Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2354: Wuyuan City

Wuyuan River is far from the Holy Land of God.

Fortunately, the four gods gave Huang Xiaolong a pterosaur sacred ship. This pterosaur sacred ship, the main body is refining with a sacred dragon, is a high-level sacred device.

There are very few saint ships, and there are many first-class holy land forces and no holy-class spacecraft, let alone high-order sacred spaceships.

However, how the four gods exist, it is normal to have a high-order sacred spaceship.

This pterosaur holy ship is made by the four men of the lord, but the four people rarely used it, and they gave Huang Xiaolong, Huang Xiaolong has the dragon system, the dragon system, the dragon system, the pterosaur The boat is simply tailored for Huang Xiaolong.

In this pterosaur holy ship, Huang Xiaolong is doing more with less.

However, this time I went to the Wuyuan River, where the whereabouts could not be revealed. Under caution, Huang Xiaolong first used the dark holy enchantment of the dark sacred ring, and hidden the trace. After a long time in the holy land of God, it was only after the sacred space of the holy world began to start. This pterosaur holy ship.

Under the urging of the Holy Spirit, the two dragon wings of the pterosaur sacred ship, flashed instantly, disappeared from the place, and traveled at the speed of the sacred space.

Through the mirror wall of the pterosaur ship, Huang Xiaolong looked at the starry sky outside the speedy sky. He couldn’t help but feel that he had great benefits from a few masters.

Otherwise, like the pterosaurs, such as the baby, he wants to buy can not buy.

The pterosaur sacred ship, this high-level sacred-class spaceship, is not available for the holy sacred and the holy jade.

At this time, Xiaofeng Xiaojiu of Huang Xiaolong’s shoulder screamed.

"Little guy, is your stomach hungry?" Huang Xiaolong smiled and patted the back of Cai Feng.

This time, Huang Xiaolong only took the Caifeng Xiaojiu trip.

Cai Feng Xiao nodded.

Huang Xiaolong took a four-character spirit and threw it into his mouth.

At the beginning, Huang Xiaolong was feeding a product of heaven and earth. After more than a decade, Huang Xiaolong now has to feed the four products of the world, because the four guys have refused to eat.

In the past ten years, the appearance of Caifeng Xiaojiu has changed a lot. The plumage is more shiny and bright, and the speed is ten times faster than that of the year.

As for the strength, it is also amazingly improved.

After all, for a decade or so, every day, a world of spirits is not white.

In recent years, Huang Xiaolong discovered that Caifeng Xiaojiu is not only amazing in speed, but also more astounding than its speed. Huang Xiaolong tried to condense his palms. Under one palm, he could not leave scars on his body. His plumage seems to be holy. Casted by the hardest Holy Spirit ore.

However, Caifeng Xiaojiu is the only sacred beast of the sacred beast. The strength, speed and defense are amazingly improved, but the body shape is not increasing. It is still a little bit like when you were born.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the world of Lingdan, the colorful look of Caifeng Xiaojiu, could not help but patted his back, jokingly said: "I said Xiaojiu, you will not grow up forever?"

However, as soon as Huang Xiaolong finished, Cai Feng Xiaojiu screamed in a protest, and the whole body shone, then flew up, and the wings were over the cabin. The original shape of the small one was up a hundred times!

Huang Xiaolong opened his mouth and was taken aback.

This is still a little bit like a little bit, it is clearly a big bird!

The colorful phoenix is ​​suspended in the cabin, and it is more than ten meters long. The whole body has a colorful flame and the flames are rolling. The whole body is amazing.

After the change of body shape, the colorful phoenix Xiaojiu, the momentum is much higher than Huang Xiaolong's imagination, which is considered to be the sacred place of many Supreme Central Orders.

Even if it was Huang Xiaolong, it was forced to retreat a few steps by this rolling flame, and only felt that the whole body was hot and painful.

Huang Xiaolong is even more surprised. You must know that with his current body defense, even if it does not motivate the three great saints, many sacred flames of the sacred world can’t hurt him, but the colorful flame of Caifeng Xiaoji actually makes him The whole body is sore.

Huang Xiaolong suspects that if you give this nine-color flame directly, I am afraid that it will really burn.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong's painful retreat, Cai Feng Xiaojiu screamed a few times.

Huang Xiaolong smiled helplessly: "Well, Xiaojiu, I know that I said something wrong, you should just put your flame away, or burn it again, my ship is burned by you."

Although the pterosaur holy ship is a high-level sacred device, it should be a flame that is not afraid of the colorful phoenix. However, Huang Xiaolong is still a little worried.

Cai Feng Xiaojiu took the flame back, the body shape changed back to the original appearance, and then fell to the shoulder of Huang Xiaolong, then the claws were pinched into a fist-like shape, and Huang Fenglong was lifted and lifted Feng Feng.

Huang Xiaolong is awkward, and he dares to feel that this little temper is quite big.

On the following days, at night, Huang Xiaolong swallowed nine high-class spirits in the pterosaur ship, and played with the colorful phoenix in the daytime.

Sometimes, Huang Xiaolong also played against Cai Feng Xiao Jiu.

Huang Xiaolong discovered that if he did not use the three sacred sects and only used one, he would barely be able to tie with the colorful phoenix.

However, if you use the imprint of the Holy Life, you will lose the color of the Phoenix.

Every time I saw Huang Xiaolong use the imprint of the Holy Life, Cai Feng Xiao Jiu was full of grievances and looked like nothing.

Blinking, two months passed.

On this day, Huang Xiaolong, who was practicing in the pterosaur sacred ship, stunned the whole body, and the light shone heavily. Huang Xiaolong broke through to the middle stage of the Supreme Sixth.

After breaking through the middle stage of the Supreme Sixth Order, it is not to use the imprint of the Holy Life. Only one sacred sacred sect, Huang Xiaolong and Cai Feng Xiaojiu fight, can also hold the upper hand.

What Huang Xiaolong did not expect was that this situation did not last for half a month, and Cai Feng Xiao Jiu tied him with him. It seems that the little guy has also made a breakthrough after half a month.

"There is still a long time, I should go to Wuyuan City." After nearly three months of flying in the pterosaur spacecraft, Huang Xiaolong thought.

Wuyuan City is an ancient city sitting on the bank of the Wuyuan River. It is also one of the famous ancient cities in the Holy Land. I heard that this city has no history and has experienced countless years. It is one of the ancient cities that survived from the last era. .

Half a day later.

An ancient city appeared in the sight of Huang Xiaolong.

This ancient city sits in the vast starry sky in front of the holy world. It is like an ancient giant peak. Even if it is far apart, you can feel the unique atmosphere of this sacred city.

Not far from the city of Wuyuan, it is not deep, and no one can cross the past.

Huang Xiaolong put away the pterosaur holy ship and then came to Wuyuan City.

In order to earn the value of the Holy Day, when he left the Holy City, he took on a number of holy missions. Some of these missions were to kill the beasts of Wuyuan City, and some to find the unique medicines of the world. It is to hunt and kill the demons who are hidden in the city of Wuyuan.

after an hour.

Huang Xiaolong entered the city of Wuyuan.

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