Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2459: Jin Taiji's super strength

Not only everyone was surprised, accidents, even Huang Xiaolong was amazed, his eyes fell on Jin Taiji next to Jin Nu.

At first glance, this golden tai chi feels very ordinary for Huang Xiaolong, looks ordinary, and there is nothing amazing about it. The only thing that pays attention is the height of the two meters.

Two meters is very high for ordinary people, but the Jingang disciples have always been tall, and the height of two meters is considered to be the middle and lower for the King Kong.

In addition, there is nothing special about Kim Tae-jung, standing there, ordinary can no longer be ordinary, the realm is three robbers and half-sacred later.

Huang Xiaolong also noticed that the gold Taiji’s arms are very large, and the palms are also the reason for the perennial cultivation skills.

However, the more so Jin Taiji is so common, Huang Xiaolong has become more interested in it.

Jin Nu is the patriarch of the King Kong, dare to let this Jin Taiji alone challenge himself, then think that this gold Taiji can defeat himself? He is so confident in this gold tai chi? interesting.

Just when everyone was surprised and surprised, Kim Taiji bowed to Kim Rage and then jumped up and fell to the ring. He hugged his hand to Huang Xiaolong: "His Yellow Dragon, not in the next, special to teach His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong!"

Huang Xiaolong nodded and smiled and made a gesture: "Please!"

Jin Taiji heard the words, and he was not polite with Huang Xiaolong. He should step forward one step forward.

When this golden Taiji stepped out, the whole popularity changed and became a different person. Before Kim Tae-jung was like a late sunset, there was no sharpness at all, but now, like a lion that is out of the cage, like It is a giant beast that has come out of ancient chaos!

That's right, it's a behemoth!

The powerful momentum is so vast that it gives people a sense of fierceness that is hard to resist.

When he stepped out, his whole body surface showed gold-like gold, and Jin Mang was glaring.

"This is King Kong does not destroy the Eucharist?!" Someone exclaimed.

King Kong does not destroy the Eucharist, it is not a holy way, but a kind of Eucharist, and is the Holy Body of the fifteenth!

Ranked fifteen!

This is the first time that Huang Xiaolong has set the stage down to the present. The challenger is the first person to have such a high ranking of the Eucharist. Even the sacred body of the formerly owned sacred sage is not so high!

Wu Ge's eyes are condensed.

Since the Golden Taiji has the immortal body of King Kong, then his holy veins and the sacred sacredness are no worse than the eternal body of King Kong.

Sure enough, then, Kim Taiji’s body was full of dragons, and the icon was humming.

I saw a dragon in the body of Jin Taiji, a head of the elephant!

This dragon is the ancient holy dragon, the icon, but the black prison icon that suppresses the demons.

Seeing this scene, everyone is not shocked.

"It is the holy pulse of the dragon!"

"It turned out to be the holy dragon icon!"

“I heard that the first generation of the Jin Gang’s first generation of patriarchs did not release the old predecessors.

Everyone vibrates.

Even Wu Ge, Broken Xuan, Shen Jiewen, Zhan Zhiyuan, Lin Xiaoying, Tan Juan, evil and extraordinary people are also shocked.

The icon of the Dragon of the Dragon, the twelfth holy pulse!


There are only two differences between the top ten and the Holy Pulse.

Legend has it that the dragon statue of the dragon is infinite, and the magic is not invaded.

At this moment, the Jin Taiji had already come to Huang Xiaolong, and both palms opened. Everyone found that the two palms of Jin Taiji were really not big, they were very big, I was afraid that there would be three or four times as many ordinary people. .

He palms straight to the chest of Huang Xiaolong.

"Great Pudu!"

Dapu Duzhang, very common name.

But the strong parties around the four sides are once again surprised.

Dapu Duzhang, one of the ten strongest holy sects of the Holy Land! Like the next day's Golden Wheel of the ancient emperor's holy place, it is one of the ten strongest sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs.

However, the Dapu Duzhang is not a martial art of the King Kong, but a holy skill of the Purdue saint.

The Purdue saints, and the first generation of the saints, and the first generation of the ancient emperor Nie, and the desolation, as well as the first generation of the Jin Gang’s first generation, Kim’s first release, are the first sacred achievements of the Holy Land. On the strong.

However, the Purdue saints, like the Sanctuary, have disappeared for many hundred million years, and their Dapudu palm has been lost for a long time. Unexpectedly, Jin Taiji has actually practiced Dapu’s palm!

How is this going? Did Kim Taiji get the inheritance of the Purdue saint?

When everyone was shocked and confused, Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and slammed it with Jin Taiji.


A loud noise, the entire mirage can be heard.

I saw that Huang Xiaolong retired and retreated. He stepped back six steps in a row. This stabilized his body and the repulsed Huang Xiaolong was quite awkward.

Everyone sees this, it is amazing.

From the first day when Huang Xiaolong set down the ring, Huang Xiaolong has been sweeping in the invincible position. No one is the enemy of Huang Xiaolong. Now Huang Xiaolong has been knocked back!

This is the first time Huang Xiaolong has fallen into the wind!

Ji Xinyi saw it and was shocked: "This gold is too strong, so strong!"

Although it only repelled the six steps of Huang Xiaolong, it also shows that the strength of this gold Taiji is strong.

Tan Juan nodded: "This golden tai chi is indeed unexpected. I didn't expect the Jingang to cultivate such a genius." When it comes to this, her eyes fall on Huang Xiaolong: "But compared with Huang Xiaolong, Jin Taiji is still worse. Just now, Kim Tae-jung is playing the big Pudu, but Huang Xiaolong is the ordinary palm, and the golden tai chi is the third robbery and the late half, and Huang Xiaolong is now the second robbery."

Lin Xiaoying, Ji Xinyi nodded.

Xie Yao is happy with Li Wei’s voice: "Li Wei, brother, this gold Taiji is very strong! It seems that you can defeat Huang Xiaolong!"

Li Wei is deep in his eyes: "Now the conclusion is still early, I don't know how Jin Taiji's sacred sacredness, and he will know the result when he reveals his sacred sacredness."

Indeed, just now, Jin Taiji only took a slight advantage.

Only by knowing the sacred sacredness of Kim Tae-jung can the result be judged.

"With the golden sacred body and the sacred talent, his sacred sacredness must be amazing." Xie Yaodao: "Huang Xiaolong must lose!"

Just when everyone talked and was shocked, Huang Xiaolong looked calmly at Jin Taiji and smiled lightly: "It's very good, the combat power is indeed very strong, and it is much stronger than Jin Yunfeng and Fang Xing."

If the first day of the martial arts began, he encountered this golden tai chi. If he did not reveal the holy soul, he did not reveal the three sacred sects. He did not use the sacred rituals. It is very difficult to defeat this tai chi, but now he is not down. At the beginning, it was comparable. When the stage of the martial arts began, he was ranked more than 30 in the three sacred sects. Now, his three sacred sacred gems are close to twenty!

Kim Tae-jung also looked at Huang Xiaolong calmly: "Thank you for complimenting, I just used only 80% of the power."

Only used 80% of the power! Only!

Not a proverb, not a Zhuang language, but the arrogance of the temper is coming!

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