Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2464: Demon defeat

Strong parties, all the holy places, all the ancients all flocked in one direction: collapse!

The mirage of the hustle and bustle of the past few days is almost empty.

Many streets are beginning to become empty.

The sun is still not hot, and the streets around the ring are already crowded and blocked.

Whether it is the ground or the sky, or the teahouses around the street, or the pavilions around the house, all black pressure.

The entire mirage, all the holy places, almost all the big families have arrived.

This kind of grand occasion is almost comparable to Huang Xiaolong’s apprentice ceremony.

The crowds around the crowd looked at Huang Xiaolong with a complicated look. A two-robbery and a half-sacred set up a platform, which attracted the great tribes of the sacred world and countless holy places. This is unprecedented in the sacred world!

This, only Huang Xiaolong can do it, right?

At that time, Huang Xiaolong worshipped the Dadian, the saints did not arrive, and the ghosts and holy places did not come, but now, the saints are coming, and the ghosts are coming.

Huang Xiaolong sat on the ring, with a cloud in his head and a leisurely look.

Looking at the look of Huang Xiaolong, Wu Ge couldn't help but say: "His Royal Highness Huang Xiaolong, waiting for the holy tribe of Xiao Baili, the talent is amazing, I heard that the gold tai chi is higher than the Jingang people, not inferior to the evil spirits of the evil demon palace, you be careful!"

Before Huang Xiaolong entered the holy day, the evil spirits of the evil demon palace, the Li Tian of the Holy Day, Tan Juan of the Qing Xue Palace, were recognized as the strongest three talents of the younger generation.

Of course, there is also a smashing of the first sacred list, but the time of cultivating is still short, and the sacred world has not yet been achieved.

Huang Xiaolong listened to Wu Ge to remind himself to be careful about Xiao Baili, but just calmly nodded: "Know it."

Xiao Baili?

Huang Xiaolong looks like a self-confidence.

Seeing that Huang Xiaolong did not put Xiao Baili in his heart, Wu Ge secretly shook his head, and then said: "I got the news, the ghosts of the Holy Land will send ghost soldiers to challenge, this ghost soldier claims to have an immortal body, the soul of immortality, extremely difficult pack!"

"Also, the Holy Land Alliance will also challenge today. Their top ten holy places each send a few talented and strongest disciples, and then combine 50 challenges!"

Huang Xiaolong listened and smiled: "The body of immortality? The soul of immortality? It is an exaggeration. If the Holy Land Alliance does this, it is very good!"

Wu Ge heard the words, speechless, and no longer said anything.

In fact, for Huang Xiaolong, if the Holy Land Alliance combines the strongest disciples of the top ten sacred talents, it is indeed good news!

Since it is the best disciple of the talents of the top ten holy places, then it should be more than twenty. Such a lamb is fat and oily, and it is a big supplement. When it devours fifty such genius sons, then he can truly evolve into the top twenty!

Huang Xiaolong is looking forward to it.

"It's a ghostly holy place! The ghostly holy land is coming!" At this moment, a loud noise rang, and only the crowds who were surrounded by water were given a way.

A group of people wearing red robes came over to the ring. There were hundreds of people. Everyone had a weird smell on their body. It made people feel uncomfortable. It’s unclear how uncomfortable it is. Grab the whole body.

And the red robes on his body, black like the black of hell, red like the blood of the ghost king, let people see panic.

Ghostly Holy Land!

Tens of millions of years ago, people were stunned.

At that time, the ghostly holy place was to kill a holy place. Before the holy place was destroyed, it would receive the devil's decree of the ghostly place. Some holy places that received the devil's command, the ghostly holy land had not been shot yet, and the holy place was quite a lot. The disciple was scared to death, and the fierce name of the ghostly holy place can be seen.

Some of the strongest who know the fierce name of the ghosts are far away, for fear of being close, and the ghosts of the Holy Land are not happy and will kill.

Although the mirage is said to be in charge of the Holy Land, the Demon Palace, the Qingxue Palace, and the Holy Land Alliance, the ghost-like holy land does not dare to be arrogant in the mirage, but who dares to guarantee 100%?

The ghostly holy place is in the forefront. It is a middle-aged man with a face full of ghosts. The other eyes are green, green and red, and the momentum is so strong that it is not weaker than Wu Ge.

Wu Ge's face is dignified, such as the enemy.

"Is it a ghost ancestor? Was he killed by the old man?" The blue whale, a elder elder, frowned.

"No! It is not a ghost-like ancestor. It was the second disciple of the devil's ancestors. When he saw the ghost pattern on his face, he should have got the true biography of the ghost ancestor. Now is the contemporary master of the ghost-like holy land?" The doorkeeper shook his head.

The second disciple of the ghost ancestor is not dead!

The strong parties are not worried.

When it is this ghost, it is so strong, I can think of the horror of the ghost teacher.

It is said that although the ghost ancestor was not the first ancestor, it was the general ancestor who could not kill him. Fortunately, the old man was shot to kill him.

"I heard that the devil's ancestor was still dead! His true body was annihilated by the old man of the sky, but he was reborn by the ghostly ghosts of the Holy Land. After 10 billion years, it was already better than that. I don’t know if I broke through to the ancestor now! If the ancestor breaks through, the old man of the sky can’t kill this ghost ancestor?!” There is a sacred master who quietly said.

If the boulder is shocked by thousands of waves, the scene is a panic, and many strong people are only afraid.

If the ghost teacher does not die? !

It’s true that it’s possible to think that the ghostly holy land is so high-profile, it’s definitely a flaw, and this one should be the ghost teacher!

If the ghost ancestor is alive, then the sacred world is only afraid to pick up some **** rain, and everyone is self-satisfied.

Huang Xiaolong's eyes and the ghosts are not dead, only to feel the sacred spirit, Huang Xiaolong's heart was shocked, strong and powerful sneaky power, but Huang Xiaolong instantly recovered, his eyes fell on the ghost soldiers behind the other side.

Ghosts are holy places, there are disciples and ghosts under the door, ghost soldiers, almost awkward, is cultivated by a secret method, its defense is amazing, almost killing, so it is known as the body of immortality.

The ghost-like sage is not dead. Seeing Huang Xiaolong’s own sneaky power, he recovered instantly, his heart was amazed, his eyes flickered, and he wondered what he was thinking.

After the arrival of the ghostly holy land, a few minutes passed, the arrival of the Holy Land Alliance, and the ten main gates of the Holy Land Alliance came together. Naturally, it caused a strong commotion. After the Holy Land Alliance, it was the holy place of the Tibetan sword, the holy land of the South, the Tianzu, the ancient Zen. A dozen ancient sacred places such as the family and the hidden family came together.

Finally, it is the saint!

When the saints arrive, the light is filled with light, and the light is like a flaming yang, which makes people hope and warm.

Huang Xiaolong’s eyes fell on Xiao Baili’s body. Jin Taiji’s feeling is ordinary and ordinary, but this Xiao Baili’s feeling is as deep as a sea without a deep heart. Huang Xiaolong smelled a dangerous atmosphere.

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