Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2404: This kid must be lying to him!

Looking at Lu Ding's giant palm will kill Huang Xiaolong, Yu Fujiang is not happy with his face, as long as Huang Xiaolong is dead, Huang Xiaolong's baby must be his!

He knows that Huang Xiaolong has a kind of ninth in the world, and he guesses that there is definitely more than a return to life, there must be other ten products!

Ten products, heaven and earth, Ling Dan, that is the thing that even the high-ranking strong people of the Holy Land are coveting. When they are, they are all his!

Now, Lu Ding wants to tie him up, can he still dare to rob him of his life, dare to fight with him?

Just when Lu Ding’s giant palm was about to shoot Huang Xiaolong, suddenly, a holy light suddenly rushed out from Huang Xiaolong’s body. Then, the power of the infinite Holy Spirit screamed out, and a golden figure flew out from the body of Huang Xiaolong, suddenly Shooting to Lu Ding.

"The four seas are in the palm of your hand!"

A cold voice rang from the hall.

I saw a lot of power, turned into a four-party sea, each side of the sea, strange sea water roaring, these sea water, unlike the ordinary water of God, each drop, there is a mountain weight.

The four sides of the sea, I do not know how many billions.

"What? This, the four seas heavy yuan palm?!" Lu Ding was shocked by the sudden change of his eyes, his face changed wildly, madly spurred the holy grid, the power of Shengyuan rose again, the previous 50% of the palm power instantly increased to 10% !

But it's useless!

Even if he rushed to increase his hand to 10%, he still couldn’t resist the formation of the four seas. He saw that his palm was instantly crushed by the hands of the four seas. Then, the four seas continued to Lu Ding pushed.

The gravity of terror, overwhelming, the mountains and the sea, crushing the sun and the moon.

Lu Ding suddenly slammed, and the double fists rushed out again: "Give me open!"

"Eternal years of punch!"

I saw that with the punching of his fists, the breath of the years filled the air, and the surrounding space began to wrinkle, as if even the space was eroded by this age, and all were old, but the strange thing is that in this time, It also reveals the eternal breath, eternal, eternal truth, and power forever!


The four seas of heavy yuan palm and the eternal years of the fist collision.

A fierce roar.

The space is broken, the hall is bursting, and some of the saints in the control of the beasts are not able to escape, and they are strangled in an instant, turning into nothing.

The destructive aftermath of the monks came to Fujiang, and the face of Fujiang was dead: "Save, save!"

"Yu Fujiang Your Highness!" The mid-level master of the holy land of the sacrificial sacred place changed, and he refused to leave the sword saint, and he gathered his hand to form a world.

"Yin and Yang knife, separated by yin and yang!"

The palm knife is transformed into two realms, one yin and one yang, which can block the power of destruction.

At the same time, the middle-class master of the holy land of the sacrificial sacred place was busy pulling back in Fujiang and retiring to the main hall.

Lu Ding was also shaken back by the earthquake and hit the door of the main hall.

Rao is the gate of the main hall of the Four Seas, which was cast with the extremely hard spirit of the Holy Spirit, and was also smashed.

Lu Ding only felt that the Holy Spirit was shaking, and the Holy Ghost was shaking. He looked at the golden figure flying from Huang Xiaolong in a blank way, just like seeing a ghost: "You, Holy Spirit!"

"Holy, holy soul!" Yu Fujiang, the two holy people who control the beasts of the Holy Land and other saints who control the beasts are also full of horror. As for the four-season holy gate Yu Jingjian and other veterans are also shocked!

Everyone is scared.

A sacred sacred sacred, but has a holy soul that is only a strong sacred place. What is this?

Half Holy Spirit? ! My mother, my sissy!

If they know that Huang Xiaolong has the Holy Spirit in the Seventh Order of the Supreme, and that he has more than one Holy Spirit, I don’t know what?

In the presence, there is only Chen Zhi, the sword saints are not scared, but Rao is that they have long known that Huang Xiaolong has a holy soul, watching Huang Xiaolong's dragon spirit, or a feeling of shock.

This is a miracle that has never existed in ancient times!

It is actually in front of them.

The Sword Saint was shaken back and hit the main entrance of the hall. Huang Xiaolong also stepped back a few steps. This stabilized the figure. From the point of view, Huang Xiaolong definitely took the upper hand.

Before, Huang Xiaolong had to deal with the same sacred environment in the middle of the Yuan Dynasty, and he needed to call out the Dragon Spirit and the Golden Buddha to defeat him. It can be seen that the yellow dragon dragon system has improved a lot.

This time, I successfully accepted the inheritance of Yuhai, the sage of the Four Seas. Huang Xiaolong not only raised the realm from the beginning of the Supreme Nineth Order to a robbery and a half, but even the three holy souls also improved a lot.

Therefore, Huang Xiaolong was able to suppress Lu Ding, a mid-level of the Holy Land, by relying solely on the Dragon Spirit.

Huang Xiaolong ignored the shock of everyone and walked over to Lu Ding.

Seeing Huang Xiaolong coming, Lu Ding didn't come, and he was shocked. He took a step back and hit the door of the main hall again. Huang Xiaolong just hit the dragon spirit and made him feel fear.

He did not have such fears when he fought against the late masters of the Holy Land, but Huang Xiaolong made him fear.

One is a sacred, but has a holy soul, and it can suppress his holy soul, anyone will fear.

"Lu Ding, I have successfully accepted the inheritance of your four seas ancestors, the four seas saints, and have been fully integrated with the original strength of the four seas, can 100% motivate the power of this four seas, you can not escape, I am now Give you another chance. If you succumb to surrender, I won't kill you." Huang Xiaolong holds the four-season sacred, cold and cold: "Otherwise, I will rule you as a traitor by the rules of the Four Seas!"


Huang Xiaolong killed the cold and echoed the hall.

Lu Ding was in fear and there was panic in his eyes.

He understands that Huang Xiaolong succeeded in accepting the inheritance of the four seas sages of the four seas, and that Huang Xiaolong could motivate the entire source of the billion-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand holy places, with the power of Huang Xiaolong’s current holy spirit, plus the strength of the four seas. It is the first master of the Holy Land to be trapped.

Just in the heart of Lu Ding’s fear, when he was in a panic, Yu Fujiang said: “Lu Ding, don’t listen to this kid nonsense! How long have you left the Four Seas Holy Land, how could this kid successfully accept the inheritance of the Four Seas saints in such a short time? Don't listen to this kid!"

"You join us and still have the opportunity to kill this kid. Although he has a holy soul, but his body is weak and his body is destroyed, he is a headless fly. When the four seas are yours, then you will You can use the four seas to open the forbidden ban, and then accept the inheritance of your four seas!"

"You can use your four seas ancestors to inherit and break through the holy world in one fell swoop!"

When Lu Ding heard it, he couldn’t help but wake up. Yes, it was him. If he wanted to successfully accept the inheritance of his founder, he would only have to go for a hundred or even two hundred years. He would not leave for eleven years. This boy could not be so short. Successfully accepted the inheritance of their founders! This kid must be lying to him!

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