Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2345: Will not detect the wrong?

At this time, on the battle platform, Zhao Ya's body was white and dazzling, and a snow-white sun rose from his body and floated on top of his head. There were not many, and there were nine snow-white suns.

"It’s Xueyang Dafa!"

There is a strong place to exclaim.

Xueyang Dafa is one of the top holy sects of the Qingxue Palace. It is also one of the top holy sects of the Holy Land. To cultivate this Xueyang Dafa, it must be the cold sage, the cold sacred, the cold sac body.

Moreover, it requires a strong comprehension and perseverance.

On the heavenly platform, Long Daren met, and could not help but say: "This female disciple of Qing Xuegong Zhao Ya did not take long to worship the Qing Xue Palace. She actually became a Xueyang Dafa, and it has already become a small one. It seems that Xiaolong is small. The guy is destined to lose."

God, Chu Ba, Wu Lao is also shaking his head.

Although Huang Xiaolong's talent is amazing, but the cultivation time is still short, the evolution of the sacred sacred lattice is not high. The Zhaoqing, a female disciple of the Qingxue Palace, has no chance of winning. Now the Qing Xuegong female disciple Zhao Ya has become a Xueyang Dafa. Huang Xiaolong has no other chance of winning.

On the altar, Wu Ge’s pro-disciple disciple Xie Yao saw it, but it was a dark heart.

The stronger the Zhao Ya's fighting power, the faster Huang Xiaolong loses, and he is happy to see this result.

Like Xie Yao, Yu Fujiang is also a smile on his face.

"Master, it seems that this Huang Xiaolong can not support even three strokes!" Chen Chunlai, the son of the control beast, laughed at Fujiang.

Previously, they had gambled about it. Huang Xiaolong could hold three moves in front of Zhao Ya, a female disciple of the Qing Xue Palace. But now, in their view, Huang Xiaolong could not even pick up three moves.

Yu Fujiang nodded and smiled.

"Master, I have booked a VIP room in Tianxiang Tea House today, and we will celebrate it." Chen Chunlai laughed.

"Yes, it is time to celebrate." Yu Fujiang laughed.

At this time, in the body of Zhao Ya, a sacred sage flies out, and this sacred sac is out, and the space of the battlefield is instantly filled with an ice-colored lotus.

These ice lotuses are constantly rotating and blooming with white light.

"Sure enough, it is the ice lotus sage!"

Ranked seventy-three ice lotus sage!

With the appearance of the ice, the momentum of Zhao Ya began to rise, completely overwhelming Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong on the battle platform, like a small tree in the violent snow, seems to be flying at any time.

Then, Zhao Ya's body surrounded by cold light, condensed into a snow phoenix!

This is the snow phoenix that ranks the blood vessels of the blood vessels of the seventy-one.

Later, everyone saw a strange moon-like rune in Zhao Ya's body surface. These runes flashed like snow.

Ranked seventy-nine of the Snow Moon Eucharist!

After Zhao Ya urged the Holy Spirit and the Eucharist, the battle platform was a cold wind, and Huang Xiaolong’s body was surrounded by constant cold and ice, constantly eroding the space around Huang Xiaolong.

I saw Huang Xiaolong’s feet and began to be covered by ice. Soon, the ice continued to climb along the upper body of Huang Xiaolong, and instantly arrived at Huang Xiaolong’s waist.

Around the square, many strong people looked at this scene and shook their heads.

"This test does not need to be played at all. Although Huang Xiaolong's sacred sacred gems can evolve, but after all, it ranks 986. After that, even if he got the holy medicine of the holy day, he evolved some, but it is clear snow. Gong disciple Zhao Ya opponent."

"Yes, Zhao Ya alone can turn Huang Xiaolong into an ice sculpture by the power of the Holy Ghost, the Holy Pulse and the release of the Eucharist. You see, Huang Xiaolong can't resist the power of Zhao Yasheng, the Holy Pulse and the release of the Eucharist. Going to the waist, I quickly went to the top of my head and invaded the soul, so Huang Xiaolong lost without a shot!"

The arguments of the strong neighbors are one after another.

Zhao Ya looked at the ice has spread to the chest of Huang Xiaolong, and said: "Yellow Huang Xiaolong, you lost!"

Huang Xiaolong's face is calm: "Not necessarily!"

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong is still like this, she still barely admits defeat. Zhao Ya brows her wrinkles. Originally, according to her intention, she wanted Huang Xiaolong to take the initiative to admit defeat. This is also a feeling for Huang Xiaolong and Shengtian. Of course, this is also theirs. The meaning of the Lord of the Qing Palace.

At this moment, suddenly, Huang Xiaolong's body, a great earthquake, a sacred sacred fly from the body of Huang Xiaolong.

This enlightened saint is flying out, and Wanlong is entangled. The space around Huang Xiaolong’s body has become a kingdom of dragons, and Longwei is rolling.

Seeing this sacred sac, everyone can't shake it, and it looks shocked and unbelievable.

"This, this sacred sage is the sacred sage! How is it possible, how could it be the sacred sage!"

"Isn't it said that Huang Xiaolong's enlightenment is a sacred sacred sacred?!"

Even Xue Xueyun, the master of the Qing Xue Palace, is also amazed.

God, the four great dragons and Wu Ge and other holy masters are equally dumbfounded.

The sacred sacred singer is the top three sacred sacred, ranking 289!

However, a year ago, Huang Xiaolong’s examination and verification of the sacred sacred grid was clearly the ninth and sixty-eightth of the sacred dragons!

One nine hundred sixty eight, one two hundred eighty nine!

The difference is nearly seven hundred!

"A year ago, Huang Xiaolong's assessment of the sacred sac, will not detect the wrong?" Qing Xuegong Ji Xinyi eats.

Xue Xueyun, the head of the Qingxue Palace, shook his head: "It is impossible to make mistakes! And when the assessment, there are many strong places in the Holy Land, they all saw it!"

"If it is good, then say, this year, Huang Xiaolong's current tortoise is evolved?!" Tan Juan can't believe it.

evolution! One year, evolved from the sacred dragon to the sacred sage!

"This kid, won't you?" Chu Ba Nener, before they estimated that Huang Xiaolong's enlightenment sanctification may have evolved to about 500, which has shocked them, but now!

Not even five hundred!

Not four hundred!

Around the rooftop, all the strong blasted the pot.

At this time, Huang Xiaolong's body was full of turmoil, forming a blood dragon around the body of Huang Xiaolong.

"Blood Dragons! Ranked two hundred and ninety-eight!"

Immediately, Huang Xiaolong’s body was covered with black dragon scales.

"Black Dragon Eucharist! Ranked three hundred and four!"

Seeing Huang Xiaolong's holy veins and the Eucharist also evolved to about 300, and the strong parties are even more dazed.

Even Dihuai was shocked and shocked. Before that, Huang Xiaolong’s enlightenment of the sacred lattice was enough to make people stunned. I didn’t expect this time to be more energetic!

"This, will not be true?" Chen Chunlai, the son of the control beast, ate.

Yu Fujiang smiled coldly: "Even if it is true, even if this kid is now a tortoise, it is impossible to be the opponent of Zhao Ya, a female disciple of Qing Xuegong!"

It’s just that his eyes are still difficult to hide.

However, as he said, even if Huang Xiaolong has now evolved into the tortoise, he is still not the opponent of the Qing Xuegong female disciple Zhao Ya. I saw that the ice that has spread to the chest of Huang Xiaolong is still slowly rising and slowly pressing. Got the neck of Huang Xiaolong.

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