Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2513: Do you dare to try it on the spot?

Watching a disciple being sent back, watching Huang Xiaolong's ranking finally settled in the fifth place, Cao Nan couldn't help but smile at Chu Ba: "Chu Ba, your disciple is really a bad thing, a four robbery and a half holy Not dead, but also entered the top ten!"

Chu Ba listened, haha ​​laughed: "Thank you, thank you, I also think that my disciple is not allowed, he will not die, there will be blessings, but your evil demon palace Dou Rui, cold blood, Su Biqing, several disciples It’s not so good luck, it’s actually dead in the ghost city!”

"Several holy places have actually died in this ghost city. This luck is really not a general decline!"

Chu Ba shook his head.

Cao Nan listened to Chu Ba and then raised Dou Rui, who was cold-blooded, and the death of several people in Su Biqing, the heartache, the cold eyes of the eyes, he pressed the heart to kill, smiled coldly, wait for me to see you still laugh I don’t laugh.

At this time, the square burst into a flash of light, and several participating disciples were sent out.

"It's Li Wei!"

There was a strong turmoil in the crowd.

Li Wei, the final ranking is the third.

Of course, if Huang Xiaolong devours cold blood, the white can't bear six people wasting six days. The third is definitely not what Li Wei is doing.

Although Li Wei ranked third, when he came out, it caused a strong commotion.

However, Li Wei, who was sent out, was not very good-looking. This time, he originally expected to win the first place, but he did not expect even the second to get it. He actually lived under Tan Juan and evil.

Especially falling under the evil, he is extremely unhappy.

As time went by, a batch of participating disciples were sent out, Tan Juan and evil spirits were also sent out. When Tan Juan and evil spirits came out, the turmoil caused by it was not too small, especially the Qingxue Palace Sanmei. At the beginning, Tan Juan, who won the first place, is a strong and crazy move that causes the hormones of all male disciples.

After the blood test, Tan Juan is the goddess of the goddess in the hearts of the male disciples.

This blood test, the fallen disciples are not many, more than one million disciples participated in the competition, and about 80%.

More than one percent of them were in danger in the middle of the journey, and then opened the aperture transmission array to escape.

The number of disciples who died in the ghost city was less than 50,000.

Huang Xiaolong and Lin Xiaoying, Chen Yi and others were the last ones to be transmitted.

When Huang Xiaolong was sent out, the crowd was also a big commotion. Of course, most of this commotion was ridicule and gloating.

When transmitted by the transmission array, Huang Xiaolong was just transferred to Li Wei, Xie Yao and others.

Li Xiao sees Huang Xiaolong coming out and sullenly faces: "Yellow Xiaolong, brother, in order to pass the blood test, in order to win the gambling promise of Shengdan, use that means, you know that you have greatly damaged the Holy Day. There are still faces coming out."

When Huang Xiaolong came out, he listened to Li Wei and asked himself, staring at the other side: "What kind of means? Which means? I am now through blood trials, and when I go back, don't forget that you have to kneel in front of my Blue Dragon House, and Everyone loses me a sacrament, and I don’t know who has no face."

When Li Yi heard it, he sneered: "You use this kind of the next three bad means to pass the blood test, and even think about it, let us give you the holy device. Do you want the holy device to be crazy? Deprive you of your qualifications."

"Yes." Huang Xiaolong's face was indifferent.

Since Li Wei and Huang Xiaolong did not isolate the sound, everyone heard the conversation between the two.

At this time, Cao Nan smiled at Chu Ba: "Chu Ba, your disciple Huang Xiaolong actually thought that he had passed the blood test, I really thought that he was ranked fifth? You are still not awake?"

"I don't know the 100,000 high-level holy spirit jade. Are you ready for the Holy Day organization?" Cao Nan smiled. "Isn't it ready yet? But also, even our evil demon palace is hard to come by." 100,000 high-level holy spirit jade."

Chu Ba did not anger, but hehe smiled: "Cao Nan, I remember your demon palace disciple Dou Rui, 枭 cold blood and my disciples have had a holy gambling gamble, you an ancestor, there will be four Sheng Dan, etc.? If you have an ancestor, if you can't get four holy dan, it's a shame! But if you can't take it out, take off your pants and give it to me. Your trousers should also be worth four holy dan."

"You!" Cao Nan's eyes chilled, staring at Chu Ba, and then laughing, and then clenched the fist to the old man: "Cang Yudao, the disciple of the Holy Day organization, Huang Xiaolong, a four-robbery and a half-sacred, can actually pass the blood test And enter the top ten, 10,000 percent is cheating, and also ask the Taoist Taoist friends to announce and eliminate the qualifications of Huang Xiaolong, and according to the rules, penalize the 100,000 high-order holy spirit jade.

The silence is gone, the ancient emperor is broken, and the saints, Bai Moyang, all look at Huang Xiaolong.

Just when everyone thought that the old man would announce the result, the old man was a smile, and he waved his hand to Cao Nan: "No hurry." Then he turned to Huang Xiaolong: "Huang Xiaoyou, I don't know, what do you have to explain?"

Huang Xiaoyou?

Everyone was called by the old man, and the accident was over.

The entire sacred world, no one can get the name of the "old relatives" of the old man.

Huang Xiaolong nodded to the old man, then asked Cao Nan, cold eyes: "You said that I cheated, what evidence and evidence do you have?"

When Cao Nan heard it, he laughed coldly: "Do you still have to prove and evidence? Even many of the nine robbers and half-sacred days can't pass the blood test. You have passed a four-robbery and a half-sacred. Isn't this proof? Even many holy In the late stage of the situation, you can't enter the top ten. You have entered a four-robbery and a half-san, isn't this proof?"

Speaking of this, Cao Nan ridiculed: "Don't you have a four-role and a half-sacredness? Is it stronger than the late nine-day sacred? Is it stronger than the holy world?"

The demon palace, the ghosts of the holy land are all screaming, black sang, holy land alliance and other major holy places, the great ancient strongmen are also shaking their heads and laughing.

Huang Xiaolong ignored the ridicule of everyone and looked at Cao Nan: "You think that a four-robbery and a half-sacred is not stronger than a nine-robbery and a half-sacred period. It is not stronger than the holy world. It is your ignorance. Your ignorance does not mean that it does not exist."

Everyone is weird.

Even Tan Juan, Ji Xinyi is also a wrinkle.

Cao Nan angered and laughed a lot: "What do you mean by saying that you are stronger than many of the nine sins and the late sacred times? Is it stronger than the holy world?" When it comes to this, one refers to a sacred place in the evil spirits palace. "If you can defeat me as a disciple of the demon palace, I will admit that you are stronger than the holy world."

"How? Do you dare to compare with my demon priest disciples on the spot?" Cao Nan sneered.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the disciples of the evil demon palace and looked indifferently: "The holy environment is only a medium term, and I can defeat it with a backhand."

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