Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2327: Disturbed lord

There are countless trillions of miles away from the Holy Land of God, and there is a sacred cloud of sacred clouds.

In this star field, very few people dare to approach, and even the holy people are deep.

This is the famous dangerous place of the Holy Land, named the Dark Lord.

This black magic star prison, the poisonous fog is condensed, and it is not scattered all the year round. It is the place where the poisonous beasts are inhabited. These poisonous beasts are poisonous, and some are the poisonous things of the sacred world. It takes a lot of effort to get rid of its poison.

Moreover, this black magic star is banned from prison, and even the sacred place is inadvertently trapped.

In the depths of this dark magic star prison, there is a huge city, this city, like the dark demon in the night, horrible, exudes infinite magic light and cold air.

This huge dark city pool is made up of countless small cities and pools. The entire city pool is not so many billions of miles, just like the endless mountains that lie in the depths of the Dark Lord.

This is the demon palace headquarters, the evil magic city!

In the most central area of ​​this magical city, there is a huge palace, which is made of a huge piece of sacred stone.

Above, there are countless ancient magic arrays.

This palace is the demon palace! It is also the sacred palace of the demons!

At this time, on the main hall of the demon palace, three old men, three people, are the three main palaces of the demon palace.

"Jining, let's talk, what happened, would you have to alarm us three?" Sitting in the middle of the demon palace, the yin and yang old devil Qiao Jinyang asked: "You don't know if the three of us are retreating to practice the magic of the same body? ?"

Sitting in the hall of the demon palace under the main hall, Jia Ning quickly reported: "Returning to the three palace owners, the subordinates just got an important news, the news is too ridiculous, and it is of great importance, so they only alerted the three palace owners. thing."

"Oh, incredible?" Vice-president Cao Nan was amazed: "What the **** is it?"

Jia Ning, the demon master, quickly reported: "There was just news that some people had passed through the St. Tianqiao and learned all the holy monuments of the Holy Cross!"

"What?!" The demon palace Gong Qiao Jinyang, the vice-president Cao Nan, and Gu Tianwei were all shocked. They were all shocked.

"You, sure?!" Demon Palace Gong Qiao Jinyang stood up, his eyes magical through the void.

“OK!” Jia Ning quickly said:

"Mixed Yuan Shenlong Sang Ge?! Ranked 968th of the mixed yuan Shenlong Shenge?" The vice-president Gu Tianyu asked consecutively, an unbelievable face.

Qiao Jinyang, Cao Nan is also an incredible face.

"Yes!" Jia Ning nodded and replied: "It is indeed 966 of the mixed-yuan Shenlong Shenge, which was detected when he applied for the first day of the holy day. There will be no mistakes, and his The Holy Venetian is the 936 dragon's sacred dragon vein, and the Eucharist is the 792 Panlong sacred body."

Qiao Jinyang, Cao Nan, and Gu Tianyu face each other, and the three are in doubt.

"Is he really passed?" Qiao Jinyang asked quietly.

Jia Ning knew the meaning of the palace and replied: "It is true, it is not falsification. After his assessment, even the main song of the Holy Land, Wu Ge, personally appeared and congratulated him!"

Qiao Jinyang's three faces changed and dignified. Almost at the same time, the three thought of a possibility!

"Enlighten the twelve monuments!" Gu Tianyu Shen Sheng said: "It seems that the Holy Day recruited a good disciple! It will not take long, the Holy Day is afraid that there will be another ancestor!"

Qiao Jinyang, Cao Nan nodded.

"Just, it is even more ridiculous that this person has only participated in the twelve monuments and only spent more than five minutes!" At this time, Jia Ning said again.

"Five or five minutes?!" Qiao Jinyang lost three voices, and even the three people who had always calmed down, even at the same time looked horrified.

"This, this is impossible, absolutely impossible!" Cao Nan shook his head again and again, and he did not believe it.

Jia Ning smiled bitterly: "I was told by the news that I didn't believe it. I didn't believe it, but it was true that it was confirmed and investigated again and again."

Qiao Jinyang’s eyes are dazed, and his expression is as dignified as ever: “You give us a detailed report on the situation of this person’s participation in the twelve monuments, fast!”

Jia Ning did not dare to hesitate, and quickly reported it one by one.

When Joe Jinyang heard the three monuments in front of Huang Xiaolong, each one used one second, four to six seats, each of which used five seconds, seven to nine seats, each using one minute and twenty seconds. At the time, full of shocks.

Subsequently, Jia Ning said the time behind the three, Huang Xiaolong.

Qiao Jinyang, Cao Nan, and Gu Tianyu have been silent for a long time.

The hall is extremely depressed.

"Right, the three palace owners, this person in the first level of assessment test, his enlightenment, the Holy Pulse and the Eucharist are all attributes." Jia Ning remembered something.

"Sure enough!" Qiao Jinyang's eyes flashed.

"The palace owner, can this person be so quick to enlighten the twelve monuments, and he has a full attribute of the sacred sacred, holy veins and the Eucharist?" Jia Ning is not clear.

Qiao Jinyang looked at Jia Ning: "Give you a wake-up call, the old man of the Lord and the boy of Chu Ba, the two of them are enlightened, the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist are all full-featured."

"What?!" Jia Ning shocked: "Is it?!"

"Yes, it is certain that this person's enlightenment, the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist can definitely evolve. The talents that can evolve are definitely higher than the Gods and Chu Pa!" Cao Nan has a complicated face.

"I am afraid not only." Gu Tianyu suddenly said: "I am afraid that this person has also received the power of the Holy Land!"

"The Seal of the Holy Seal?!" Jia Ning was shocked: "This is too bad!"

"It is indeed against the sky!" Qiao Jinyang said: "What is this person?!"

"His name is Huang Xiaolong. I heard that it is from the Zhuoyuan Holy Gate." Jia Ning quickly reported.

"Huang Xiaolong? It must not let this child grow up. Once he is allowed to break through the holy world, then we will be hard to kill him!"


The next day, the Holy Land came out of the news that the four ancestors of the Holy Day decided to accept Huang Xiaolong!

The news came out and the Holy Land was shocked.

And the teacher's ceremony, held in a year!

In the luxurious city of Shengtiancheng, Xie Yao’s face is ugly: “The four great ancestors actually decided to accept the Huang Xiaolong as a disciple?”

Chen Kaiping said with anger: "Yes, even Li Wei’s brothers can’t be accepted as disciples by the four ancestors. I don’t believe that Huang Xiaolong’s talent is better than that of Li Wei’s brother!”

Li Wei, but with the top ten enlightenment, the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist.

"Kai Ping's younger brother, this can't be said casually." Li Wei shook his head and said: "The four ancestors decided to accept Huang Xiaolong as a disciple, naturally deep, and Huang Xiaolong did understand the twelve monuments. It is stipulated that it is indeed possible to worship four ancestors as teachers."

Xie Yao cold channel: "A year later, the apprentice ceremony, the Qingxue Palace and the people of the Holy Land Alliance to congratulate, certainly someone is upset, put forward a test, I see how this kid is ugly!"

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