Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2456: Ghostly Holy Land and Holy Family

"Just the sacred sacredness, what should I do?" Wu Lao, who has been silently speaking, said.

Mentioning the sacred sacredness of God, God, Chu Ba, and the three great dragons are all silent.

After a while, God smiled bitterly: "We still have to prepare for Saint Dan first, and only wait for the little guy to come back and bargain with him."

Chu Ba also smiled helplessly: "I really don't know how this little guy has such a bad weather. Last time I went to Wuyuan River, I got a holy beast and said, I also got a high-level holy medicine like Bai Bon Helian, and another hundred. Many low-level holy medicines! It is difficult for us old men to find a low-grade holy medicine!"

"This time, I went to the Ziyun Sea area and found such a huge sacred sacred atmosphere. I guess he will definitely not only find the sacred sacredness, but he may have found a lot of holy medicine!"

The three of God are full of faces.

Dragon Master half joked: "Then we will find treasure in the future, just bring this little guy on!"

Indeed, Huang Xiaolong has such a voyage, and he is carrying a treasure hunt.

Not to mention that the four gods are talking about Huang Xiaolong's affairs. When Huang Xiaolong wants to challenge the news of the entire sacred world, the whole sacred circle is boiling, and the entire sacred world is discussing Huang Xiaolong. They are discussing this matter.

"This Huang Xiaolong is simply arrogant! He is a two-roof and a holy, and he dares to say that he wants to challenge all the four sacred and half-sacred disciples of the Holy World! And let the fifty people join forces at the same time! He simply does not take all the four holy and holy The following disciples are in the eyes!" Someone is angry.

"Huang Xiaolong is a dead man. I don't believe that he can single out all the four disciples and less disciples of the Holy Land! We quickly summon the disciples under the door and go to the mirage!"

"Dong Hao, who secretly cultivated our saints, recalled them from the ban. The saints have been forbearing for too long, and it is time to show the strength of our saints to the world!"

"Destroying Huang Xiaolong is a good opportunity to re-name the holy world in our holy place!"

For a time, countless ancient peoples who have been hiding for hundreds of millions of years, the sacred places that have disappeared for many years have been born, leading the disciples and masters to the mirage.

The sacred world is in full swing.

Before, Huang Xiaolong set up a platform in the mirage of the mirage, accepted the ancient emperor's holy land, and controlled the saints. The black sects of the 39th force of the tribes were challenged by the disciples. Although the sacred commotion was disturbed, the sacred world was not shaken. Now, the whole sacred world is shaking, and it is really a raging wind.

Previously, the Ten Holy Lands of the Holy Land Alliance only came to the ancient royal holy land and the holy land of the beast. Now, the other eight holy places have also come to the mirage.

Numerous giant sacred spaceships appeared in the vast sacred space.

In peacetime, it is difficult for a saint ship to see a ship. Now, it is more than one ship, ten ships! Twenty!

"Is that spaceship, is it a ghost-like holy ship of the Holy Land?! Was the ghostly holy land not destroyed by the old people of the sky 10 billion years ago? This time it has reappeared?!"

I saw a huge, dark, sacred spaceship constantly tearing open the sacred space, passing through a group of strong people, bringing a burst of chilly air, the space faintly sounds of ghosts.

Among the group of strong people, some people recognized that this spaceship was a ghost ship, and it could not change its face.

"Ghosts of the Holy Land!" Others did not recognize, heard the ghosts of the Holy Land, but also scared face white.

This ghost is a holy place. In that year, it was synonymous with horror. When it went, it was all turned into hell. I heard that the holy place that was destroyed by the ghosts and holy places was not known. It is because of this that the old man is angry and angry. Shot.

In the First World War, it was said that the old man of the Cangjie killed the ancestors of the Ghostly Holy Land and slaughtered countless masters of the Ghost Relics. The Ghostly Holy Land was thus destroyed, and now it has reappeared!

Ten billion years ago, the prestige of the ghostly holy land was higher than that of the ancient emperor.

Soon, the news of the ghostly holy land reappearing in the heavens and the earth spread and alerted the parties.

It didn't take long for someone to see a bright ship like the sun, the bright light of the holy sea, the hull, portraying a strange and strange ancient sage.

"It is a spaceship of the saints! The saints were born this time!"

The saint spaceship was shocked by the world, and the saints were born, which caused a shock.

Holy family!

The first family of the Holy Land!

The Black Skull is very old, but the Holy Family is older than the Black Skull. No one even knows when the Holy Family was there. Only the first patriarch of the Holy Family is the first sacred place to achieve the Holy Land. .

The power of the saints is unquestionable.

The mirage of the mirage, Li Wei heard the ghosts of the Holy Land and the saints were born, and led the disciples to come to the mirage, could not help but rejoice.

He naturally hopes that more and more powerful forces will come. In this way, Huang Xiaolong always has to be defeated. Although he can't get the sacred sacredness, he always wants to be the best in Huang Xiaolong's soles.

Xie Yao also smiled at Li Wei’s voice: "Luke Li Wei, this is a good thing. Even the first tribes of the saints are born. The disciples trained by the saints must be amazing. Fifty people join hands. Huang Xiaolong must be screamed and shouted!"

Li Wei nodded and smiled: "It is true." For the saints, he is still full of hope.

"It’s just a pity that the sacred sacredness." Xie Yao looked up at the million-foot purple dragon that was made by the sacred atmosphere of the high altitude.

Li Wei sneered: "If he defeated this time, he lost the sacred sacred spirit. After returning, all our core disciples jointly ordered to let the four ancestors severely punish Huang Xiaolong!"

Sitting on the platform, Huang Xiaolong also heard news about the ghostly sacred places, the saints and other looming top forces. Huang Xiaolong not only did not panic, but his heart was overjoyed.

"Ghosts and holy places? The saints? The talents of their disciples are certainly not bad?" Huang Xiaolong's eyes were pleasantly surprised. It seems that after the battle of the fall, his enlightenment can definitely evolve to more than a dozen!

As for the top ten, Huang Xiaolong has no hope. After all, the top ten is too difficult, and it will not be able to evolve in just a year and a half.

Of course, as long as his three sacred sages evolved to more than a dozen, plus the imprint of the Holy Life, then he really swept across several major realms.

"Ghosts and Holy Land?!" Lin Xiaoying and the three women heard that the ghosts and holy places are still alive. They are all pretty changes. Are the old people of their ancestors, the old people, not destroying the ghosts and holy places?

"Sister, we have to quickly report the news to Master." Ji Xinyi said.

Tan Juan nodded, and her face was dignified. The ghost was born in the Holy Land. This is indeed a big thing.

Therefore, she quickly reported to her master Xue Xuegong, the master of the Qing Xue Palace, in fact, she did not need to report her, the ghosts of the Holy Land, such a big event, as the Qing Xue Gong Gongzhu Xueling Yun will not know?

(About the reading of Mi Mi, often a few days and then a few days later, God sees here again, there is no update on the other side. It’s a problem with Mi Mi’s mobile company, their employees are not reprinted, God sees There is no way, you have to go to the company to read the company, and repeatedly declare that all updates are correct, God only signed with the contract, and did not sign with other websites)

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