Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2347: Can't provoke Huang Xiaolong

The snowy rhyme of the Qingxue Palace, which was originally sitting on the ice throne, was also a big change. Huo Ran stood up: "This, this, how is this?!"

"The second, the second into the holy grid!" Qing Xuegong Sanmei Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi, Lin Xiaoying three people simultaneously screamed.

The four people who sat in the sky above the worship platform were scared, and almost fell from the sky. As for the holy son of the Holy Day, Li Yanran cried: "This, he, how he will!"

As for the core sons of the main hall, Wu Ge’s pro-disciples, Xie Yao and Lin Yijia, they are all stunned.

The same is true of Wu Ge and the Holy Land.

Even Dihuai was scared and his eyes were stiff.

Whether it is to worship the strong people around the Tiantai Square, or to worship the Tianshan Mountains and worship the strong people around the Tianshan Mountains, they are staring blankly at the second sacred sage of the slowly flying Huang Xiaolong.

The sacred sacred sect is so golden and so beautiful, like the heavens and the earth, leaving only the sacred sacred.

Everyone is witnessing a miracle.

The Holy Land, there has never been a saint, and has a second sacred sacred sac, so in all people's cognition, I feel that all the sages can only have one sacred sac.

But now!

Huang Xiaolong broke everyone's cognition.

After the second sacred sacred flight, Huang Xiaolong’s momentum continued to rise again, and he continued to approach Zhao Xue’s female disciple, Zhao Ya, and finally overpowered each other!

The ice that had originally spread to the neck of Huang Xiaolong began to tremble. There was a crack in the road, and then the slamming sound, all the ice was shattered.

A strong atmosphere, from Huang Xiaolong to the Qing Xue Gong female disciple Zhao Ya, pushed the other side to retreat.

In the discoloration of Zhao Yaqian, a female disciple of the Qingxue Palace, Huang Xiaolong’s body was full of Buddha’s spirits, and a statue of the Golden Buddha appeared around the body of Huang Xiaolong.

"This is the second pulse!"

Everyone saw it and it was a shock.

"Is there a second holy body?" It was dumb in Fujiang.

At this time, suddenly, he saw Huang Xiaolong's body surface, a layer of gold appeared, and there was a strip of Buddha pattern in the gold. These Buddha patterns were wrapped around the surface of Huang Xiaolong and completely blended with the dragon scales of Huang Xiaolong's body surface.

"The second Eucharist!"

The world is moving.

Sacrifice Tianshan boiling.

Zhao Ya, a female disciple of Qingxue Palace, was forced to retreat by Huang Xiaolong in the shock, and finally retreated to the edge of the battle platform.

In the shock of everyone, Huang Xiaolong looked at the Qing Xuegong female disciple Zhao Ya: "Will you fight again? Your ice lotus sage is ranked high, but I have the holy seal, I have two sacred sacred There are two great veins and two great Eucharistes!"

"You are not my opponent, you admit defeat!"

Huang Xiaolong’s voice rang on the battle platform.

Zhao Ya, a female disciple of Qingxue Palace, changed her face. She looked at the direction of the Qing Xue Palace.

In the complex of the snowy rhyme of the Qing Xuegong Palace, he nodded to him.

"Okay, I admit defeat!" Zhao Ya, a female disciple of Qingxue Palace, saw her appearance and finally confessed her defeat. She admitted that she had a feeling of sighing.

To tell the truth, it is to let her fight again, she did not have the confidence and courage to play against Huang Xiaolong, the history of the metamorphosis to the ultimate enchanting.

Huang Xiaolong saw the other side open and admit defeat, but also happy.

The four Masters of God had previously accepted it. Two trials, if he won one, then he was allowed to enter the Ice Lake to practice.

Regardless of the second match with the disciple of the Holy Land, Liang Qin, he can enter the ice lake.

See the Qing Xuegong female disciple Zhao Ya admit defeat, Chu Pa smiled: "This kid, really gave us a big surprise, I knew that he has a second sacred sac, the second holy vein and the Eucharist, I have not I agreed with him."

God smiled and said: "It is no wonder that he only took more than five minutes to enlighten the twelve monuments. I did not expect that there are two great sacred sacs in addition to the Holy Seal!"

At this time, Zhao Ya, a female disciple of Qingxue Palace, retired from the battle platform.

Liang Qin, a disciple of the Holy Land Alliance, could not help but come to Shen Jiewen, the saint-speaking saint, and hesitated: "Do you know? I am?"

Before, Shen Jiewen asked him to take full action, playing Huang Xiaolong and let Huang Xiaolong and Shengtian face lose face, but now, even if he is fully shot, it is impossible to play Huang Xiaolong!

His combat power is even higher than that of Qing Xuegong’s female disciple, Zhao Ya. However, compared with Huang Xiaolong, it is still a little worse. Even if he exhibits the recently practiced sacred martial arts, he can only fight with Huang Xiaolong at most. Into a tie.

Sang sighs in the heart of the saints who control the beasts, and then looked at the pro-disciples of Mo Cangyi: "Smashed, you see?"

In fact, this time I want to make Huang Xiaolong ugly in public, it is also a smashing meaning.

The other saints of the Holy Land Alliance also looked at the smashed, smashed their eyes and flickered, and finally Shen Sheng said: "That's it." The voice is unwilling, helpless, annoyed.

After a while, Liang Qin, a disciple of the Holy Land Alliance, went to the battle platform, but eventually, like Zhao Ya, a female disciple of Qing Xuegong, admitted to Huang Xiaolong.

In two trials, Huang Xiaolong won two games in a row.

Seeing this result, the control of the beast of the beast in the face of Fujiang is ugly.

"In the future, you can't provoke Huang Xiaolong any more!" Shen Jiewen, the saint of the sacrificial beast, saw his disciple in Fujiang's face. He couldn't help but say: "Remember!"

Yu Fujiang had previously ordered Liang Qin to take a shot at the apprentice ceremony when he arrived, "learning" about Huang Xiaolong, how he did not know.

"Yes, Master!" Yu Fujiang heard that even if he was unwilling, he had to be honest.

Then, it was a feast to celebrate.

The banquet table, starting from the gate of Shengtiancheng, has been passed to Shengtianfu, with more than one million tables!

The St. Tianfu Square is filled with the top sacred gatekeepers, the ancient great clan.

The banquet continued until late at night.

The public left to leave.

In the middle of the night, in the luxurious mansion where the Holy Land Alliance lived, the face was gloomy and the ten great saints of the Holy Land Alliance sat together, silently.

"Who can think that Huang Xiaolong not only has the seal of the Holy Life, but also has two great sacred sects!" Shen Jiewen, the sage of the saints, sighed.

The Jiu Mu sage of Jiu Mu Shengmen is also frowning: "I am afraid that it will not last long, and there will be another ancestor in the Holy Day!"

The other Lord is also in a deep mood.

"If Huang Xiaolong has the imprint of the Holy Life, even if he is enlightened, the evolution of the sacred sac is amazing. It is not so easy for him to achieve his ancestor. It is at least 100,000 years later." The cold voice: "And he can Can't grow up, not necessarily, the Demon Palace will definitely try to kill him!"

"And, this holy life will soon appear, the fastest hundred years, at the latest two hundred years, Huang Xiaolong is now the fourth-order supreme, certainly can not catch up with this holy life, and so on, next time, the holy life does not know when it will appear again !"

In order to achieve the Holy Land, it is necessary to go through nine sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs.

A hundred years later, the Holy Life appeared. In the view of smashing, Huang Xiaolong must not be able to cultivate to the nine robbers and half saints within a hundred years. Missing this holy life, Huang Xiaolong wants to achieve the holy world again, and he has to wait for the next holy life to reappear. Only then, the next time the Holy Life appears, who knows that it is the Year of the Monkey.

As long as Huang Xiaolong does not achieve the Holy Land in one day, casting the Holy Spirit, there is a possibility of death!

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