Invincible Conqueror

Chapter 2520: Do you know Dou Rui adults?

Zeng Ying found that Huang Xiaolong stopped there and stopped there. He didn’t escape. He couldn’t help but scream: “Huang Xiaolong, I let you run fast, you didn’t hear it?!”

She knows that Huang Xiaolong and Jiang Tian had a very bad relationship before. If Huang Xiaolong fell into the hands of Jiang Tian, ​​she could imagine how badly Huang Xiaolong would be.

When Huang Xiaolong saw that Zeng Ying was in a state of urgency, he couldn’t help but smile. It seems that the other party does not know his current situation, but think about it. I am afraid that Jiang Tian and Jiang’s family may not know.

Now, Huang Xiaolong’s name is Megatron, but not everyone knows that Huang Xiaolong, even the ancestors of the four holy heavens of God, Chu Ba, Long Daren and Wu Lao, have become famous for hundreds of millions of years, but now the Holy Land There are still many people who don't know four people.

This is not surprising. Many dynasty emperors like Zhuoyuan Holy Land, many Supreme Powers of the Supreme Family, and even their owners do not know who God is.

At this time, Zeng Ying, Liu Xinxin several women have fled to Huang Xiaolong, Di Huai, from the sword saints and so on.

Zeng Ying saw that Huang Xiaolong was still standing there, and he was so mad. After fleeing to Huang Xiaolong, he suddenly pulled Huang Xiaolong’s hand: “Crash!”

However, she pulled this and couldn’t pull it!

She found that Huang Xiaolong stood there, and it was as heavy as a Taikoo mountain.

Zeng Yingyi.

At this time, Zhuo Yuan Shengmen and Jiang Jiazhong masters chasing after him have already caught up, and surrounded Huang Xiaolong, Di Huai and others.

Jiang Zhulei, the elder of the Zhuoyuan holy door, stared at Huang Xiaolong and laughed: "It turned out to be you, Huang Xiaolong! It’s a great gift to take you back. It’s a great luck today, I’m lucky!”

"Congratulations to the elders!"

Some Zhuoyuan holy disciples laughed.

Zeng Ying hurried to Huang Xiaolong: "You fool, I just told you to escape, why don't you escape!"

Huang Xiaolong heard the words and smiled at Dihuai.

"Nothing, they are not my opponents now." Huang Xiaolong joked to Zeng Ying half: "I kill them, no effort."

This Zhuoyuan holy door elder Jiang Shilei, also the Supreme Eighth-order late stage, Zhuo Yuan Shengmen and Jiang Jiazhong master is the strongest Supreme seventh order, as for Zhuo Yuan Shengmen and Jiangjia’s hundreds of disciples, even more Not worth mentioning.

With Huang Xiaolong now four robbery and half-sacred peak strength, to kill Jiang Shilei and others, it is indeed a matter of effort, that is, a breath.

When Zeng Ying heard it, he was annoyed: "When is the time, you still have a mood to make a joke!"

When Huang Xiaolong entered the Zhuoyuan Holy Gate, even the supreme position was not, how could it be Jiang Shilei's supreme high-order opponents? Not to mention anything that is effortless.

Jiang Shilei listened to Huang Xiaolong saying that killing himself is not a waste of effort. It is also fun: "Huang Xiaolong, you said that you can kill me without any effort. I will stand still now, let you shoot, if you can hurt me, don’t It’s half a hair, I’ll consider giving you a chance to escape.”

Zhuo Yuan Shengmen and Jiang Jiazhong master laughed.

"Don't say Jiang Elder, it is any one of us, he can't hurt half a hair!" Jiang's master laughed.

When Chiang’s old man was born, Huang Xiaolong descended to Jiang’s home. The Jiang family master had seen Huang Xiaolong and knew what strength and realm Huang Xiaolong was at the beginning.

From the saints of the sword, Chen Zhizhi heard the seven holy places, and he was about to shoot. Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and stopped it.

Huang Xiaolong looked at the Jiang family master and raised his hand and saw that the Jiang family master suddenly exploded. The sound of "呯" turned into a **** fog.

Blood and rain are flying.

The original Zhuo Yuan Shengmen and Jiang Jiazhong masters who were laughing were shocked and stopped laughing.

Everyone looked at the **** fog and stayed awkward, including Zeng Ying and Liu Xinxin.

Although this Jiang family master is not the supreme high-order, but it is also the peak of the third-order late stage of the Supreme, Huang Xiaolong actually shot it to explode!

One blow, die!

This is not only the injury of a half of the hair, but the whole body's hair is bursting.

Jiang Shilei came back to God and stared at Huang Xiaolong: "Your strength has broken through to the middle of the Supreme!"

And at least the Supreme Sixth Order, otherwise, it is impossible to kill a Supreme third-order late peak so easily.

Supreme mid-level? Zeng Ying, Liu Xinxin, a few women looked at Huang Xiaolong strangely.

In less than a hundred years, it has broken through from the dominant peak to the middle of the Supreme! This is simply!

"No wonder you dare to be so arrogant, there is no fear!" Jiang Shilei smiled coldly, and then his eyes fell on Dihuai, a few people away from the sword saint: "They are the masters you recruited?"

Speaking of this, to Dihuai, a few people from the sword saint: "I advise a few people to roll now, don't leave this for Huang Xiaolong, tell you, now we are the guardian of Jiang Tianshao, who is serving the evil spirits palace. Dou Rui’s master is doing things, Master Dou Rui, you know, it’s the six evil demons of the demon palace, and many of the holy gate masters have seen many of the sacred masters, and they must respect the name of Dou Rui adults!”

Di Huai, a few people from the sword saint, could not help but laugh.

"Dou Rui adults?" Dihuai smiled and said: "We know."

The result of the blood trial, Di Huai, a few people away from the sword saint will not know.

Jiang Shilei listened to Di Huai and said that Dou Rui, smiled: "Since you know Dou Rui adults, that's good, then, you are going to work for us, Jiang Tianshao, to do things for our Jiang Tianshao masters. The Lord met with Dou Rui, who would say a few words to you in front of Dou Rui."

Di Huai, a few people from the sword saint laughed, they couldn’t help it.

Jiang Shilei met Di Huai, and several people from the sword saint suddenly laughed and laughed inexplicably. The brow wrinkled and was about to open. Suddenly, Huang Xiaolong raised his hand and held a palm, and Jiang Shilei felt a horrible force. Life will crush the space around him. In an instant, he seems to hear the cracking of the internal organs.

Then, it was the bones of the whole body, and then he lost consciousness.


I saw Jiang Shilei being pinched by Huang Xiaolong.

Zhuo Yuan Shengmen and Jiang Jiazhong masters looked stunned, incredible, Zeng Ying, Liu Xinxin, a few people with round eyes, motionless.

"You, you actually killed the elder Ginger?!" For a long time, a master of the seventh rank of the Jiang family supremely looked at Huang Xiaolong with horror and anger: "You are bold and against you!"

However, before he finished, he was waved and swept by Huang Xiaolong. The Jiang family master shot back and broke into the distant mountains, which had already broken into a beach.

"Noisy!" Huang Xiaolong indifferent.

Zhuo Yuan Shengmen and Jiang Jiazhong masters were furious.

“Everyone started!” said a master of Zhuoyuan’s holy door.

Suddenly, Zhuo Yuan Shengmen and hundreds of Jiangjia masters rushed to Huang Xiaolong, but they just moved, and suddenly, the sword saints burst into flames, and instantly twisted Zhuoyuan Shengmen and Jiang’s hundreds of masters into one piece. Blood fog.

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