Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2498: Secret place

"Yes, it is the black sage of one of the top ten masters of the Holy Land!" The former disciple of the Holy Land nodded: "It is said that the black sage killed the pro-disciples of the Purdue saints, and later the Purdue saints found the black sage. The two men fought and both of them disappeared."

Purdue saint, one of the first sacred eight saints in the Holy Land.

The black corpse sage, but the top ten masters of the holy world at that time, the two were barely weak, it is hard to say.

Now, in the secret place of the Ghost City, there is a treasure left by the black sage?

It is no wonder that the Qing Xue Palace, the Holy Day, the Demon Palace, the Holy Land Alliance, and the disciples of the saints’ many forces know to rush to the secret place.

You must know that the black sage is the top ten master of the holy world at that time, and its status is not lower than that of one of the eight saints.

"The Golden Taiji of the King Kong people practiced the Dadupuzhang of the Purdue saint. Maybe it was the inheritance of the Purdue saint. The treasure of the black sage appeared. Do you know if it will be passed down?" Another ghost The disciples of Fu Shengdi are hot: "If we can get the inheritance of the black sage, what is the sacred environment?"

"We can only think about it. If the black sage is really inherited, we have no chance at all. However, the ghost brother may have a chance." One of the ghosts of the Holy Land shook his head: "The secret place." It’s extremely dangerous, even if it’s a holy place, it’s not always possible to come out. I don’t think we’re going to join in the fun.”

Just when a few people talked, a sudden voice sounded: "Where is the treasure of the black sage in the secret place?"

A few people were shocked and Huo Ran stood up.

"Who!" a ghost disciple disciple shouted.

Then, a few people saw the gas of the ghosts in the distance, and one came out.

"Huang Xiaolong!" Several people saw the people and surprised.

Come, it is Huang Xiaolong.

Huang Xiaolong walked very slowly, but the breath had already come to a few people.

At this time, several ghostly disciples of the Holy Land responded, and their body flashed, surrounded by Huang Xiaolong, completely blocking all the retreats that Huang Xiaolong could escape.

One of the ghosts and sacred disciples laughed loudly: "Huang Xiaolong, you really don't know how to live and die. When we saw that we dared to come over, you really thought that you swept invincible on the platform of the mirage. Now you have swept into the ghost city. Invincible?!"

Another ghost disciple of the Holy Land is even more fierce: "At the time of the mirage, you killed so many ghost soldiers in the ghost place, Huang Xiaolong, let's say, how do you want to die?" Then he joked: "You want to swear Are you still dying, or do you want to die?"

"Do you want to know where the black corpse sacred treasure is in the secret place? OK, you can call it a few times, and it makes me feel comfortable, maybe I can tell you."

Several ghostly disciples laughed.

A few people are in the middle and late stages of the nine-robbery and half-sacred, and naturally they will not put Huang Xiaolong in a four-robbery and half-holy.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the disciples of the ghosts in the few laughter. He said indifferently: "I have told you all the things I know, maybe I am in a good mood and can let you go. Now, you can only It’s dead!”

A few ghosts of the Holy Land disciples, and then, even more laugh.

"Huang Xiaolong, do you think you are Li Wei?" A ghostly disciple disciple laughed and said: "If you are Li Wei, we will definitely tell you everything you know, but unfortunately you are not! You are just a four-and-a-half Holy!"

"What nonsense he said, first abolish him, and then slowly kill him!" Another ghost disciple disciple laughed and said: "Thinking that Huang Xiaolong died in our hands, I couldn't help but excite!"

A genius with three evolutionary sects, known as the most enchanting genius in history, died in their hands, who is excited?

However, this ghostly sacred disciple just finished, suddenly felt that the shadow of the eyes flashed, and then the throat was sore, Huang Xiaolong pinched his neck and lifted it from the ground.

The speed of Huang Xiaolong is so fast that other disciples of the Holy Land can't react at all.

Several other ghostly disciples were horrified.

"Huang Xiaolong, I still haven't let go of my Liu Shidi!" One person snarled, and suddenly punched Huang Xiaolong, and the ghost was like a tumbling sand wave.

Huang Xiaolong did not return his head, but his backhand was a punch.


I saw that the demon of the sacred sacred place of the mid-sacred sacred sacred place was slammed into the wall of the valley by Huang Xiaolong. The arm and the internal organs were broken. The whole person was inlaid into the mountain wall and did not know how many meters deep, even fart. The gas is gone.

The remaining three ghosts were shocked by the disciples of the Holy Land.

One, a punch and fly?

This young man is really Huang Xiaolong?

When the mirage collapsed, they had seen Huang Xiaolong, and certainly not wrong, Huang Xiaolong is in front of him!

And it is the four small and half holy Huang Xiaolong!

"You!" When the three people were about to speak, suddenly, they saw a golden figure flying in the body of Huang Xiaolong, and they were swept away.

The three men were stunned and stunned.


Ten minutes later.

Huang Xiaolong swallowed up the sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacred sacs.

However, what disappointed Huang Xiaolong was that several people only knew that the treasure of the black sage appeared in a secret place, at least in the secret place, and several people did not know.

At the same time, in a few people, Huang Xiaolong also found some heaven and earth medicine and other heavenly treasures.

The participating disciples can't bring any saints and medicinal herbs into the ghost city, but there are many heavenly spirits and heavenly treasures in the ghost city. For example, the **** demon stone that was previously known as a chamber of commerce is in a secret place. Found, these heavenly spirits and heavenly treasures should be found in several ghost towns.

Collecting these heavenly spirits and heavenly treasures, Huang Xiaolong did not stop and flew to the secret land.

At the current speed of Huang Xiaolong, it is not to use the Holy Spirit and the invincible heart. It should be able to reach the secret place tomorrow morning.

"Evil is extraordinary, Dou Rui, cold blood, Su Biqing should go to the secret land?" On the road, Huang Xiaolong thought, maybe the evil is extraordinary and others have already arrived at the secret land.

The ghost city is vast, and originally, Huang Xiaolong wants to find evil, Dou Rui, it is really difficult, even if there is a holy soul, it is difficult to find out, but now, it gave him a chance.

If the evil is extraordinary, Dou Rui and others will know that if they know the news of the black sage treasure, they will definitely rush to the secret place.

Huang Xiaolong all the way to the night, the sky slowly lit up.

On the road, encountering demons, Huang Xiaolong is easy to solve.

When the day was bright, Huang Xiaolong finally arrived at the secret place.

Looking at the front of the eyes, the devil's gas is even more amazing and secret, Huang Xiaolong paused, and then drove straight into the air.

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