Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2494: Always lucky

The fifth place is cold and cold, the sixth is not Ji Xinyi, the ghost of the ghostly holy place, the seventh is Ji Xinyi, the eighth is the white land of the Holy Land Alliance, the ninth is Dou Rui, the tenth is the Jingang The competition.

Seeing the top ten rankings, the most unexpected thing for everyone is the fourth-ranked Sagittarius.

The south wind of the saints has always been silent, but now it is second only to evil, but surpasses other geniuses of the sanctuary.

It’s shocking that the holy people have a Xiao Baili. Now there is another south wind? Although I don't know how this Nanfeng talent is, it is obviously not less than Xiao Baili.

Although the game has just begun, this ranking is not the final result, but to a certain extent, it also shows that the talent and combat power of this south wind is amazing.

The eighth place of the Supreme Holy Land and the tenth place of the King Kong race were also surprising.

"White can't bear it. It seems that there is a fairly good genius in the Holy Land Alliance." Cao Nan, the deputy palace demon, also nodded.

Can be praised by an ancestor master is not bad, it shows that this white can not bear talent.

Su Biqing of the demon palace is ranked eleven, as for the Xie Yao of the Holy Day, it is ranked twenty-three, Lin Yijia is twenty-nine, Chen Kaiping is thirty-eight, because Lin Xiaoying’s cultivation time is still short, there is no integration Life, breaking through the holy world, so ranked 96.

As for the smashing of the first sacred list, it was just at the 97th, after Lin Xiaoying.

This blood trial, there are more than 130 people in the sacred world, Lin Xiaoying, smashed two nine robbers and half-sacred peaks can rank within one hundred, it is very good.

Cao Nan, the demon palace, swept through the list of the top 100, and couldn’t help but laugh: "Chu Ba, is your disciple Huang Xiaolong not saying that he wants to enter the top ten? Now even the top 100 can’t enter, is it my opinion? Wrong? If I have this disciple who is full of fart, I have no face now!"

Chu Ba smiled coldly: "I just played the game. Now the rankings can't explain anything. Maybe the game is not over yet. The disciples of your evil demon palace have all died one time. One has not passed the blood test."

This is very heavy.

Cao Nan’s eyes are cold and stunned. “I’m still thinking about it. This blood test, your disciples of the Holy Day are not completely annihilated. Your disciple Huang Xiaolong, a district of four robbers and half holy, maybe wait Will hang up."

Two of you, one sentence, I don’t give each other.

The strong neighbors only dare to listen and dare not speak.

Chu Ba and Mo Cang are separated, that is personal grievances, but Chu Ba and Cao Nan, that is the **** feud of the Holy Day and the Demon Palace.

Xue Xueyun, the master of the Qingxue Palace, listened to the tit-for-tat between Chu and Cao Nan, quite helpless.

The old man of the sky is smiling, just like watching the two bickering descendants. In fact, Chu Ba and Cao Nan are indeed his descendants.

At this moment, suddenly, the old man of the sky was bright, and his eyes fell on the bottom of the stone.

Xue Lingyun saw the old man's look in the sky. He couldn't help but feel strange. The beautiful eyes looked at the direction of the old man's eyes. He couldn't help but say: "Yellow, Huang Xiaolong?!"

She thought it was wrong or the same name, and once again, it was Huang Xiaolong, and it was Huang Xiaolong of the Holy Day!

Although more than one million disciples participated in the blood trials this time, the number is very large, but the stone monument only shows the top 1,000 disciples in the ranking.

Generally speaking, those who can enter the top one are all nine or more.

This blood trial, there are nearly 2,000 people in the nine robbers and half-sacred disciples.

Therefore, even if there are many nine robbed and half-sacred disciples, they cannot enter the top one.

However, on the stone monument's position of 996, it just suddenly showed "Sacred Heaven, Huang Xiaolong"!

Then, Chu Ba, Cao Nan, Mo Cang, Xuan Xuan, Shen Jiewen, the saints of the patriarchal Bai Moyang, the Jingang clan, Jin Nu, the ghosts of the Holy Land, the ghosts are not dead, the black patriarch Zhan Zhiyuan and others have also succeeded Huang Xiaolong, who was ranked at 996, was found.

The reactions of everyone are almost always unexpected.

Although Huang Xiaolong has three sacred sacred sects, even with the imprint of the Holy Life, but the realm is only four robbers and half sacred, even if the combat power is amazingly limited, it is impossible to be the opponents of the nine robbed and half sacred disciples. After all, it can be 100,000 years. Breaking through to the nine robbers and half-sacred, the talents are very high, and the combat power is not low.

So everyone is surprised and surprised.

Chu Ba couldn’t help but smile, and his heart was loose. This kid was still giving him a face. Although it was just over 900, it was far from being able to pass the blood test, but a four-robbery and a half-sacred can enter a thousand. It’s not a shame to pass it out. It’s a miracle that a four-robbery and a half-sacred can enter the blood test before the thousand.

"More than 990 people, see you happy." Cao Nan saw Chu Ba smile, ridiculed: "You really think that Huang Xiaolong can always maintain this ranking, I can not see a few minutes, soon It has fallen out of a thousand, and he is now able to enter the thousand. It is a fluke."

However, just after the sound of Cao Nan fell, suddenly, the name of Huang Xiaolong changed again, and the 999-year-old disciple was squeezed down. Huang Xiaolong rose to 999.

Chu Ba saw it, haha ​​smiled: "This is fortunate, I like this kind of luck!" Speaking of this, his eyes fell on the third place in the extraordinary position, said: "I see your evil demon palace that evil is extraordinary Lucky can only be ranked third, otherwise, it can only be ranked seventh, eighth."

Originally, the demon palaces had previously determined that the evils that were cultivated from the dead caves would be able to win the first place easily. Now they are ranked third. Cao Nan’s heart is shadowing. Now, listening to Chu Ba’s evil is not the case. Fortunately, he was ranked third, which made him look gloomy.

Next, everyone saw that almost every minute, Huang Xiaolong's ranking changed once and kept rising.

"Nine hundred and ninety-four!"

"Nine hundred and ninety-three!"


"Nine hundred and ninety!"

Although it was only one upgrade at a time, it still made everyone horrified. In just a few minutes, Huang Xiaolong was promoted to 990.

after an hour.

"eight, eight hundred ninety nine!"

"The eight hundred and ninety-nine!" Someone exclaimed.

There was a big noise in the square.

At first, many people didn't pay much attention to Huang Xiaolong. Even Xue Lingyun felt that Huang Xiaolong was only lucky if he entered the top thousand. He would soon fall out, but when an hour later, Huang Xiaolong entered 900. Xue Lingyun was shocked, and Xuan Xuan, Shen Jiewen, Bai Moyang, Jin Nu, Zhan Zhiyuan and others were all amazed.

Even Chu Chu, the four masters of Huang Xiaolong, was also amazed. He stared at the name of Huang Xiaolong, wouldn't it? This kid has been lucky?

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