attribute, it is even worse.

"The full attribute of the sacred sage?" Xiao Fuwen heart stunned, but then shook his head, the heart sighs a pity! The full-featured sacred sacred, the sacred world is unique, but it is the 960th-old sacred dragon sacred!

This is doomed, it is impossible for Huang Xiaolong to join the Holy Day. Even if the high-level sacred day is to be recruited, it is impossible to recruit a disciple of the 980-year-old sacred dragon.

Subsequently, Huang Xiaolong urging the power of the dragon's sacred veins in the body, instilling the holy monument, is still dim light.

"Canglong Shengmai, ranked 936, full attribute!"

"Hey!" When Huang Xiaolong's test results of the Holy Pulse came out, Fu Yunjie even laughed and squirted water.

Huang Xiaolong’s face was calm and continued to drive the power of the Eucharist.

Finally, the result of the Eucharist came out: "Panlong Holy Body, ranked 792, full attribute!"

Looking at Huang Xiaolong's Eucharist results, Fu Yunjie licked his stomach and smiled: "I can't do it. I laughed and got cramps. In this life, I rarely admire people. Huang Xiaolong, now I admire you the most. Admire you for this waste and dare to sign up for the Holy Day!"

A laugh.

Xiao Fuwen, the registered sacred powerhouse, was surprised again and again. He did not expect Huang Xiaolong to connect with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Body is full of attributes!

After being surprised, he could not help but feel a pity.

what a pity!

Huang Xiaolong has a full-fledged sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred, sacred

Ranked more than 900, such talent, in the ordinary Holy Gate, may still be medium, but compared with many of the top holy gates of the Son, it is waste, let alone with the inner disciple of the Holy Day organization More than that.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong retreating, Xiao Fuwen couldn't help but say something to Huang Xiaolong: "Little guy, work hard to cultivate, even if you can't join the Holy Day, if you work hard to cultivate, you still have hope to break through the holy world."

Huang Xiaolong heard a smile: "I will." When it comes to this, he has to step away, but when he left, Huang Xiaolong suddenly turned to Xiao Fuwen and smiled: "But I remember the Holy Day organization, as long as it can pass the second level. Assessment, you can join the Holy Day."

Finished, and Di Huai left.

Xiao Fuwen is a glimpse.

Fu Yunjie looked at Huang Xiaolong's back and laughed loudly at the surrounding strong: "You see no, this kid is still not enough to lose his face? With regard to his waste talent, I still want to register for the second check?"

Everyone laughed.

Xiao Fuwen is also shaking his head. Even if many disciples with the pre-existing sacred sects can't pass the second check, for more than 100 million years, no one has ever had 200 enlightened sages to pass the second check.

How can a person like Huang Xiaolong, who has more than 900 enlightened sects, pass the second pass? That is absolutely impossible.

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