Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2358: Honesty

"Even the sisters think he is familiar?" Lin Xiaoying, Ji Xinyi is also an accident.

Tan Juan nodded and thought: "Just, I can't think of seeing him anywhere. There is only one explanation. It is this person who used illusion. This is not his original appearance." Speaking of this, doubts "Just, strangely, I just couldn't see what illusion he was showing. I can't see his original looks."

Ji Xinyi smiled and said: "We don't guess who this person is. No matter who this person is, his realm of the sixth-order mid-term is true. This is not a fake! He has no threat to us! I heard that The evil demon palace Dou Rui, ink no heart also came, this time, our biggest enemy is Dou Rui, ink no heart!"

Dou Rui, ink no heart!

The demon palace six demons.

Moreover, the strength and strength of the inkless heart is higher than that of Dou Rui.

This time, the Qingxue Palace Sanmeiqi to Wuyuanhe, not only for the headless beast, but a single head of the beast, is not enough to let the three come together.

"Duo Rui, ink has no heart to come, I am afraid that the purpose is not only the headless animal, but the real purpose is the same as us, for the sake of the sacred atmosphere." Ji Xinyi said.

Tan Juan nodded.

"This sacred sacred spirit has not appeared for many years. This time it will appear in the Wuyuan River." Lin Xiaoying said: "And there should be more than one. If each of our three sisters can get one, how good it is, as long as I can After getting a sacred sacred spirit, after refining and refining, this holy life will be able to successfully win the Holy Life and the success of integration, and break through the holy world in one fell swoop!"

Tan Juan smiled and said: "You think it's good, one person, like the holy sacred treasure of Hongmeng, we can get one in Qingxue Palace this time."

"I heard that Li Wei, Lin Yijia, Xie Yao did not come." Ji Xinyi said.

"Sacred days should not have heard the news about Hongmeng." Lin Xiaoying said with a smile: "So all the inner disciples and elite disciples are coming."

Ji Xinyi teased Lin Xiaoying and said: "Unfortunately, Huang Xiaolong did not come."

"Xinyi Shijie, I heard that the proud party seems to be coming." Lin Xiaoying was laughing.

Proudly, it is the chief saint of the Holy Land of the Holy Land, and it is also one of Ji Xinyi's pursuers.

Tan Juan grinned.


After leaving Wuyuan City, it didn't take long for Huang Xiaolong and Cai Feng Xiaojiu to come to the Wuyuan River.

Standing on the edge of the Wuyuan River, Huang Xiaolong looked cold in front of him. There was no bright river without a river. There was no river. I don’t know how long it stretched. It was like a huge dark rift in the sky of the holy world. At the end, as for the other side, it is equally impossible to see clearly.

Anyway, this Wuyuan River has existed for so long, no one has ever reached the bottom of the Wuyuan River, and has not been able to reach the other side of the Wuyuan River.

Therefore, the sacred world has a saying that this innocent river is actually the end of the sacred world.

However, there are still many people who feel that the Wuyuan River is not the end of the Holy Land. On the other side of the river, there should be another world.

However, no matter what kind of statement, it has not been confirmed.

For so many years, there have been people who want to confirm, but even the strongest who surpassed the holy land could not reach the other side of the Wuyuan River.

After stopping for a while, Huang Xiaolong’s figure flashed, and then he was immersed in the darkness of the Wuyuan River with the colorful phoenix.

As soon as he entered the Wuyuan River, Huang Xiaolong felt that the world seemed to be quiet, and he felt that the six senses seemed to be weakened by something.

Moreover, Huang Xiaolong felt that the whole person seemed to be a lot lighter.

"It seems that this is the light force of the Wuyuan River!" Huang Xiaolong said.

In the Wuyuan River space, every inch of the corner has light power. No matter who it is, entering the Wuyuan River will be affected by the light force of this Wuyuan River. Even the surpassing of the Holy Land is the same.

Huang Xiaolong summoned the Luobaojin pig and then flew down the Wuyuan River on the Luobaojin pig.

In the past few years, after Huang Xiaolong continued to feed, the Luobao Jin pig has changed a lot. In the past, the Luobao Jin pig was full of red gold and golden light, and now the whole body is golden and deep, and there is no luster. Jinguang seems to be completely introverted.

Compared with before, the Luobao Jin pig is many times faster. If it is under full force, it is afraid that even the ordinary tenth-order powerhouse will not catch it.

As the Luobao Golden Pig continues to decline, Huang Xiaolong feels that the whole body is getting lighter.

I heard that when I arrived at Wuyuan River, the whole body would have no weight. When it was time, the body did not have any consciousness, and the whole body was not controlled by oneself. Many strong people often did not believe in evil and went deep into the Yuanhe River. In the end, I will sink to the bottom forever, and I will never come out again.

Huang Xiaolong continued to deepen in accordance with the position of Master Long.

After a while, Huang Xiaolong saw a huge continent like a coral rock.

In front of the mainland, I am afraid that there is a holy place.

But this continent, far away, is like a huge coral rock on the seabed.

This is the coral continent in the river.

In this Wuyuan River, there are countless coral continents. In the coral continent, there are heaven and earth medicines, there are no beasts, there are holy spirits and jade, and there are many treasures of heaven and earth that are not available outside.

However, Huang Xiaolong just approached the coral continent, and saw a group of sea animals like the fishermen coming from the front coral continent to Huang Xiaolong.

This is no beast.

Any strong person who enters this Wuyuan River will be affected by the light force of the Wuyuan River, but the beasts that live here are the exceptions. The beasts are not only affected by the light force of the Wuyuan River, but also the speed from the outside. The monster is faster.

Watching these non-beasts attack, Huang Xiaolong did not shoot, let Luobao Jinpi and Caifeng Xiaojiu shot.

The falling treasure gold pig directly collided with the past, the colorful phoenix small nine flew up, the two wings showed a glimpse of the sky, and the nine-color flames of the sky rushed to the sky. These unbeatable first-class beasts were able to withstand the colorful flames of the colorful phoenix.

Soon, the beasts that had come in front of them became coke and planted down.

Huang Xiaolong was unimpeded and came to the coral continent in front.

When I came to the coral continent, I saw it at first glance. I saw almost all the mountains. There were almost no peaks and forests. Some mountains were not high. The highest was not more than a thousand feet. In addition to mountains and rivers, the rivers were vertical and horizontal.

Huang Xiaolong rode the Luobao Golden Pig on a large river and saw the river in the coral continent. It was all black and black, and it was so dark that people felt a sense of heart.

Huang Xiaolong, while moving forward, explored the soul of the gods and searched for some of the world's spiritual medicines needed for the mission.

"Sun and Moon Crystal Jade!"

"Black Tiezhi!"

"Changqing Biguo!"

These heavenly and earthly medicines, in the coral continent, breathe in hiding, extremely difficult to find, but the spirit of Huang Xiaolong has been transformed, but it is easy to find them one by one.

Just as Huang Xiaolong marched on this coral continent, he saw a distant group and flew to a group of people. It was the blue dragonfly of the previous blue whales.

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