Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2352: Ten years later

When he came to the Devil's Cave, Zhang Sijin, the elder who was in charge of the Devil's Cave, had been waiting for the team for a long time.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong, Zhang Sijin greeted him far away, smiling and respectful: "Yellow Huang Xiaolong, you are here!" Just like a loyal slave who waits for the owner to return.

Huang Xiaolong smiled and said: "Elder Zhang Yijin, I have not seen you for a few months, your spirit is getting better."

Listening to Huang Xiaolong’s “care”, Zhang Sijin only felt that the whole body was lighter and his smile was full: “This is the blessing of His Royal Highness.”

In fact, his words are not false.

Last time, Huang Xiaolong challenged the demon disciples in the magic cave. Not only did the strength rise, but the enlightenment of the saints evolved into surprise. Therefore, the four gods let Wu Ge personally reward this Si Jin.

I was rewarded, and the main hall, Wu Ge, personally rewarded, and the spirit of Zhang Sijin was naturally better.

Huang Xiaolong heard the words, smiled, and then entered the entrance to the magic cave with Zhang Sijin and others.

As soon as he entered the magic cave, Huang Xiaolong did not stop, and he came to the Shengtai area.

When Zhang Sijin saw it, he understood the meaning of Huang Xiaolong. He said: "Yellow Huang Xiaolong, do you want me to send the information of other demon disciples?"

"No, the last time, I have not challenged." Huang Xiaolong said: "When I need it, I will tell you again."

Zhang Sijin Gongsheng should be.

"This time, the first one, I will challenge the evil disciple of the third thousand holy platform." Huang Xiaolong thought about it and said.

The sacred disciple of the 30,000th sacred sect is called Qu Yuyuan.

The realm of this song in the source is the peak of the fourth stage of the Supreme.

"Yes, this is the place to arrange!" Zhang Sijin heard, without hesitation, he quickly arranged for Huang Xiaolong's challenge.

Originally, the disciples of Holy Day came in to challenge, and they had to go through a series of procedures and arrangements. All of this must be done by myself, and it will take a few hours. However, every challenge of Huang Xiaolong, Zhang Sijin They personally arranged for Huang Xiaolong and saved a lot of trouble.

Soon, Zhang Sijin arranged for Huang Xiaolong, and then accompanied Huang Xiaolong to the third station.

When Huang Xiaolong came to the 30,000th Shengtai, around the holy platform, he was already filled with holy disciples.

This made Huang Xiaolong unexpected, did not expect that he had just entered the magic cave, there are already so many disciples of the Holy Day know, it seems that the news is very fast.

"His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong!"

"His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong!"

In the distance, the disciples of the Holy Day have respected Huang Xiaolong, and they greeted Huang Xiaolong with enthusiasm and admiration.

Huang Xiaolong nodded to everyone, then jumped up and fell to the platform.

On the holy platform, a middle-aged man with a bald head and cold eyes and a face full of black and black magic lines is the Qu Yuyuan of the late fourth-order peak.


After a minute.

On the third platform of the 300,000, Qu Yuyuan lie there, motionless.

Although this song is the peak of the fourth-order late stage of the Supreme, and has the first hundred sacred sacred, but for the current Huang Xiaolong, there is no threat at all.

Even if Huang Xiaolong went into the ice fire lake to practice, it is easy to kill this song in the source, not to mention the fact that after the ice fire lake practice, his soul not only changed to the holy soul again, but also the strength has improved a lot. The fourth stage of the Supreme is promoted to the middle of the fourth stage of the Supreme.

After devouring the sacred sacredness of Qu Yuyuan, Huang Xiaolong did not stop, left the scene, and then went into the secret room to swallow the heavens and the earth to practice and refine the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sac

With Huang Xiaolong’s current sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sac

However, Tiandi Lingdan, Huang Xiaolong chose to swallow nine products.

Although his current three-generation sacred refining speed is amazing, but he is now only in the middle of the fourth-order period, one day, barely refining a nine-character low-level spirit.

A night passed.

Huang Xiaolong came out of the secret room and continued to challenge.

In this way, as before, Huang Xiaolong kept the speed of challenging a demon disciple in a day, continually swallowed in the magical cave, constantly practicing and constantly improving.

Day after day.

Although the days are boring, but every day I watched my strength constantly improve, and I became a sacred, holy, and elixir, and Huang Xiaolong was very happy.

Two months later, Huang Xiaolong began to challenge the demon disciples who were about 80 in the sacred sect.

Four months later, Huang Xiaolong challenged 70.

Sixty years later, sixty.

Eight months, fifty.

A year later, forty.

Although Huang Xiaolong’s enlightenment has evolved into the back, it is getting harder and harder to improve. However, as Huang Xiaolong continues to devour these evil demon disciples, a year later, Huang Xiaolong’s enlightenment evolution has risen to about 250, and Huang Xiaolong The strength has also reached the late fourth stage of the Supreme.

A year later, Huang Xiaolong began to challenge the fifth-order mid-term, the fifth-order late demon disciple.

These demon disciples have a ranking of 40 or 50 in the sacred sect.

Of course, these demon disciples only have two of the three kinds of sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred a lot of.

It is another year later.

In the two years after Huang Xiaolong entered the magic cave, Huang Xiaolong began to challenge the demon disciples who had the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sac

Although there are not many of the demon disciples who are imprisoned in the caves, there are not many sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs.

Devouring the sacred disciples of the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs

The only regret is that these demon disciples who have the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred There are only a dozen.

Blinking, ten years passed.

this day.

A figure slowly came out from the entrance of the magic cave, which is Huang Xiaolong.

Ten years have passed, every day challenges, never stop, Huang Xiaolong's 40,000 contribution value is finally used up.

Huang Xiaolong looked up and looked at the sun outside the sky. He only felt extraordinarily beautiful. Huang Xiaolong let the sun shine on his body, which was exceptionally comfortable and warm.

"His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong!" At this time, I saw that the elder Zhang Sijin was suddenly rushed out from inside: "His Royal Highness, Xiaolong, are you leaving?"

Huang Xiaolong nodded and smiled: "Yes, the contribution value has been used up, of course, I have to go." Looking at Zhang Sijin's face, Huang Xiaolong patted his shoulder and smiled: "Do not worry, I will come back later. !"

When he earns enough contribution, he will continue to come back and evolve into a sacred sacred, holy vein and holy body.

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